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Koliko je ovo sve zdravo? :: TechZone :: Ergonomija :: Koliko je ovo sve zdravo?

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Član broj: 12673
Poruke: 225


+1 Profil

icon Koliko je ovo sve zdravo?06.03.2005. u 18:46 - pre 243 meseci
Koliko je zdravo imati AP pored glave ili cak u istoj sobi, imam osjecaj d aosjetim pritisak u glavi kad ga upalim, sta vi mislite ??
Kome nevalja zna đe su vrata!!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Koliko je ovo sve zdravo?06.03.2005. u 19:03 - pre 243 meseci
He, he... moj je na krovu... deli nas 50m kabla i 5 spratova

Neznam koliko je bezbedno, ali moje misljenje je da je stetnost zanemarljiva - ako je uopste i ima (sve je stetno - pusenje, smog, hrana... McDonalds/CocaCola pa je i pored toga rado konzumiramo). Vec bi se culo nesto o tome. Mnogo veci problem su GSM mreze i mobilni telefoni, kao i raznorazni linkovi (milicija, RTS, vojska, radio linkovi itd...) koji pice preko nasih glava...

Elem, i ja bi voleo da saznam vise o potecialnoj stetnosti... pa ako je neko nasao nesto na netu, nek stavi ovde.
Odgovor na temu

46°05'N 19°39'E

Član broj: 24964
Poruke: 987

+680 Profil

icon Re: Koliko je ovo sve zdravo?06.03.2005. u 20:38 - pre 243 meseci
Uzeto iz User Manual-a moje Pheenet kartice:


Regulatory notes and statements

Wireless LAN, Health and Authorization for use
Radio frequency electromagnetic energy is emitted from Wireless LAN
devices. The energy levels of these emissions however are far much less than
the electromagnetic energy emissions from wireless devices like for example
mobile phones. Wireless LAN devices are safe for use frequency safety
standards and recommendations. The use of Wireless LAN devices may be
restricted in some situations or environments for example:
·On board of airplanes, or
·In an explosive environment, or
·In case the interference risk to other devices or services is perceived or
identified as harmful
In case the policy regarding the use of Wireless LAN devices in specific
organizations or environments (e.g. airports, hospitals, chemical/oil/gas
industrial plants, private buildings etc.) is not clear, please ask for
authorization to use these devices prior to operating the equipment.


FCC Radio Frequency Exposure statement
This Wireless LAN radio device has been evaluated under FCC Bulletin OET
65 and found compliant to the requirements as set forth in CFR 47 Sections
2.1091, 2.1093, and 15.247 (b) (4) addressing RF Exposure from radio
frequency devices. The radiated output power of this Wireless LAN device is
far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, this device
shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during
normal operation is minimized.
When nearby persons has to be kept to ensure RF exposure compliance, in
order to comply with RF exposure limits established in the ANSI C95.1
standards, the distance between the antennas and the user should not be less
than 20 cm.

FCC Interference

A man is smart. People are stupid.
Odgovor na temu :: TechZone :: Ergonomija :: Koliko je ovo sve zdravo?

[ Pregleda: 7327 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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