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Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl :: Svakodnevnica :: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl

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Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16744

+7191 Profil

icon Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 14:13 - pre 181 meseci

Hahaha... Only in the U.S.A. :)


An Arkansas cop has been suspended after tasering a ten-year-old girl who repeatedly "screamed, kicked and resisted" when her mother attempted to get her to have a shower before bed.

Officer Dustin Bradshaw was called to a "domestic disturbance" in Ozark on 11 November, where he found the girl "curled up on the floor, screaming", according to his report.

Bradshaw wrote that the girl was "violently kicking and verbally combative", and noted: "Her mother told me to tase her if I needed to."

When Bradshaw attempted to arrest the child, she kicked him in the groin, so he gave her "a very brief drive stun to her back" of "less than a second", as police chief Jim Noggle put it. Bradshaw was then able to handcuff the subdued perp and she was taken into custody.

Noggle clarified: "We didn't use the Taser to punish the child - just to bring the child under control so she wouldn't hurt herself or somebody else."

The girl's mother, Kelly King, backed Bradshaw's action, telling local "I want to make this clear, I'm not calling them [the police] over here to handle my problem. I'm having them come over here to protect my daughter from hurting herself or hurting someone else."

Ovoj "majci" treba oduzeti dete, i kastrirati je kako dalje ne bi mogla da siri svoj imbecilni DNA... stvarno ponekad mislim da bi za roditeljstvo trebalo zahtevati dozvolu :)

Inace, pandur nije suspendovan zbog toga sto je zveknuo strujom dete od 10 godina - vec zato sto nije ukljucio kameru pre toga (interesantno je da se kamera ne pali automatski :-)
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Član broj: 37314
Poruke: 381

+128 Profil

icon Re: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 15:57 - pre 181 meseci
To im je sve od genetski modifikovane hrane
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Član broj: 122532
Poruke: 180

+32 Profil

icon Re: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 16:00 - pre 181 meseci
Ima toliko tema u podforumu Svakodnevnica koji nemaju veze sa svakodnevnim dogadjajima, a tema o imbecilnoj policiji koja jeste svakodnevnica nije tamo :)
Ljubav, mir & sir
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Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16744

+7191 Profil

icon Re: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 16:12 - pre 181 meseci
Eto, jel sad ok? :)
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
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Član broj: 199973
Poruke: 964

+11 Profil

icon Re: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 16:13 - pre 181 meseci
the_tosic: To im je sve od genetski modifikovane hrane :D

I hrana u Srbiji mi je nesto sumnjiva...
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Član broj: 156057
Poruke: 634

+7 Profil

icon Re: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 17:31 - pre 181 meseci
Kod nas je od vazduha.
Ovde su svi po malo viju-viju.....

Mada i ovi sto omame dete elektrosokom i onda je odvedu u pritvoru nisu bas cisti sami sa sobom.

Mala ima deset godina a odrastao muskarac, koji je i o obucen za to, ne moze da je savlda nego poteze omamljivac?????
Cime li hrane tu decu kada sa deset godina mogu da savladaju policajca i sateraju ga u cosak?
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46°05'N 19°39'E

Član broj: 24964
Poruke: 987

+680 Profil

icon Re: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 17:34 - pre 181 meseci
When Bradshaw attempted to arrest the child, she kicked him in the groin

Ouch... 10 godina kažete? Vrhunski parenting, nema šta...
A man is smart. People are stupid.
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Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 18:00 - pre 181 meseci
To je to odrastanje i vaspitavanje "bez primitivnih metoda"... :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 178292
Poruke: 758

+586 Profil

icon Re: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 18:20 - pre 181 meseci
To je dobro za primarne elektrolite, ravnaju se nervi, osveze se bubrezi i srce - ko zna, mozda postane zivi laser kao Biba The Electricity
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Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 18:22 - pre 181 meseci
mama tog deteta je zvala pandure za nasilje u porodici jer nije vaspitala kako treba dete pa da to dete kerovi malo primire?

@a1200 al dobro si rekao...sve je dopusteno tom detetu garant
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 122532
Poruke: 180

+32 Profil

icon Re: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl19.11.2009. u 19:06 - pre 181 meseci

"Her mother told me to tase her if I needed to."

Dobro je da majka nije rekla policajcu da moze da je upuca ako je potrebno ;)

Evo jos jedan video najboljih trenutaka plavih
Posebno me je zainteresovalo 2:10 (savrsen pokazatelj dokle ce vrsiti brutalnost)
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Odgovor na temu :: Svakodnevnica :: Arkansas cop tasers 10-year-old girl

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