NADUVANA BABA odgovorna za UŽASNU smrt sopstvene unuke - ali oslobođena optužbe za ubistvo...
Dete je pokidao pit-bull njenog ujaka, koga je baba, u naduvanom stanju, pustila ukuću...
"Gospođa" (i baba devojčice) Žaklin Simpson, 45 godina, u NADUVANOM STANJU (popušila 10 DŽOINTA + pila alkohol), pustila u kuću PIT-BULLa, koji je devojčicu UNAKAZIO, sa 72 UGRIZA...
U "HIGH" stanju, "odgovorna" baba, konzument marihuane, bila nesposobna da izbaci psa napolje... Nesposobno se teturala, dok je pas i dalje trzao telo unakažene devojčice, u bari krvi...
"Simpson knew the 12-month-old dog, named Reuben, was dangerous - it had attacked twice before - and that Ellie's parents had banned it from the house when their daughter was visiting.
But in the early hours of New Year's Day Simpson allowed the dog, which was owned by her 23-year-old son Kiel, into her home."
"Simpson saw the dog "crying and whimpering" outside and, although she had been told never to allow it in the house with the child, she let it in.
Baba je ZNALA da je pas OPASAN... Jer je napadao 2 puta pre toga.
REČENO joj je da psa NIKADA ne pušta u kuću, dok je dete unutra.
""It's body was on top of her and her little legs was moving and it was shaking her. She shouted my name once, she shouted Nannie. I think it was her throat, it had hold of her, it just kept shaking her around. It keeps dropping her and picking her up. I was fighting with it, I was trying to get it off her . . . there was blood everywhere.
"I just dragged it out of there. I was screaming at it. That is when I phoned the ambulance and I just knew because I could see our Ellie lay there.
"I knew she weren't with us any more. She was covered in blood, all her hair and everything."
Pas je devojčicu uhvatio za vrat, i batrgao ju je... Devojčica mu je ispadala iz vilica, ali ju je ponovo "hvatao", grizao...
"Mrs Simpson had smoked 10 cannabis joints and drunk two bottles of wine at the time of the attack."
"Five-year-old Ellie was killed in the early hours of New Year's Day when Reuben, her uncle Kiel Simpson's pit bull terrier, locked his jaws around her body.
The animal, banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, inflicted 72 injuries on her.
Simpson, 45, denies manslaughter by gross negligence, arguing that she had no idea the dog, Reuben, would attack.
She was responsible for letting him in only minutes before the fatal attack.
Neil Flewitt, prosecuting, said Simpson knew the dog was banned, potentially lethal and forbidden from being near Ellie at the house in St Helens, Merseyside."
A ovo SIGURNO nije JEDINI slučaj UŽASNO RUŽNIH, GLUPIH i POTPUNO NEPOTREBNIH STVARI, koje su se desile zbog PATETIČNIH NARKOMANČINA, koji su ih izazvali zbog sopstvene potrebe da, preko marihuane, beže od realnosti, sa kojom nisu u stanju da izađu na kraj...
Umesto da POSETE PSIHIJATRA, da se SUOČE sa sopstvenim slabostima - pa da im marihuana ne bude potrebna.