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Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16751

+7202 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?30.01.2025. u 14:51 - pre 42 dana i 6h
Evo oglasila se i katolicka crkva :-))))


AI and Our Relationship with God

104. Technology offers remarkable tools to oversee and develop the world’s resources. However, in some cases, humanity is increasingly ceding control of these resources to machines. Within some circles of scientists and futurists, there is optimism about the potential of artificial general intelligence (AGI), a hypothetical form of AI that would match or surpass human intelligence and bring about unimaginable advancements. Some even speculate that AGI could achieve superhuman capabilities. At the same time, as society drifts away from a connection with the transcendent, some are tempted to turn to AI in search of meaning or fulfillment—longings that can only be truly satisfied in communion with God.[194]

105. However, the presumption of substituting God for an artifact of human making is idolatry, a practice Scripture explicitly warns against (e.g., Ex. 20:4; 32:1-5; 34:17). Moreover, AI may prove even more seductive than traditional idols for, unlike idols that “have mouths but do not speak; eyes, but do not see; ears, but do not hear” (Ps. 115:5-6), AI can “speak,” or at least gives the illusion of doing so (cf. Rev. 13:15). Yet, it is vital to remember that AI is but a pale reflection of humanity—it is crafted by human minds, trained on human-generated material, responsive to human input, and sustained through human labor. AI cannot possess many of the capabilities specific to human life, and it is also fallible. By turning to AI as a perceived “Other” greater than itself, with which to share existence and responsibilities, humanity risks creating a substitute for God. However, it is not AI that is ultimately deified and worshipped, but humanity itself—which, in this way, becomes enslaved to its own work.[195]

Deluje da su se uplasili od konkurencije :-)
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
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Član broj: 337011
Poruke: 4

+1 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?03.02.2025. u 15:06 - pre 38 dana i 6h
DeepSeek-R1 Dynamic 1.58-bit trci (ili bolje reci puzi) na mom potrosackom hardveru: 1.5 t/s na 5950x/128GB DDR4/RTX3090

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Član broj: 187539
Poruke: 2970

+764 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?04.02.2025. u 17:36 - pre 37 dana i 3h
Postoji li mogućnost da se pusti "distribuirano", na primer na 32 računara? U pitanju su neke bazne konfiguracije i5, 32GB ram i RTX-3060 12GB.

Znam da postoji čak i neko MS rešenje za distribuirano treniranje NN, možda DeepSpeed, ali nigde nisam našao primer kako to sve namestiti, kao da se niko praktično nije bavio time, pošto je tu LAN usko grlo čak i kada GPU podržava direktno komunikaciju sa LAN čipom na ploči (GPUdirect RDMA).
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.
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Aleksandar Pantić

Član broj: 214959
Poruke: 801

+164 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?10.02.2025. u 05:49 - pre 31 dana i 15h
Meta AI Demos: Explore future possibilities with AI Try experimental demos featuring the latest AI research from Meta
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Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16751

+7202 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?10.02.2025. u 10:34 - pre 31 dana i 10h
Postoji li mogućnost da se pusti "distribuirano", na primer na 32 računara? U pitanju su neke bazne konfiguracije i5, 32GB ram i RTX-3060 12GB.

Znam da postoji čak i neko MS rešenje za distribuirano treniranje NN, možda DeepSpeed, ali nigde nisam našao primer kako to sve namestiti, kao da se niko praktično nije bavio time, pošto je tu LAN usko grlo čak i kada GPU podržava direktno komunikaciju sa LAN čipom na ploči (GPUdirect RDMA).

Distribuirano treniranje velikih LLM-ova je problematicno zato sto moras da razmenjujes parametre posle update-a, sto znaci ogroman saobracaj, da nije tako imali bi vec nesto tipa SETI@Home samo za SOTA LLM-ove. Dzaba sav hardver kad si blokiran dok se nodovi ne update-uju da imaju nove parametre.

Kao sto imamo tiraniju raketne jednacine u fizici, ovde imamo tiraniju informacione teorije :-)

Distribuirani inference je malo laksi problem... imas vec hobi projekata gde ljudi uvezuju one MacBook Studio kutijice - tu vec mozes da rasparcas model ili na slojeve ili kod MoE implementacija - eksperte. MoE je interesantno resenje gde je u svakom momentu aktivan jedan ekspert sto npr. DeepSeek R1 lepo koristi.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 337011
Poruke: 4

+1 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?07.03.2025. u 20:24 - pre 6 dana
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Living Light

Član broj: 331540
Poruke: 8364

+1243 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?07.03.2025. u 22:02 - pre 5 dana i 23h

Odgovor na temu :: MadZone :: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?

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