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Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7194 Profil

icon CIA posetila WikiLeaks...24.03.2010. u 20:27 - pre 179 meseci


"Wikileaks announced on Mar 21 (via its twitter account) its intentions 'to reveal Pentagon murder-coverup at US National Press Club, Apr 5, 9am.' It appears that during the last 24 hours someone from the State Department/CIA decided to visit them, by 'following/photographing/filming/detaining' an editor for 22 hours. Apparently, the offending leak is a video footage of a US airstrike."

Hahaha, CIA shupci su se malo zeznuli, ovo ce sada da izazove Streisand efekat i lavinu PR-a na Internetu... Kako stvari stoje, poseta ce izazvati gadan backfire:


To those worrying about us--we're fine, and will issue a suitable riposte shortly.

We have airline records of the State Dep/CIA tails. Don't think you can get away with it. You cannot. This is WikiLeaks.


WikiLeaks rulez... pokazuju koliko danasnji vlastodrsci rade na ukidanju slobode govora. No passaran :)

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Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...24.03.2010. u 20:38 - pre 179 meseci
ups,ja sam mislio samo na site da su isli,a ne fizicki da su otisli kod njih
lol za udbasku akciju
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...24.03.2010. u 23:47 - pre 179 meseci
Cekaj bre, zasto bi 'cija' to radila, pa njihova funkcija je zastita slobode i demokratije od spoljnjeg i unutrasnjeg neprijatelja...
Mora da je neka greska, ipak slobodne medije blokiraju samo diktatori - a koje treba smeniti, i doneti narodu slobodu koja vlada u USA (a kakva zaista vlada se vidi na ovom primeru)

Postaje komplikovano, boli me nesto glava ... odoh ja da gledam CNN - to je pravi slobodni medij.

Nego, ovi iz wikileaks-a izgleda da imaju m00da. Moja pretpostavka je da ce uskoro neko od glavnih tamo da pogine na skijanju, dozivi saobracajku, srcani udar u kadi ili nesto sl.

[Ovu poruku je menjao a1200 dana 25.03.2010. u 01:25 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 62090
Poruke: 43

+10 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...25.03.2010. u 07:46 - pre 179 meseci
Zanimljivo je zašto se sve ovo dešava ?

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 47602
Poruke: 2239


+184 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...25.03.2010. u 07:55 - pre 179 meseci
Nego, ovi iz wikileaks-a izgleda da imaju m00da. Moja pretpostavka je da ce uskoro neko od glavnih tamo da pogine na skijanju, dozivi saobracajku, srcani udar u kadi ili nesto sl. ce i to da se napise na WikiLeaksu, sa nekim popratnim dokazima (ili bar spekulacijama), i opet ce se naci novih 10 ljudi koji veriju u "The truth is out there", koji ce isto to da rade dalje. A i neko ce naci (opet) neke dokaze da je CIA pratila tog coveka :))

Mislim da bi vlast mogla da postupi na drugaciji nacin ako bi htela da se bori protiv wikileaksa.... na taj nacin dostize samo jos veci Streissand efekt :)
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7194 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...25.03.2010. u 08:00 - pre 179 meseci
WikiLeaks je omrazen od mnogih i samo pokazuje koliko je bitno konstantno drzati vlast pod kontrolom bilo gde.

Oni su izuzetno pozitivna pojava za drustvo uopste, jer generisu nivo strepnje kod svih koji ucestvuju u necemu nelegalnom - nikad ne znas da li u svojoj organizaciji imas nekog ko ce to lepo proslediti WikiLeaks-u :-)

Nego, ovi iz wikileaks-a izgleda da imaju m00da. Moja pretpostavka je da ce uskoro neko od glavnih tamo da pogine na skijanju, dozivi saobracajku, srcani udar u kadi ili nesto sl.

Nece to ici, koliko mi je poznato WikiLeaks ima izuzetno puno ljudi koji ga odrzavaju i imaju gomilu tehnickih mera kako bi se distribuirao sadrzaj. Takvim potezom bi se samo jos vise popularizovao.

A da imaju m00da, imaju - nije ovo prvi put da to pokazuju :)



The New York Times deserves credit for having reported on the U.S. intel community’s plan to discredit Wikileaks a few days ago. More to the point, this should help to convince those who may be coming to this late to the game that, yes, this is legitimate. Our nation’s intelligence service has targeted this website for destruction, and is most likely carrying out some variant on the plan at this very moment.

Klasican Streisand efekat - kada je dospelo i do NY Times-a :-)

Inace, uvek je lepo videti crno na belo da su sve organizacije prisile prilicno slicne i da isto razmisljaju - bez obzira da li se radi o KPA u Severnoj Koreji ili US. Army... ispod slema mozga nema. Ali i bez mozga, taj "slem" je izuzetno opasan po drustvo ako se ne drzi pod strogom kontrolom javnosti.
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Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7194 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...25.03.2010. u 08:14 - pre 179 meseci

Najjace je sto je sam izvestaj US slemova o problemu sa WikiLeaks-om procureo na... WikiLeaks :-) Hahaha... to ipak vraca veru u drustvo - ocigledno svuda ima ljudi koji i dalje misle da sloboda nije iscezla. Cak i u U.S. Army :)


Pentagon 'is investigating Wikileaks whistleblower website leaking top secret documents

The Pentagon has been accused of spying on a whistleblower website that specialises in leaking top secret documents.

The US Army has already deemed Wikileaks a security threat to military operations.

That much is known because the online muckrakers posted the classified 2008 report from the Army Counterintelligence Center on its own site earlier this month.

The report also called for an investigation into Wikileaks to track down moles and demanded prosecutions to scare potential informants from contacting the rogue organisation.

But now Wikileaks - which won Amnesty International’s new media award last year - has issued a flurry of Tweets claiming its editors are already being investigated.

Judging from the messages, the site believes the probe is linked to its plan to make public unencrypted footage of an air strike in Afghanistan on May 7 last year that killed 97 civilians.

The Pentagon reportedly planned to release the video, but back-pedalled after it allegedly turned out to be more incriminating than at first thought.

Wikileaks has promised to reveal a ‘Pentagon Murder Cover-up’ at the National Press Club in Washington on April 5, although it hasn’t offered any further information about the event.

The most recent Wikileaks Tweets, in chronological order, read:
WikiLeaks is currently under an aggressive US and Icelandic surveillance operation. Following/photographing/filming/detaining.
If anything happens to us, you know why: it is our Apr 5 film. And you know who is responsible.
Two under State Dep diplomatic cover followed our editor from Iceland to on Thursday.
One related person was detained for 22 hours. Computer’s seized.That’s
We know our possession of the decrypted airstrike video is now being discussed at the highest levels of US command.
If you know more about the operations against us, contact
We have been shown secret photos of our production meetings and been asked specific questions during detention related to the airstrike.
We have airline records of the State Dep/CIA tails. Don’t think you can get away with it. You cannot. This is WikiLeaks.
To those worrying about us – we’re fine, and will issue a suitable riposte shortly.’

The Icelandic link is thought to involve Wikileaks involvement in helping to draft legislation that would help make the country a safe haven for investigative journalists by passing the strongest combination of source protection, freedom of speech and libel tourism protection laws in the world.

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Odgovor na temu

Srđan Pavlović
Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija MNRO
Vojvodina, Bačka Palanka

Srđan Pavlović
Član broj: 139340
Poruke: 5571


+382 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...25.03.2010. u 08:19 - pre 179 meseci
Bice, ko sto rece malopre, padova na skijanju... :)
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7194 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...25.03.2010. u 08:26 - pre 179 meseci
Pa kako ih jure jos od 2008... bilo je prilika :-)

Ubistvo nekog WL clana bi samo izazvalo lavinu kontra-efekta.

Pre ce biti da ce se slemovi koncentrisati na trazenje "krtica" u sopstvenim redovima - posto odatle i dolaze sve te informacije.

Tuzno je gledati, kako danasnja ekipa politicara i vlastodrzaca u toj zemlji gazi preko osnovnih tekovina i razloga za nastajanje te zemlje...

Kao sto je Benjamin Franklin rekao:


They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

I, naravno, bio 100% u pravu.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
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Član broj: 221581

+1 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...06.04.2010. u 01:22 - pre 179 meseci
Collateral Murder

5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff.

Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.

The military did not reveal how the Reuters staff were killed, and stated that they did not know how the children were injured.

After demands by Reuters, the incident was investigated and the U.S. military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own "Rules of Engagement".

Consequently, WikiLeaks has released the classified Rules of Engagement for 2006, 2007 and 2008, revealing these rules before, during, and after the killings.

WikiLeaks has released both the original 38 minutes video and a shorter version with an initial analysis. Subtitles have been added to both versions from the radio transmissions.

WikiLeaks obtained this video as well as supporting documents from a number of military whistleblowers. WikiLeaks goes to great lengths to verify the authenticity of the information it receives. We have analyzed the information about this incident from a variety of source material. We have spoken to witnesses and journalists directly involved in the incident.

WikiLeaks wants to ensure that all the leaked information it receives gets the attention it deserves. In this particular case, some of the people killed were journalists that were simply doing their jobs: putting their lives at risk in order to report on war. Iraq is a very dangerous place for journalists: from 2003- 2009, 139 journalists were killed while doing their work.

Evo kako americki heroji uvode "slobodu i demokratiju" u Iraku. Njima jos nema ko da sudi, tako da nema frke, ovo je samo kolateralna steta.
Wikileaks je zbog ovoga bio na meti CIA.
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7194 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...06.04.2010. u 09:03 - pre 179 meseci
Yep, svaka cast WikiLeaks-u. Zbog njih, ovakve stvari nece nestati vec ce pre ili kasnije biti problem za USA. Zato se USA vojska i trudila da ih sakrije po svaku cenu.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
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Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 55393
Poruke: 242

+133 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...06.04.2010. u 10:21 - pre 179 meseci
Ovakvi mozgovi iz "Collateral Murder" su ubijali ljude u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori 99, naravno zbog demokratije.
Bombardovna je kolona Albanaca negde blizu Peci(koliko se secam) koja je bila svadbena povorka, ubijeno je tada oko 60-70 ljudi. Pilotu se ucinilo da je to bila vojska u konvoju.
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7194 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...06.04.2010. u 10:31 - pre 179 meseci
Da... i najmodernije oruzje je i dalje - oruzje, i ubija i potpuno nevine ljude na kraju. Da ne pricamo o tome da je iskljucivo na ljudskoj proceni da li je neko "nevin" ili "nije" - a ljudi... grese a mogu biti i zli.

U Pakistanu svako malo njihovi UAV-ovi roknu civile.

Ono sto WikiLeaks radi je velika usluga celom covecanstvu, i njihovu velicinu ne mogu svi da shvate. Sada kada su stvari dosle na videlo, one nikad nece nestati. Pentagon nece moci da spinuje pricu kako zele, posto sada dokaz moze da vidi svako.

Tacno, vrlo je malo verovatno da ce danas neko odgovarati zbog toga... ali polako, stvari se samo nagomilavaju, i sto je vise ovakvih stvari u javnosti nekim bolesnim mozgovima ce biti teze da prodaju pricu o "pametnim bombama" i "borbi protiv terorizma" koja se vodi kroz ubijanje ljudi na svadbama i drzanje vojske u nekim vukojebinama.

Ti isti mozgovi su ujedno i najveci neprijatelji demokratije i ljudskih sloboda... to su isti mozgovi koji bi da prisluskuju sve ljude bez sudskog naloga, da zatvaraju bez prava na advokata zbog "patriot act-a" ili da skeniraju sve ljude sa X-ray skenerom na aerodromu...


All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing (Edmund Burke)

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...06.04.2010. u 14:45 - pre 179 meseci
Sta ti je Ivane? :)
Pocinjes da me zabrinjavas, mislim, kao da sam ja pisao odgovor (ili barem slicno :))...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 41900
Poruke: 354


+20 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...06.04.2010. u 23:30 - pre 179 meseci
..."Šon Tarner, portparol centralne komande SAD, tvrdi da je ubrzo nakon incidenta o kome je reč bila sprovedena istraga, koja je ustanovila da pripadnici vojnih snaga SAD nisu bili svesni prisustva novinara i da su verovali da dejstvuju protiv naoružanih pobunjenika. "Žalimo zbog gubitka nedužnih života, ali o ovom incidentu je odmah sprovedena istraga i nikad nije bilo pokušaja da se neki aspekti intervencije prikriju", kaže Tarner."...
Juce je proslost.....
Sadasnjica je tajna.....
Sutrasnjica je poklon
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 221581

+1 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...07.04.2010. u 03:32 - pre 179 meseci
NATO admits guilt in Afghan slayings
Published 06 April, 2010, 18:11

NATO spokesmen have admitted culpability in the Feb. 12 deaths of five members of a family, including two pregnant women and a respected law enforcement official.

NATO officials have admitted that there was a cover-up in the death of three women and two Afghan law-enforcement personnel in Khataba, Afghanistan on Feb. 12. Troops initially claimed that the victims died before the raid. A spokesman from Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s headquarters said that the women were found tied up, gagged and already dead. However, on April 5, NATO Spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Todd Breasseale said that the women died as a result of troops firing at the men.

The investigation into the incident shows that in addition to killing the women, soldiers attempted to cover up the deaths by digging bullets out of the bodies and washing them with alcohol.

“The original story that these women died in honor killings was shown to be a lie,” said journalist David Lindorff, who reported on the story. “I think what we’re seeing is them running death squads, going into these villages looking for Taliban. We never would have heard about it if they had found Taliban.”

Lindorff says that the implications for US operations in the country are serious.

“Every time you do an attack and kill innocent people, you’re going to have relatives who are really angry, and the Afghan culture is a culture of revenge so this is going to be a bad thing for the US military,” said Lindorff.

"US forces are definitely under more pressure to limit civilian casualties – trying to limit night raids, trying to limit airstrikes. There is an effort to try and behave in a way that makes international forces more appealing to regular Afghan people,” said Jerome Snarkey, a correspondent for the Times of London based in Kabul. “But there is still a sharp edge to the US forces here. Night raids are still taking place every week and the inevitable result of these operations is civilian casualties.”

Još kolateralne štete? Jbg. "sloboda" nema cenu (posebno kad "greške" ne mogu da se sakriju).
Odgovor na temu

milivoje t

Član broj: 230055
Poruke: 270

+726 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...07.04.2010. u 19:10 - pre 179 meseci
Ovo je strahotna egzekucija.
Setio sam se slucja Racka koji je bio povod za bombardovanje Jugoslavije '99. u cemu je razlika ?Pa ovi to isto rade i jos gore. Na kraju snimka taj pilot raketira protivtenkovskim raketama zgradu u koju je navodno usao naoruzan covek. Sravnise zgradu sa zemljom, a u njoj zivele tri porodice sa decom, pobijeni slucajni prolaznici.

Da postoji neka sila kao Ujedinjena Marsovska Alijansa i kaze zbog pocinjenog zlocina u Iraku izvrsicemo preventivno humaitarno laserovanje vojnih objekata i vojske USA, to bi bila prava stvar, ovako nikom nista.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...07.04.2010. u 19:43 - pre 179 meseci

Doaha 5 years old at the hospital after the attack on her fathers mini-van.

Sayad 10 years old at the hospital after the attack on his fathers mini-van.

Izjava pilota kad su mu trupe na zemlji rekle da su ranjena deca:
"Well it's their fault for bringing their kids into a battle."

Otac im je bio u kombiju, poginuo je, ziveli su od taksiranja (tj. kombi im je bio jedini izvor prihoda).

Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Chief Software Architect
Financial Intelligence Software Ltd.
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6044

+4631 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...07.04.2010. u 20:59 - pre 179 meseci
Pa rat je za neke postao video igrica, zato im je tako i lako da upucaju nekog na smrt sa velike daljine, isto su to radili od ranih teen godina u raznim igraonicama. komentari koje oni izvaljuju su identicni onima koje cujem kad prolazim pored lokalne igranice dok klinci pice countera ili nesto slicno. Sad, sto slika nije vise render vec live feed, jbg rodili se u pogresnoj zemlji
Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog
naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji
je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan,
sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4218
Poruke: 1994

ICQ: 82327428

+10 Profil

icon Re: CIA posetila WikiLeaks...07.04.2010. u 21:58 - pre 179 meseci
Jako mi je cudna cela ova situacija sa "Collateral Murder", zar ne mogu da instaliraju bolje kamere sa vecim zoom-om da prepoznaju RPG/Kalasnjikov kako treba? :(
Zasto su pucali u kombi uopste? Zar im se ne isplati da prate kombi gde ide pa onda da provere?

Sdruge strane, zasto novinari nisu imali slemove i pancire sa "TV" znakom?
Kakav hebani vozac dolazi prvi na mesto dogadjaja sa dvoje dece ?

Cela situacija je fucked up...

Svaka cast WikiLeaks-u na artiklu!
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