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Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!14.01.2012. u 14:38 - pre 155 meseci
Nemoj zaejbavati.
Edukacioni materijal za ludjake.

Blog lika koji za sebe kaze:
David Wilcock has made such some controversial claims most notably that he may be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.

A pokojni g. Cayce sebe predstavljao kao:
Edgar Cayce (/ˈkeɪsiː/; March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945) was an American psychic who allegedly had the ability to give answers to questions on subjects such as healing or Atlantis while in a hypnotic trance.

Samo se ti edukuj....
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Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!14.01.2012. u 15:45 - pre 155 meseci
Predložio bih svakom zainteresovanom da pročita ovo

Tu se mogu naći citati iz mnoštva izvora, naročito starih knjiga, zvaničnih podataka i istraživanja.

Počnite da čitate :)
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Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!15.01.2012. u 09:17 - pre 155 meseci

Jedna od referenci iz članka koja pokazuje "nezavisnost i objektivnost" medija. Kako se to uklapa u veću sliku? Pročitajte sami u linku koji sam dao :)
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Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!15.01.2012. u 11:37 - pre 155 meseci

The Fed Audit

July 21, 2011

The first top-to-bottom audit of the Federal Reserve uncovered eye-popping new details about how the U.S. provided a whopping $16 trillion in secret loans to bail out American and foreign banks and businesses during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. An amendment by Sen. Bernie Sanders to the Wall Street reform law passed one year ago this week directed the Government Accountability Office to conduct the study. "As a result of this audit, we now know that the Federal Reserve provided more than $16 trillion in total financial assistance to some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States and throughout the world," said Sanders. "This is a clear case of socialism for the rich and rugged, you're-on-your-own individualism for everyone else."

Among the investigation's key findings is that the Fed unilaterally provided trillions of dollars in financial assistance to foreign banks and corporations from South Korea to Scotland, according to the GAO report. "No agency of the United States government should be allowed to bailout a foreign bank or corporation without the direct approval of Congress and the president," Sanders said.

A more detailed GAO investigation into potential conflicts of interest at the Fed is due on Oct. 18, but Sanders said one thing already is abundantly clear. "The Federal Reserve must be reformed to serve the needs of working families, not just CEOs on Wall Street." - U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) - Izveštaj gore navedene komisije.

Svako ko želi može na osnovu ovih zvaničnih podataka da proveri sledeći deo iz članka koji sam linkovao.

Here is a small part of the letter where Congressman Alan Grayson spells it all out to John Hively, “The World’s Most Accurate Economic Forecaster Since 1989”.

CONGRESSMAN GRAYSON: I wouldn’t want anyone to think that I’m dramatizing or amplifying what this GAO report says, so I’m just going to list some of my favorite parts, by page number.

Page 131 – The total lending for the Fed’s “broad-based emergency programs” was $16,115,000,000,000. That’s right, more than $16 trillion. The four largest recipients, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, received more than a trillion dollars each.

The 5th largest recipient was Barclays PLC. The 8th was the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, PLC. The 9th was Deutsche Bank AG. The 10th was UBS AG. These four institutions each got between a quarter of a trillion and a trillion dollars. None of them is an American bank.

Page 205 – Separate and apart from these “broad-based emergency program” loans were another $10,057,000,000,000 in “currency swaps.” In the “currency swaps,” the Fed handed dollars to foreign central banks, no strings attached, to fund bailouts in other countries….

These currency swaps and the “broad-based emergency program” loans, together, totaled more than $26 trillion. That’s almost $100,000 for every man, woman, and child in America.

That’s an amount equal to more than seven years of federal spending — on the military, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, interest on the debt, and everything else. And around twice America’s total GNP….

If the Fed had extended $26 trillion in credit to the American people instead of Wall Street, would there be 24 million Americans today who can’t find a full-time job?
Odgovor na temu

Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!19.01.2012. u 14:18 - pre 155 meseci
Aha... isto kao i Dzulijan, Okupiraju Volovi Street, Zeitgeist 1..99, i sl.
Evo samo sto nije...
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!18.02.2012. u 00:40 - pre 154 meseci

Record $6 Trillion of Fake U.S. Bonds Seized

Italian anti-mafia prosecutors said they seized a record $6 trillion of allegedly fake U.S. Treasury bonds, an amount that’s almost half of the U.S.’s public debt.

The bonds were found hidden in makeshift compartments of three safety deposit boxes in Zurich, the prosecutors from the southern city of Potenza said in an e-mailed statement. The Italian authorities arrested eight people in connection with the probe, dubbed “Operation Vulcanica,” the prosecutors said.

The U.S. embassy in Rome has examined the securities dated 1934, which had a nominal value of $1 billion apiece, they said in the statement. “Thanks to Italian authorities for the seizure of fictitious bonds for $6 trillion,” the embassy said in a message on Twitter.

The financial fraud uncovered by the Italian prosecutors in Potenza includes two checks issued through HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA) in London for 205,000 pounds ($325,000), checks that weren’t backed by available funds, the prosecutors said. As part of the probe, fake bonds for $2 billion were also seized in Rome. The individuals involved were planning to buy plutonium from Nigerian sources, according to phone conversations monitored by the police.

The fraud posed “severe threats” to international financial stability, the prosecutors said in the statement. HSBC spokesman Patrick Humphris in London declined to comment when contacted by telephone. The U.S. Secret Service assisted the Italian authorities, spokesman Edwin Donovan said.
Money Laundering

Creating fake Treasuries is a “common scam, especially in Italy,” he said. The tipoff was the “astronomical” face value of each bond, he said. Fake bonds in high denominations are more common in Europe, where people are less familiar with the face value of U.S. Treasury bonds than in the U.S., he said.

Zurich’s public prosecutor’s office provided material to their Italian counterparts in Potenza in 2011, according to Corinne Bouvard, a spokeswoman for the senior public prosecutor’s office of the canton of Zurich. The Swiss part of the investigation ended on July 22, she said.

The Italian investigation initially focused on a Sicilian who was living in Potenza and was “already known for money laundering and exporting currency abroad,” according to the statement from the Potenza prosecutor’s office.

Phony U.S. securities have been seized in Italy before and there were at least three cases in 2009. Italian police seized phony U.S. Treasury bonds with a face value of $116 billion in August of 2009 and $134 billion of similar securities in June of that year.

The U.S. Secret Service averages about 100 cases a year related to bonds and other fictitious instruments.

Da rezimiramo:

Neko je u Cirihu u 3 sigurnosne kutije držao navodno lažne US državne obveznice, serije 1934, ukupne vrednosti $6 triliona.

US ambasada u Rimu je ispitala obveznice, koje su denominacije od po $1 bilion i zahvalili se Italijanima putem twittera. Twittera?! Wtf?!

8 uhapšenih je planiralo da kupi plutonijum od "nigerijskih izvora". Nigerijci prodaju plutonijum?

Navodno su napravili grešku kada su stavili prevelike iznose na obveznice. Zaista?! Jel ima neko nekakvo objašnjenje za ovo? Italijanska mafija pokušava od USA da uzme-naplati obveznice u vrednosti polovine nacionalnog duga. Ako je u nešto ovde teško poverovati to je da bi takva akcija ikada mogla da uspe. Mislim na to da se prevari USA. Kao nekome će da daju toliku basnoslovnu sumu novca?

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!18.02.2012. u 12:44 - pre 154 meseci;wfs=true&player=smooth

Počnite da gledate od 17:20:00. Veoma interesantno!
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!18.02.2012. u 13:05 - pre 154 meseci

Takođe i na RTS-u.

Zaplenjene lažne obveznice SAD

Lažne državne obveznice SAD, u vrednosti šest hiljada milijardi dolara, zaplenjene u Švajcarskoj. Vrednost tih obveznica jednaka trećini američkog nacionalnog duga. Policija pronašla i falsifikovan Versajski ugovor.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!20.02.2012. u 20:39 - pre 154 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!20.02.2012. u 21:22 - pre 154 meseci

Lord James of Blackheath calls for an investigation in the House of Lords in London on February 16 2012, using evidence gathered by the White Hat organization on banking corruption to the tune of 16 trillion dollars.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!20.02.2012. u 21:39 - pre 154 meseci

$2 Trillion in Fake U.S. Bonds Seized

Officials said today they have

seized more than $2 trillion in counterfeit U.S. Federal Reserve

bonds and arrested one suspect in the southern Philippines.

Police also showed reporters stacks of counterfeit Japanese yen and Argentine peso notes in various denominations, a few fake one-dollar bills and some other currencies seized Saturday.

Police and staff from the U.S. Embassy arrested a Filipino man in the southern city of Cagayan de Oro with the falsified currencies and U.S. bonds along with German and Argentine bonds — a total counterfeit haul of $2,157,044,400,000.

‘Very Good Quality’

The fakes were of "very good quality" but some of the bond denominations do not exist, said David Popp, a U.S. Treasury Department representative.

The U.S. bonds, totaling more $2 trillion, were in denominations ranging from tens of thousands of dollars to $500 million. The bonds of other countries were in denominations as small as $30.

Popp said the large bonds may have been meant for a major "lost treasure" scam.

"Very frequently these fraudsters weave a tale that there's these long-lost Federal Reserve bonds hidden away or found in a plane crash," Popp told a news conference.

The raid on the house also found two metal boxes from the U.S. Federal Reserve, said Nestor Gualberto, Philippine National Police superintendent.

Some Smuggled Out of the Country?

He said police charged Archie Mingoc with counterfeiting and were seeking five others. He said some of the bonds had been sold in the southern Philippines and that police were trying to discover whether others were smuggled out of the country.

"We know they were selling some bonds to very curious buyers — businessmen in the area," Gualberto said. "We're still ascertaining where they're coming from."

The raid follows two other large-scale seizures in Mindanao in December 1999 and February 2000, when a combined $110 billion in "good quality" fake bonds and currency were found.

Cagayan de Oro, 500 miles southeast of Manila, is in the southern region torn by at least three guerrilla uprisings.

Two Muslim separatist groups are fighting to carve homelands out of the region, while communist guerrillas are fighting to overthrow the government.

Strife in the poverty-stricken region also makes it home to kidnapping and other crime.
Odgovor na temu

19º 51' | 45º 20'

Član broj: 66890
Poruke: 434

ICQ: 274101221

+32 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!20.02.2012. u 21:42 - pre 154 meseci
Strasni su, navodno postoje cak i fabrike novca van SAD-a koje imaju dozvolu da stampaju novac u njihovo ime, naravno to su tajne kovacnice novca, sve se bojim da nije ovo jedna od njih...
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic.
Computers also eliminate spare time.
There were computers in Biblical times. Eve had an Apple.
Koristite Jabber
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!20.02.2012. u 21:47 - pre 154 meseci
Pitanje od trillion dolara :) :

Kome možeš da prodaš 8 trilliona dolara navodno lažnih obveznica (6+2 skoro zaplenjenih) a da pritom preživiš duže od 24h kada onaj kome si ih prodao sazna da nisu prave?
Odgovor na temu

19º 51' | 45º 20'

Član broj: 66890
Poruke: 434

ICQ: 274101221

+32 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!20.02.2012. u 21:50 - pre 154 meseci
Samo jednoj organizaciji,onoj koja je potrosila hiljade triliona,vise je potrosila nego sto je nastampano novca do sada,i to im apsolutno ne smeta, da li ce trositi samo dobru kopiju novca ili novac koji ne postoji isto im je. Federal Reserve Bank - najveca privatna banka na svetu :)
Backup not found: (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic.
Computers also eliminate spare time.
There were computers in Biblical times. Eve had an Apple.
Koristite Jabber
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!20.02.2012. u 22:17 - pre 154 meseci
Dobro to je mesto gde bi se ove obveznice mogle unovčiti. Na obveznicama i piše Federal Reserve. Ako se pogledaju fotografije obveznica primetiće se da na njima takođe pišu reči: gold bullion, što znači da se za njih dobija zlato.

Ali kome prodati te obveznice po nekoj nižoj ceni pa da taj neko pokuša da ih unovči kod FED-a? A pri tome ostati živ duže od 24h kada taj koji je kupio obveznice shvati da ne može da ih unovči kod FED-a.

Evo nekih slika:

Jel to na novinama piše Manila ? Samo što su ove slike objavljene mnogo pre ovog najnovijeg pojavljivanja navodno lažnih obveznica.

Gold Certificate.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 260194
Poruke: 195

+208 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!20.02.2012. u 23:45 - pre 154 meseci
A ko ce to da u roku od 24h eliminise neku ekipu mafia-e (italijanske, ruske, mexicke), yakuza, triad-a?
Nije niko smeo da dira one ruse i ostale kad su valjali superdolare a ne ove...
Pogotovo sto je imbecilima koji kupe 1B$ bond (verovatno za par % vrednosti) bolje da se sakriju/upucaju nego da s tim izadju u javnost...
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!21.02.2012. u 09:55 - pre 154 meseci
A ko ce to da u roku od 24h eliminise neku ekipu mafia-e (italijanske, ruske, mexicke), yakuza, triad-a?

Za odgovarajuću sumu novca, verovatno bi bio dugačak red plaćenika i profesionalnih wetwork timova spremnih da odrade posao.

Pogotovo sto je imbecilima koji kupe 1B$ bond (verovatno za par % vrednosti) bolje da se sakriju/upucaju nego da s tim izadju u javnost...

Pa nije baš da pošteni i naivni građani imaju toliko novca koje bi potrošili za tako egzotične investicije. Uostalom, ko je tu pominjao izlaženje u javnost.

Stavi se recimo u um tih koji pokušavaju nekom da zavaljaju parče papira za ogromne pare. I to ni manje ni više nego nekoliko trilliona. To je rang novca sa kojim barataju samo vlade nekih država, bankarske institucije i neki pojedinci i porodice čija se imena i imovinsko stanje ne pojavljuju ni na kakvim zvaničnim listama bogataša.

Nije dovoljno parče papira da bilo koga od takvih ubediš da to što imaš je autentično. Recimo, za njih nije nikakav problem da unajme eksperta koji će da proveri starost i originalnost papira na kome su odštampane obveznice, takođe eksperta da proveri starost i autentičnost kutija, koje možeš da vidiš na slikama, a u kojima se drže druge manje kutije u kojima direktno stoje obveznice. Ako bi se išta od toga pokazalo lažnim, potencijalni klijent nikako ne bi pristao na saradnju. A pritom bi verovatno bio iznerviran što su pokušali da ga prevare.

Takođe, ni to sve nije dovoljno. Potrebni su dalji dokazi da se obveznice mogu unovčiti. Znači, u kojoj banci i pod kojim specijalnim uslovima.

A takođe postavlja se i pitanje, zbog čega se na različitim mestima pojavljuju obveznice baš iz 1934 godine? Zašto baš ta godina?

Potrebno je barem 12 sati (znači jedno nedelju dana, deo po deo) da se polako pročitaju oni garganautski članci/online e-knjige što sam linkovao na početku, ali su vredni truda da bi se došlo do unikatnog opisa tajnog bankarskog sistema koji postoji. Takođe nedavni govor Lord James Blackheatha ukazije na postojanje ogromnih transakcija novca ($15T samo ka jednoj banci u V. Britaniji) o kojima se skoro ništa ne zna i ne raspravlja.

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!21.02.2012. u 11:23 - pre 154 meseci
Koristan članak:

Izvod iz članka, komentar autora:

Okay so in closing we have to remember:
Blackheath has laid out a full report on his investigations and is asking parliment to step in and set up a committee to look into this.
Hardly anyone from parliament stayed to listen to him – wonder why.
Riyadi says he was scammed and did not take 500M for his 15T in Treasury Notes – Who would?
The Federal Reserve has 15T to loan on books from the Riyadi transfer so it does a loan to Barlcays Bank of London and the Royal bank of Scotland of London
Blackheath does some unearthing and produces original copies of documents supporting his claims of this money transfer.
Money could not have been transferred through IMF if guidelines were followed and Treasury is not aware of this kind of transfer yet receipts for this transfer are real.
No one seems to know where the money is but it is on the books an potentially undermining London’s banking system and being used as leverage for a payout – to who is the question – the Federal Reserve????
Some things to ponder. Just last week a CEO of Royal Bank of Scotland resigns. The IMF director was replaced by Christine Lagarde not long ago. Iran just stopped sales of oil to the UK. It is suggested that the UK and the Federal Reserve have a relationship deeper than a mother and a daughter. Put this together with the fact that this is just one of how many of these that have or are going on and you might now know why so many bankers are resigning. Fraud is being exposed and arrests are happening all over the globe as we speak……..
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 260194
Poruke: 195

+208 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!21.02.2012. u 20:51 - pre 154 meseci
Ankalagon the Black: Za odgovarajuću sumu novca, verovatno bi bio dugačak red plaćenika i profesionalnih wetwork timova spremnih da odrade posao.

A oni navedeni vec imaju desetine hiljada koji vec cekaju u redu...
Ankalagon the Black: Pa nije baš da pošteni i naivni građani imaju toliko novca koje bi potrošili za tako egzotične investicije. Uostalom, ko je tu pominjao izlaženje u javnost.

Stavi se recimo u um tih koji pokušavaju nekom da zavaljaju parče papira za ogromne pare. I to ni manje ni više nego nekoliko trilliona. To je rang novca sa kojim barataju samo vlade nekih država, bankarske institucije i neki pojedinci i porodice čija se imena i imovinsko stanje ne pojavljuju ni na kakvim zvaničnim listama bogataša.

Nije dovoljno parče papira da bilo koga od takvih ubediš da to što imaš je autentično. Recimo, za njih nije nikakav problem da unajme eksperta koji će da proveri starost i originalnost papira na kome su odštampane obveznice, takođe eksperta da proveri starost i autentičnost kutija, koje možeš da vidiš na slikama, a u kojima se drže druge manje kutije u kojima direktno stoje obveznice. Ako bi se išta od toga pokazalo lažnim, potencijalni klijent nikako ne bi pristao na saradnju. A pritom bi verovatno bio iznerviran što su pokušali da ga prevare.

Takođe, ni to sve nije dovoljno. Potrebni su dalji dokazi da se obveznice mogu unovčiti. Znači, u kojoj banci i pod kojim specijalnim uslovima.

A takođe postavlja se i pitanje, zbog čega se na različitim mestima pojavljuju obveznice baš iz 1934 godine? Zašto baš ta godina?

Posteni i naivni ne, ali neposteni i alavi itekako. Jos ako 1B$ bond dobiju za 10-20-50 miliona, ma to se ne propusta.
Expertima se plati/zapreti, bankarima isto (osim ako bankari i sl. nisu i kupci).
Kakvo bre instant-unovcavanje, pa to i vrapci znaju da je skoro nemoguce i sa originalnim bond-ovima...
'34. se verovatno najlakse falsifikuje...
Odgovor na temu

Igor Gajic

Član broj: 93194
Poruke: 747

+987 Profil

icon Re: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!21.02.2012. u 20:58 - pre 154 meseci
Cela ta prica jako smrdi, sama cinjenica da je u pitanju 6000 milijardi dolara, da su iz '34.

PA KO MOZE DA KUPI TOLIKE OBVEZNICE. Bil Gejts, Karlos, Voren Bafet ?!? Drzava? Koja drzava sada ima rezervi da kupi tolike obveznice. Rezerve Kine su 3 000 milijardi $.

Takodje, na obveznicama ima zanimljiv detalj:

Odgovor na temu :: MadZone :: Tužba od 1 trilion dolara!

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