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Član broj: 32
Poruke: 7781

+6455 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm25.01.2008. u 16:26 - pre 203 meseci
Naslov na tickeru CNN-a:
"Djokovic thrashes Federer at Australian Open"
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design, prepress
KG, Leka's puddle

Član broj: 44560
Poruke: 88

+5 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm25.01.2008. u 17:14 - pre 203 meseci
"Try walking in my shoes, you'll stumble in my footsteps"
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Član broj: 22809
Poruke: 7536

+401 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm25.01.2008. u 21:40 - pre 203 meseci
Gosn. Federer je ovo baš, baš teško podneo.
Toliko teško da se u intervjuu nakon meča, na trenutke poneo baš kao kreten. U mojim očima je, nakon ovog, pao jako nisko. Nimalo džentlmenski. Više jadno.

Roger Federer 25.01.08
Friday, 25 January, 2008

Transcribed Interview

Q. What made the difference, Roger?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, it was a tough match, I thought. You know, a lot of ups and downs, like the usual matches we have actually against each other. It always comes and goes.

But I think he made the more important points today. It was a bit unfortunate for me, but he did play well and served really well when he had to.

Q. He played very well, obviously. But do you think your standard was as high as it always has been?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, look, I told you, it depends a lot on day form. You can't always, you know, play your best or, you know, the opponent doesn't always play the same way either.

There's no doubt I've played better in my life. That's for sure, you know. I've not been really serving like the way I wanted to, you know, maybe the last few matches. But maybe served too many aces against Tipsarevic, so I didn't have any more left (smiling).

Look, it happens. But he covered the court well. He didn't give me much. So that obviously played a role in the way I played tonight. But, you know, I wasn't completely satisfied.

Q. Was it more difficult playing him in the semifinal than in the final?

ROGER FEDERER: First round or finals, it doesn't really matter, to be honest. I have no preference or whatever. But he's come through the draw convincingly. He's been playing very solid. He had a tough draw, you know, if I compare it to maybe Rafa's. So he absolutely deserves to be in the final.

Q. Do you think he'll go on and win the final now?

ROGER FEDERER: I don't care really.

Q. Do you feel you were moving as well as you usually do?

ROGER FEDERER: No, I don't. I didn't think I was moving that great, you know. I think I played really well the first two matches, you know, in terms of movement also. You know, I don't know if the surface got a bit quicker.

I definitely wasn't as good on the defensive like I usually am. I couldn't come up with the passing shot when I needed to. Yeah, that definitely hurt me, especially today.

Q. Do you put it down to anything tonight, or is it just one of those nights, as you say?

ROGER FEDERER: No, I mean, look, I've had 15 minutes to reflect on the match, so I can't tell you much yet.

But there's some sort of a disappointment. But, you know, from the spirit, the way I fought, the way I tried, it's all I could give, you know. When you give a hundred percent, you know, you're sort of happy with your performance. It can't always go your way. I know that.

I've won, many, many times when I didn't expect myself to win. So tonight's one of those nights where you're a little bit disappointed. But it's going to go over and I'm going to look forward to the rest of the year.

Q. Can you measure his improvement at all? Has he improved that much?

ROGER FEDERER: No, I think he's played pretty much the same, you know, for the last let's say nine months or so, or last year. He's had a good start to the year, as well.

Yeah, it comes down to a few points here and there. That's what I told you beforehand, so that's what happened today.

Q. You were one break up in the first set. That was probably the moment when you should have...

ROGER FEDERER: Well, we all know if I would have served it out the match would have been a bit different. Sure, he could have come back and still beaten me, but circumstances of would have been different. He wouldn't have played that freely in the second set. He usually doesn't play that well.

That was unfortunate for me. You know, I paid the price twice, not only losing the set, but also the second set. You know, I missed many opportunities the third set.

But, like I said, he came up with some great shots, some great serves, and, you know, saved himself that way.

Q. Do you look back now and think about the preparation a couple weeks ago and the illness? Was that having a lingering effect at all on your game throughout this tournament?

ROGER FEDERER: Look, I don't know, seriously. I'll definitely reflect on what happened. You know, I mean, considering, you know, my illness, I'm sort of happy with the result here.

Of course, I've created a monster, so I know I need to always win every tournament. But semis is still, you know, pretty good. But, yeah, I'll analyze and see if I have to make changes for next year. But, honestly, I think I did play pretty good.

I didn't play my best throughout the championships, but it was pretty solid, so it was okay.

Q. You don't really feel like you've created a monster, do you?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, some sort of, yeah.

Q. Can you elaborate on that?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, winning every other week, you know, lose a set and people say I'm playing bad. So it's my own mistake, I guess.

Q. Do you need to be able to shut that out more?

ROGER FEDERER: Not at all, no. I got used to it by now.

Q. Justine said after her loss to Sharapova that she suffered from the pressure of being unbeatable for such a long time and people always expecting her to win. Is that something you sometimes experience?

ROGER FEDERER: I experienced it maybe going into Indian Wells last year. I think it was an incredible streak then, 40 something wins. Everybody was talking about the Vilas streak.

I don't know if that put me under pressure. But it's not easy coming out every week for sure trying to win. But you'll always run into fellow top 10 players or other guys who are on a streak or on a hot run or surprise you. That's the difficulty about tennis, you know.

I've had it for a long, long time, you know. I've had to deal with all sort of different streaks. I didn't feel particular pressure at all tonight, no.

Q. Do you think if you were a little slower than usual, as you say, it could be because of the virus you had or the preparation coming in?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, obviously the approach has been unique this year, you know. It's the first time I've been ill before a Grand Slam. I would still rather have it before than during, that's for sure.

But maybe it did have. I answered the question already before. It might have had an effect on my movement, I don't know. But I definitely didn't feel as quick, you know, as some other times. I practiced really hard. I can't practice much harder in the off‑season, you know, so I did everything the right way. And maybe I did pay the price for being a little bit ill.

You know, I like to give credit to my opponent, as well. I don't want to blame it too much on my own play. He came up with the shots at the right time, and that's all I can say really.

Q. Will you watch the final?

ROGER FEDERER: I don't know if I'm here, so we'll see.

Q. If you're away, will you try and find it on a television station somewhere?


Q. Did you feel during the match that there might be a moment you would seize control, or did you always feel you were playing catch‑up after the first set?

ROGER FEDERER: Well, like I said, the second set he started just unloading. You know, that's not usually what he does. He can, obviously, and play aggressive. But, you know, not on every shot. The way he played, he picked up every serve.

It was fantastic, you know. He did play great.

Like I said, it cost me the match, maybe not serving it out the first set. That's what happens sometimes when you don't take your chances early on: you'll pay the price later on. That's what happened for me against Tipsarevic almost. I just got out of that one.

Definitely didn't play my best on big points. That's been sort of something that's stuck with me throughout the championships maybe. But, look, it happens. I've done it so many times it went my way. It's okay. Unfortunately it goes the other way, too, sometimes.

IZVOR: Zvanični sajt AO

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Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden

Član broj: 4312
Poruke: 3379

+1365 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm25.01.2008. u 21:46 - pre 203 meseci
Federer je oduvijek bio takav, i iako prepotentno nista ovo nije posebno netacno. Covjek svakako nije bio na svom nivou. Sto je opet sigurno i Djokoviceva zasluga dobrim dijelom, but still...
Sta je tebi tacno zasmetalo u ovom intervuju?
Beneath civilization's fragile crust, cold chaos churns...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 22809
Poruke: 7536

+401 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm25.01.2008. u 21:47 - pre 203 meseci
Vidim da nisi pročitao sve odgovore.

Odgovor na temu

Pomocni radnik na gradjevini

Član broj: 138226
Poruke: 281

+5 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm25.01.2008. u 22:42 - pre 203 meseci
Federer govori onako kako i treba da govori kralj tenisa.

Novak jeste nas, ali braco Srbi budimo i realni. Zar samo od jedne pobede Federer treba da padne na kolena Novaku ? Ima Novak jos da pojede dzak soli dok ne stane na Federerovo mesto, ako ikad i stane.
102>77+30+20 !
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 39200
Poruke: 1010

+252 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm25.01.2008. u 22:57 - pre 203 meseci
Pneos: Federer govori onako kako i treba da govori kralj tenisa.

Novak jeste nas, ali braco Srbi budimo i realni. Zar samo od jedne pobede Federer treba da padne na kolena Novaku ? Ima Novak jos da pojede dzak soli dok ne stane na Federerovo mesto, ako ikad i stane.

Nece da padne odjednom, ali ovo je pocetak. Cini se da lagano dolazi smena na vrhu...

Novac Djokovic ce dugo biti prvi na listi.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 45642
Poruke: 46


icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm26.01.2008. u 01:14 - pre 203 meseci
Za sve ljubitelje tenisa snimak N. Djokovic - R. Federer



File Size: 3854897156 ( 3.59 GB )
Program Duration: 02:09:55.09
File Type: PS - MPEG2
Encoding: MPEG 2
Encoding Dimensions: 704 x 576
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Frame Rate: 25.00 FPS
Bit Rate: 4.466 Mbps
VBV_Buffer: 224 KB
Profile: Main/Main
Progressive: Prog or Int
Chroma: 4:2:0
Audio Format: Layer 2
Audio Bit Rate: 96 Kbps
Audio Sampling Rate: 48000 Hz
Odgovor na temu

Emil Ranc
Hannover, DE

Član broj: 20995
Poruke: 1150

+294 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm26.01.2008. u 01:22 - pre 203 meseci
Zaista, StORM48, šta ti je zasmetalo u intervjuu? Molim, citiraj. "Najgore" što sam ja pročitao je ovo:

Q. Do you think he'll go on and win the final now?

ROGER FEDERER: I don't care really.

Iskreno, zašto bi ga se ticalo? Mislim, moglo bi da ga se tiče, ali šta ima veze ako ga se ne tiče

Sad sam video tvoj torrent na thepiratebay. Sa 128k up-om trebaće ti najmanje tri dana da uploaduješ torrent od 3,6G samo jednom leecheru, a pošto će ti se u startu nakačiti više, pitaj boga kolko će trebati da se skine
Naravno, pohvale za trud, ali mislim da bi bilo bolje da taj mpeg2 kompresuješ u XviD, ili, još bolje - x264, koji za jednaki kvalitet slike zauzima još manje od DivX/XviD-a.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Emil Ranc dana 26.01.2008. u 02:33 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

San Francisco

Član broj: 2447
Poruke: 1200

+1001 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm26.01.2008. u 04:36 - pre 203 meseci
Ni ja nisam uspeo da vidim bas nista nekorektno u intervjuu. Covek je posteno rekao da ga ne zanima sta ce biti dalje
u finalu, sto je najiskrenije sto je mogao i da kaze, a verovatno i najpametnije. Koje su druge opcije za odgovor na ovo
pitanje, a da nisu ili zasecerene ili pakosne ?

Jednostavan i korektan covek - to je moj utisak.
Odgovor na temu

jesus alejandro
jesus alejandro

Član broj: 11084
Poruke: 310

+9 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm26.01.2008. u 08:59 - pre 203 meseci
Sto se tice Federera, maksimalno korektan nakonmeca, nasmejao se, pruzio ruku Djokovicu i rekao da je zadovoljan svojom igrom iako moze i bolje. Ne znam sta je nekim ljudima sporno, valjda vole od svega da prave dramu. Za razliku od njega, Shara se zalila na Srpske navijace koji su bili preglasni, ali valjda je to posledica toga sto na tribinama nije bilo vise Rusa ;)

btw. Roger je bio i ostace teniski kralj, ipak jedna lasta ne cini prolece, i prosle godine je gubio meceve pa se odrzao na vrhu.
Prvo hopni pa reci skoč.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 44486
Poruke: 36


icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm26.01.2008. u 10:48 - pre 203 meseci
Ana je nazalost izgubila jutros od Marije Sarapove sa 2:0 u setovima, ali jos uvek ima nade , bar za Noleta.
BloodMage - " Pa sta da ti kazem: Imas klikere-igraj se "
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 19348
Poruke: 1020


+45 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm26.01.2008. u 11:37 - pre 203 meseci
rajco: Trbalo bi. Meni ce iznenaditi ako uspe da uzme vise od 7-8 gemova u celom mecu.

Nadam se da necu biti u pravu i treci put.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 22809
Poruke: 7536

+401 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm26.01.2008. u 13:49 - pre 203 meseci
Emil Ranc: Zaista, StORM48, šta ti je zasmetalo u intervjuu? Molim, citiraj. "Najgore" što sam ja pročitao je ovo:

Q. Do you think he'll go on and win the final now?

ROGER FEDERER: I don't care really.

Iskreno, zašto bi ga se ticalo? Mislim, moglo bi da ga se tiče, ali šta ima veze ako ga se ne tiče

To je lična nekultura i nepoznavanje bontona.
Pročitajte kako su neki teniseri ranije odgovarali na slična pitanja.

Čak i da ga ne zanima, od njega se, kao od nesporno velikog igrača, očekuje da iznese svoje viđenje finala, jer će ga 100% gledati, kao što svi teniseri rade. Ne zato što "obožava Đokovića" (niti je to potrebno), već zato što igrači i inače analiziraju igru svojih protivnika kad god to mogu. Takav odgovor, na ljudsko i pre svega sportsko pitanje (upućeno njemu, između ostalog i kao vrhunskom majstoru tenisa), je odraz nevaspitanja. Uopšte nema veze da li je u pitanju Đoković ili Pera Ložač. Potpuno je svejedno.

No, nema veze... vama to ne smeta, meni smeta i ćao đaci.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 61918
Poruke: 154

+101 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm27.01.2008. u 11:53 - pre 203 meseci
Ja lično mogu da zahvalim našim teniserima,jer sam zbog njih otkrio lepotu tenisa.
Sada vidim šta sam propustio,jer sam ranije smatrao da je to sport koji je dosadan za gledanje i krivo mi je
jer ne mogu da nadoknadim propušteno.
Sada mi nije lako da gledam kada naši igraju,jer se mnogo nerviram,ali i neverovatno mnogo uživam.
Kako je zadivljujuća fizička,a i pre svega mentalna snaga tih tenisera.
Jedan na jedan i sami su krivi ili zaslužni za ishod meča.
Evo Djoković vodi bitku sa Tsongom i POBEDA,POBEDA POBEDA
Kad bi mladost znala, kad bi starost mogla...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 167770
Poruke: 30

+10 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm27.01.2008. u 11:56 - pre 203 meseci
Tooooo caarrrrreeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 163032
Poruke: 265


icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm27.01.2008. u 11:59 - pre 203 meseci
najaci je!!!!
Odgovor na temu

Mitrović Srđan
Majur //: Šabac

Mitrović Srđan
Član broj: 10261
Poruke: 2800


+4 Profil

icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm27.01.2008. u 12:15 - pre 203 meseci
Bas sam se obradovao :)
Tony Melendez:


Odgovor na temu

Pozder Vladimir
tu i tamo uglavnom svugde

Član broj: 69968
Poruke: 32


icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm27.01.2008. u 12:18 - pre 203 meseci
B R A V O N O V A Č E !!!!!!

Neopisiv osećaj nije svaki dan ovakav, zahvaljujući T E B I eto nam impulsa i nove snage za dalji život i rad, hvala ti za sve prijatne momente, navijali smo za tebe do neba, i eto obistinile su se tajne želje da pobediš!!!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 44486
Poruke: 36


icon Re: Australian Open & Serbian Storm27.01.2008. u 14:48 - pre 203 meseci
B R A V O N O L E !!!

Svaka cast, Tsonga je uzeo jedan set ali srpski inat i zelja za pobedom je :) pobedila.

Samo neka tako nastavi i dogodine osvoji i preostala tri gren slema > > > UZ TEBE SMO!!

BloodMage - " Pa sta da ti kazem: Imas klikere-igraj se "
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