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Separator humusa-pomoc! :: TechZone :: Separator humusa-pomoc!

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Član broj: 15355
Poruke: 2658

+363 Profil

icon Separator humusa-pomoc!13.06.2016. u 19:59 - pre 106 meseci
Hteo bih nekom odneti da mi napravi ovo sa snimka. Ima li neko ko bi mogao da prevede sa engleskog tacne nazive ovih "sastojaka" da bih mogao da ih nabavim:

(paint section)
4 - Five gallon buckets

(bldg materials)
1 - roll 1/2 inch mesh that is 24" wide (need 40 inches in length minimum)
1 - roll 1/4 inch mesh that is 24" wide (if using additional screen sizes)
1 - roll 1/8 inch mesh that is 24" wide (if using additional screen sizes)

10 - 1 inch PVC 90 degree elbows
9 - 1 inch PVC Tee fittings
5 - 1 inch PVC end caps
4 - 1 inch PVC pipe 10 foot lengths
2 - 1 inch PVC 45 degree fittings
1 - 1 inch PVC cross fitting (4-way cross)
1 - 1 inch PVC coupling
1 - 1 1/4 inch PVC pipe 5 foot length
1 - bottle PVC Primer (clear looks neater)
1 - bottle PVC Cement

8 - #8-32 x 1/2 inch machine screws w/nuts
8 - #8 fender washers
15 - #10-24 x 2 inch machine screws w/nuts (option - 4 of these are used for legs)
5 - #10-24 wing nuts (option - 4 are used for legs and 1 is used for axle)
6 - #10 fender washers
1 - 1/4-20 all thread (need 26 inches minimum)
12 - 1/4-20 lock nuts
8 - 1/4 inch washers
2 - 48 inch bungee cords (optional - needed if using additional screen sizes)
2 - small caribeener for bungee cords (optional - needed if using additional screen sizes)

1 - bag 8 inch black UV stabilized wire ties (zip ties - need 10-15 ties total)

1 - 1 3/8 inch hole saw with arbor

2 @ 13 1/2 inches (cross leg supports)
10 @ 6 inches (handle and chassis corners)
1 @ 41 1/2 inches (axle)
2 @ 29 inches (chassis sides)
12 @ 3 inches (leg feet and chassis leg slip nipples)
2 @ 21 inches (infeed legs)
2 @ 24 1/2 inches (outfeed legs)
2 @ 2 inches (outfeed leg 45 degree nipples
1 @ 7 inch (portion of handle that gets screwed to axle coupling)

--1 1/4 INCH PVC PIPE--
4 @ 6 inches (Legs slip attachment fittings)
1 @ 3 7/8 inches (handle spinner)

2 @ 7 inches from top rim
2 @ remove bottoms and cut lengthwise

1 @ 40 inches long for each size mesh

4 - 1 inch PVC @ 3 inches (feet)
2 - 1 inch PVC @ 21 inches (legs)
1 - 1 inch PVC @ 13 1/2 inches (cross leg support)
2 - 1 inch PVC end caps
2 - 1 inch PVC 90 degree elbows
2 - 1 inch PVC Tee fittings
2 - #10-24 2 inch machine screws w/nuts
4 - #10 machine screw washers

4 - 1 inch PVC @ 3 inches (feet)
2 - 1 inch PVC @ 24 1/2 inches (legs)
1 - 1 inch PVC @ 13 1/2 inches (cross leg support)
2 - 1 inch PVC end caps
2 - 1 inch PVC 90 degree elbows
2 - 1 inch PVC Tee fittings
2 - #10-24 2 inch machine screws w/nuts
4 - #10 machine screw washers

8 - 1 inch PVC @ 6 inches (corners)
4 - 1 inch PVC @ 3 inches (nipples between 45 degree and 1 1/4 inch leg slip)
4 - 1 1/4 inch PVC @ 6 inches (leg slips)
2 - 1 inch PVC @ 2 inches (nipples between chassis leg Tee and 45 degree)
2 - 1 inch PVC @ 29 inches (sides)
4 - 1 inch PVC 90 degree elbows
4 - 1 inch PVC Tee fittings
2 - 1 inch PVC 45 degree elbows
1 - 1 inch PVC Tee fitting drilled for axle
1 - 1 inch PVC Cross fitting drilled for axle
11 - #10-24 2 inch machine screws w/nuts
16 - #10 machine screws washers
6 - #10 fender washers
1 - bag of 8 inch black UV stabilized wire ties (zip ties)

2 - 1 inch PVC @ 6 inches (handle)
1 - 1 inch PVC @ 41 1/2 inches (axle)
1 - 1 inch PVC @ 7 inches (length that connect handle to axle coupling)
1 - 1 1/4 inch PVC @ 3 7/8 inches (handle spinner)
1 - 1 inch PVC end cap
2 - 1 inch PVC 90 degree elbows
1 - 1 inch PVC coupling
2 - #10-24 2 inch machine screws w/nuts
4 - #10 machine screw washers
8 - #8-32 x 1/2 inch machine screws w/nuts
8 - #8 fender washers
1 - 1/4-20 all thread (need 26 inches min)
12 - 1/4-20 lock nuts
8 - 1/4 inch washers
2 - 48 inch bungee cords (if using additional screen sizes)
2 - small caribiner for bungee cords (if using additional screen sizes)
1 - 1/2 inch mesh 24 inches wide @ 40 inches long (for each size mesh)

- miter saw (or pvc cutter)
- hack saw with metal cutting blade (could use jigsaw as well)
- tin snips or heavy duty scissors
- wire cutters
- tape measure
- 1 3/8 inch hole saw with arbor
- 3/8 inch drill
- 1/4 inch drill bit for all hardware except all thread
- 5/16 inch drill bit for 1/4 inch all thread pilot holes
- phillips screwdriver
- 7/16 inch wrench
- 3/8 inch wrench
- 7/16 inch socket and ratchet
- needlenose pliers
- vise grips (used while putting lock nuts on)
- tape
- dremel
- sandpaper
Use Your Mind. Or someone else will.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 40157
Poruke: 16558

+2955 Profil

icon Re: Separator humusa-pomoc!13.06.2016. u 20:27 - pre 106 meseci
Pa ovo je obicna sejalica od rabic zice i PVC cevi na lepak.

Mislim da je dovoljno da nekome pokazes sliku ko je vest da napravi, ne trebaju mu nikakve konkretne dimenzije.
Nažalost i kazna stvara naviku!
Nažalost i kazna izgrađuje stav!
Odgovor na temu

Java Beograd
Novi Beograd

Član broj: 11890
Poruke: 9861

+10432 Profil

icon Re: Separator humusa-pomoc!14.06.2016. u 08:33 - pre 106 meseci
Da bi pravio kompost potrebna ti je samo bilo kakva mreža koju ćeš da razapneš između 4 stubića (ili na bilo koju drugi način) - tek toliko da drži materijal na jednoj gomili. Jer kompostište i nije ništa drugo nego gomila otpadnog biljnog materijala.
Ja sam kompost pravio u starom plastičnom buretu, tako što sam izbušio mnogo rupa svud okolo, i na dnu isekao veću rupetinu, da mogu da vadim humus.

Bitno je samo nekoliko pravila:

1. Mora da ima vazduha. Ako nema onda umesto željenog truljenja (koje rade aerobni organizmi) počinje buđanje (koje rade anaerobni oranizmi)
2. Mora da bude vlažno - zalivaj povremeno
3. Nikako organski otpad životinjskog porekla
4. Dok ne počne proces kompostiranja, povremeno na gomilu baci malo zemlje.

Dakle, na gomulu bacaj svakojaki kuhinjski i baštenski biljni otpad, povremeno malo zemlje, povremeno zalivaj gomilu - i eto - za par meseci imaćeš humusa - ohoho. Pokupiš humus sa dna gomile, a višak, ili ono što nije nije do kraja istrulelo, ponovo vratiš na gomilu.

Ovo bre neki dokoni majstor uzeo da lepi cevi u milimetar precizno. Besposlen pop i jariće krsti.
OTPOR blokadi ulica, OTPOR blokiranom Beogradu, OTPOR blokiranoj Srbiji
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 15355
Poruke: 2658

+363 Profil

icon Re: Separator humusa-pomoc!14.06.2016. u 20:25 - pre 106 meseci
Ne treba meni kompost. Imam gliste i humus je spreman za "berbu". Ledja mi otpadose prosejavajuci ga kroz sito. Treba mi ovo sa snimka da olaksam posao.
Use Your Mind. Or someone else will.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 298367
Poruke: 8254

+5030 Profil

icon Re: Separator humusa-pomoc!14.06.2016. u 23:20 - pre 106 meseci
Uzmi perforirani lim i kod nekog alatnicara-strugara-masinbravara ,savije i zavari krug a kroz sredinu neka cevka za okretanje.

Da te ne asociram na kante po parkovima koje su rupicaste (perforirane)..
"Narod koji ne poštuje žrtve svojih predaka osuđen je na ponovno stradanje"
Odgovor na temu

Java Beograd
Novi Beograd

Član broj: 11890
Poruke: 9861

+10432 Profil

icon Re: Separator humusa-pomoc!15.06.2016. u 09:20 - pre 106 meseci
Okači sito da visi. Onda je mnogo lakše
OTPOR blokadi ulica, OTPOR blokiranom Beogradu, OTPOR blokiranoj Srbiji
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 15355
Poruke: 2658

+363 Profil

icon Re: Separator humusa-pomoc!15.06.2016. u 20:26 - pre 106 meseci
Problem je sto mora da se trese levo-desno, gore-dole da bi humus propadao. Nista necu olaksati ako visi. I ovde se prevrce kroz cilindar na snimku. Moracu nesto slicno smuckati
Use Your Mind. Or someone else will.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 40157
Poruke: 16558

+2955 Profil

icon Re: Separator humusa-pomoc!15.06.2016. u 21:28 - pre 106 meseci
Ja ne mogu da verujem da to nisi sam jos skucao bar od nekih letvi i rabic zice, pa makar bilo i cetvrtasto
Nažalost i kazna stvara naviku!
Nažalost i kazna izgrađuje stav!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 15355
Poruke: 2658

+363 Profil

icon Re: Separator humusa-pomoc!20.06.2016. u 12:02 - pre 106 meseci
Razmisljao sam da prvo napravim sa elektromotorom da se ne mucim. Posle godina lopatanja svega i svacega nemam zelju vise za teskim arbajtom
Use Your Mind. Or someone else will.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 325194
Poruke: 142

+2247 Profil

icon Re: Separator humusa-pomoc!23.06.2016. u 06:14 - pre 106 meseci
Pazi da ti gliste ne pobegnu dok napraviš sito !
Kome snaga argumenta leži u brisanju, tragovi mu nečoveštvom smrde.
Odgovor na temu :: TechZone :: Separator humusa-pomoc!

[ Pregleda: 3417 | Odgovora: 9 ] > FB > Twit

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