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Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Cemu sluzi beskontaktno placanje VISA karticama...29.10.2014. u 13:17 - pre 121 meseci
Ma može da se napravi uređaj da se očitava sa mnogo veće daljine od par cm, u naučnom radu koji sam gore okačio su napravili uređaj koji čita podatke sa kartice na rastojanju do 50 metara.

Contactless smart cards are used in access control and pay-
ment systems. This paper illustrates an attack which effectively al
lows an attacker to ‘borrow’ the victim’s card for a short period without req
uiring physical access to the victim’s card. As a result the legitimat
e owner will remain unaware of the attack. We show that our hardware success-
fully executed a relay attack against an ISO 14443A contactless smart
card, up to a distance of 50 m.

Odgovor na temu

Homer J. Simpson

Član broj: 307921
Poruke: 688

+923 Profil

icon Re: Cemu sluzi beskontaktno placanje VISA karticama...29.10.2014. u 17:20 - pre 121 meseci
Sumnjam da to moze u stvarnom svetu (na ulici , u nekom objektu i sl.).
Mozda u laboratorijskim uslovima.

Uzmes lepo onaj sleeve pa karticu u njega , njega u novcanik i nemas brige
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 253999
Poruke: 3837

+1376 Profil

icon Re: Cemu sluzi beskontaktno placanje VISA karticama...29.10.2014. u 18:59 - pre 121 meseci
Nisam paranoičan, samo sam realan.


Mene su pitali da li hocu PayPass kad sam prosli put menjao.
Moze da se trazi druga kartica.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 325059
Poruke: 3

+219 Profil

icon Re: Cemu sluzi beskontaktno placanje VISA karticama...30.10.2014. u 07:26 - pre 121 meseci
Beskontaktno plaćanje je uvedeno kako bi se sprečila epidemija svinjskog gripa.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Cemu sluzi beskontaktno placanje VISA karticama...30.10.2014. u 20:36 - pre 121 meseci
Pa pa paranoja. :)))

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 323334
Poruke: 315

+589 Profil

icon Re: Cemu sluzi beskontaktno placanje VISA karticama...03.11.2014. u 16:55 - pre 121 meseci
‘Major flaw’ discovered in Visa’s contactless cards: Thieves could bypass £20 limit to steal up to 999,999.99 - so long as it's in a foreign currency
The flaw was discovered in Visa’s contactless credit card system
Typically, a PIN needs to be entered to approve transactions over £20
Experts bypassed this limit when asking for money using foreign currency
They were able to approve transactions up to 999,999.99 in any currency
To carry out the attack, the team set up a rogue ‘point of sale’ and touched this terminal against the card
This terminal was able to attack the card even when it was stored in a bag
All a criminal would need to do is set up somewhere like an airport where the use of different currencies would appear legitimate, experts warned
Spokesman for Visa told MailOnline: 'We have reviewed Newcastle's findings as part of our continued focus on security and beating payments fraud.'
Added that research does not take into account the multiple safeguards put into place throughout the Visa system

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