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Software Quality Assurance Engineer
Wireless Media

Član broj: 317274
Poruke: 459

+174 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina11.08.2021. u 09:48 - pre 38 meseci
Java Beograd:

Nova Dačija - klot + najslabiji motor = 8.000 € (nisam siguran, ali neka je toliko, zarad diskusije)
Ja kupio C4 II dve i po godine star, sa placa, mnoooogo opreme, baš baš mnogo, 1.6 Blue Hdi = 8.000 € Ispravan. Tražio je još oko 1.000 ulaganja, ali ne odma, nego postepeno: veliki servis, kvačilo, svi diksovi i pločice. Mali servis podrazumeva.

Od kupovine se osećam sigurno i udobno, a sad, sa ovako servisiranim autom starim 5 god, i Dačijom 2,5 godina - jasno je šta je bezbednije, udobnije, sigurnije ...

To je skoro nov auto, to se ne važi :) Prihvatljiva je opcija mlađi polovnjak do 3god takođe..

Evo recimo pre par dana sam gledao - nov Polo košta 15000e, a isti takav Polo u istom paketu opreme samo 2018o, sa pređenih 50000km košta 10000e. I onda kupiš tog polovnog, za još 1000 - 1500e mu uradiš veliki servis, staviš nove diskove, pločice, set kvačila i još po nešto na trapu i od kusura imaš za još jednog polovnog Puntića za rezervu :)
Odgovor na temu

Java Beograd
Novi Beograd

Član broj: 11890
Poruke: 9651

+10298 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina11.08.2021. u 12:46 - pre 38 meseci
Turmen: To je skoro nov auto, to se ne važi :) Prihvatljiva je opcija mlađi polovnjak do 3god takođe..

Uzgred, da se dopunim: auto nije "tražio ulaganja", sve je to bilo sasvim ispravno i korektno, ali ja sam za ove dve godine napucao još oko 50.000 km pa sam pomenute radove održavanja obavio.

Da. A, i inače, opšte je poznato da automobil drastično gubi cenu prve, druge, treće godine.

Toliko sam zadovoljan ovom kupovinom (manje od 3 godine star auto) da ću svakako i sledeći auto tako da nabavim.

OTPOR blokadi ulica, OTPOR blokiranom Beogradu, OTPOR blokiranoj Srbiji
Odgovor na temu

Nebojsa Milanovic

Nebojsa Milanovic
Član broj: 16
Poruke: 8527

+1364 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina11.08.2021. u 23:00 - pre 38 meseci
Da potvrdim isto iskustvo kao Java:

Većinu života sam (i moj otac ranije) kupovao isključivo nov auto, skroman, onakav kakav smo mogli da prouštimo.

Tek poslednjih jedva desetak godina sam počeo da kupujem polovne automobile i osim jednog nešto slabijeg komada (a jedino on je bio sa placa!), svi su bili izvanredni automobili čija cena ne može da se poredi sa cenom takvih novih komada.

Zaključak: verovatno nikada više neću kupiti nov auto, jer naprosto nema rezona. Dramatično jači/bolji a skoro nov auto mogu kuputi za iste novce, a obaška što ja lično kupujem isključivo najjače verzije svih modela.

Njihova cena kao novih je ogromna, dok su polovni malo a nekada ni malo skuplji od pasuljara. Meni je već samo to dovoljan razlog da ne pogledam nov auto, jer te verzije koje mene interesuju se kod nas novi ne mogu nabaviti ni za kakve (ili možda za enormne) novce.
Odgovor na temu

Software Quality Assurance Engineer
Wireless Media

Član broj: 317274
Poruke: 459

+174 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina12.08.2021. u 21:13 - pre 38 meseci
@Nebojša - Pratim ovu temu od početka, ispratio sam sve kupoprodaje. One automobile i da si hteo ne bi kupio nove, jer ih nije ni bilo u prodaji ovde :) Jedino ti onaj sportski Grande Punto nije trebao :)

Drugar je kupio Picassa iz uvoza, starog 3god, u nekom višem paketu opreme za 9500e, nov je koštao 25000e. Znam za još takvih primera, nedavno je kolegnica otišla do salona da kupi novog Clija, vratila se sa polovnim Capturom u višem paketu opreme po istoj ceni.

Ja sam za sebe kupio polovnjak star 15god od brata od tetke i drugi polovnjak star 10god preko oglasa, od prvog vlasnika u Srbiji, uvezenog na točkovima i oba rade besprekorno uz redovno održavanje. Ali sam uprkos tome zagrejan da mi sledeći auto bude nov.

Mada nisam gadljiv ni na dobre polovnjake. Auto star 3godine po ceni 2/3 novog ne može da bude loša kupovina. Kupi se auto, uradi se veliki servis, po potrebi zamene pločice, diskovi, set kvačila, paknovi i dobije se auto, na početku svog radnog veka, znatno jeftiniji od istog takvog novog. Naveo sam primer Pola starog 3godine koji se kreće oko 10000e, 2018e godine sam gledao Fiestu staru 2godine koja je koštala 7500e (nova na akciji je bila oko 10000e), sve u svemu ko ima malo veći budžet, mlađi polovnjak je najbolja opcija.

Odgovor na temu

Nebojsa Milanovic

Nebojsa Milanovic
Član broj: 16
Poruke: 8527

+1364 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina12.08.2021. u 22:25 - pre 38 meseci
Na ovoj temi su navedeni samo auto B segmenta koje sam kupio, glavnih ovde nema...

Btw, dobro si zapazio za tog Grande PUnta, možda je to bila malo kriza srednjih godina, malo eksperiment, dečačka radoznalost, ko će znati...on je taj koji je bio najslabiji i jedini sa placa, mada je i on i spolja i iznutra bio kao nov.

Polo 1.6 16V je puno bolji auto, iako je atmosferac. Nakon tih kupovina i direktnih poređenja mogu reći da sam skockao u glavi šta mi treba i šta cenim i ne cenim, ne verujem da ću više eksperimentisati.
Odgovor na temu

Software Quality Assurance Engineer
Wireless Media

Član broj: 317274
Poruke: 459

+174 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina13.08.2021. u 09:58 - pre 38 meseci
Nebojsa Milanovic
Polo 1.6 16V je puno bolji auto, iako je atmosferac. Nakon tih kupovina i direktnih poređenja mogu reći da sam skockao u glavi šta mi treba i šta cenim i ne cenim, ne verujem da ću više eksperimentisati.

Polo je extra, pogotovo sa tim motorom. Ja sam u suštini zadovoljan mojim sa manjim motorom, ali pošteno govoreći zafali mi taj jedan cilindar s' vremena na vreme. U svakodnevnoj eksploataciji, je sve ok, ali recimo kada je auto pretovaren + klima + brdo (znači svako duže putovanje sa 3-4 ljudi i koferima) tada mu se oseća manjak snage. Pošto sam u nekom renoviranu stana, dešavalo se da vozim u njemu pločice, laminat, kutije iz IKEE i tada se oseća da mu fali snaga. Ko vozi po gradu, uglavnom sam ili sa još jednom osobom u kolima, bez nekog tovarenja - za njega je to odličan auto.

Ti sa 1.6 motorom su baš retki, video sam možda jednog pre pola godine na oglasima, nisam mogao da se nateram da idem da ga provozam. Još je bio "Cross" varijanta.

@Chicot - Kada je Nebojša pomenuo svog Pola:


Fabia sa tim motorom, svakako bih je uzeo u razmatranje.
Nije šampion lepote, ali je fino urađen autić.. Imao sam prilike da je vozim par puta, kada mi je Polo bio u servisu (pozajmio od drugara), sasvim zadovoljavajući autić za svakodnevnu upotrebu i kraća putovanja i nije skup za odžavanje.

Evo ti filter, može tu da se probere par korektnih primeraka - https://www.polovniautomobili....OldNew=all&without_price=1

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 187539
Poruke: 2838

+722 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina13.08.2021. u 12:35 - pre 38 meseci
To što pričate šta treba zameniti na autu starom nekoliko godina da bi bio kao nov tamo negde na Zapadu taman i košta te razlike u ceni kod ovih jeftinijih modela (plus koji procenat što ipak auto nije bukvalno nov, tj. vozio ga je nekoliko godina neko drugi), a ima ih u ponudi jer ima solidan broj onih koji uvek kupuju novi model uz doplatu, daju mesečno 150, 200 ili koliko već evra ili franaka, ali stalno voze auto do 2-3 godine starosti koji je u garanciji. Isplati se je ne misle o autu pošto se radi samo redovan servis, a za starije primerke zbog bilo kakvog kvara auto mora da stoji u servisu, što stvara "male" logističke probleme u navikama.
Ovde ljudi daju po 1000€ za telefon, iako im realno nije potreban (niti se igraju niti su neki napredni biznis korisnici), tamo negde na svake 2 godine kupuju nov auto :)

Za ove linkove oglasa... kod nas je neka navala auta iz CH starih 10 i više godina, koje možda treba zaobići. Znam više primeraka VW grupe koje su kupili ljudi iz mog okruženja ovde, i posle nekoliko godina majstor im na servisu sugerisao da na vreme razmisle da urade lukove i joše neke sitnice na limariji, jer se iznutra pojavila korozija - ono, nije još da je kritično, ali bolje uraditi dok ne istruli.
Takođe, kod ove Fabije na felnama se vidi onaj crveni talog, znam da se tako pojavi prašina od pločica nakon veoma intenzivne upotrebe ili ako čeljusti ne puštaju dobro pa se kočnica pregreva.
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.
Odgovor na temu

Nebojsa Milanovic

Nebojsa Milanovic
Član broj: 16
Poruke: 8527

+1364 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina13.08.2021. u 14:43 - pre 38 meseci
Fabia je puno slabiji auto od Pola čak i kada imaju isti motor, konkretno u toj generaciji razlika je velika. Razlika u unutrašnoj buci je najmanje duplo, enterijer je neuporediv, itd.


Tih Cross Pola još i ima, naišao sam na par dobrih komada pre nego što sam našao mog ali mi nisu bili interesantni. Ne volim što je teži, povišen, tvrd je, ima preniske gume i kraći prenos od standardnog.

1.6 16V je vrlo jak motor za tu klasu i iako ima solidno duži prenos od običnih, ali ja bih mu stavio još duži u cilju tiše i tečnije vožnje.

To sam i uradio, jer iako sam ga dobio sa praktično novim gumama u originalnoj dimenziji 185/60, odmah sam ih uz doplatu menjao za nove Mišelinke 185/65, čime sam osetno produžio prenos i auto učinio udobnijim i još tišim.

Motor je veoma elastičan pa se po gradu a često i van grada može sasvim solidno brzo voziti a da ne pređe 2000 rpm, uz minumum buke, cimanja i sa potrošnjom na minumumu. I u njega sipam benzin od 100 oktana, sa njim je još elastičniji i mirniji.

Što se tiče tih menjanja delova i ne-znam-kakvih problema koje pominjete, apsolutno ne znam za taj pojam, dva puta sam promenio ulje i filtere i jednom svećice iako nije trebalo.

Auto se vozi skoro svaki dan, voze ga moja žena i tast koji su loši vozači (ja njega vozim najmanje), za više od 4 godine prešao sam (tačnije smo) 18000km bez i najmanjeg problema a sa velikim brojem hladnih startova.

Jedina stvar koja mi ide na živce i to ću da sredim samo nikako da stignem, je što brava petih vrata ponekad trokira pa neće da otvori gepek. A kod tih restiling modela su se u VWu pravili pametni pa su sledili trend uklanjanja fizičkih brava i ne može se normalno ključem otvoriti. To je jedina stvar koju bih mu zamerio za 4+ godine teške eksploatacije.
Odgovor na temu

Software Quality Assurance Engineer
Wireless Media

Član broj: 317274
Poruke: 459

+174 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina13.08.2021. u 16:27 - pre 38 meseci
Nebojsa Milanovic: Fabia je puno slabiji auto od Pola čak i kada imaju isti motor, konkretno u toj generaciji razlika je velika. Razlika u unutrašnoj buci je najmanje duplo, enterijer je neuporediv, itd.

Razlika u buci jeste osetna. Nisam napomenuo, vozio sam Fabiju sa 1.2 htp motorom, identične snage kao moj u Polu. Što se performansi tiče, nisam uočio veliku razliku mada nisam mnogo vozio, ali prvo mi zapalo za "uho" što je bučniji. Kada sam posle seo u Pola, morao sam da osluškujem da li mi se ugasio na semaforu.

Nebojsa Milanovic

Tih Cross Pola još i ima, naišao sam na par dobrih komada pre nego što sam našao mog ali mi nisu bili interesantni. Ne volim što je teži, povišen, tvrd je, ima preniske gume i kraći prenos od standardnog.

1.6 16V je vrlo jak motor za tu klasu i iako ima solidno duži prenos od običnih, ali ja bih mu stavio još duži u cilju tiše i tečnije vožnje.

Meni su ti povišeni automobili interesantni jer su mi potrebni. I u Smederevu gde imam kuću i u istočnoj Srbiji su dosta lošiji putevi, ima dosta makadama, a i ja volim da siđem sa asfalta, pa bi mi povišen klirens značio. Zato su mi interesantni, Captur, Tiguan, TCross, Škoda Kamiq. Inače da vozim po asfaltu, ne bih ih ni pogledao.

Nebojsa Milanovic:

Što se tiče tih menjanja delova i ne-znam-kakvih problema koje pominjete, apsolutno ne znam za taj pojam, dva puta sam promenio ulje i filtere i jednom svećice iako nije trebalo.

Auto se vozi skoro svaki dan, voze ga moja žena i tast koji su loši vozači (ja njega vozim najmanje), za više od 4 godine prešao sam (tačnije smo) 18000km bez i najmanjeg problema a sa velikim brojem hladnih startova.

Ja sam uložio solidnu cifru. Uz redovne male servise na 10000km, pre mesec dana sam zamenio set kvačila, homokinetičke zglobove, diskove i pločice, a pre sam menjao svećice, paknove i cilindre i PK kaiš odmah nakon kupovine. I dva puta mi je majstor čistio dizne i klapnu gasa. Doduše za tri godine sam prešao skoro 50000km.

mjanjic: To što pričate šta treba zameniti na autu starom nekoliko godina da bi bio kao nov tamo negde na Zapadu taman i košta te razlike u ceni kod ovih jeftinijih modela (plus koji procenat što ipak auto nije bukvalno nov, tj. vozio ga je nekoliko godina neko drugi), a ima ih u ponudi jer ima solidan broj onih koji uvek kupuju novi model uz doplatu, daju mesečno 150, 200 ili koliko već evra ili franaka, ali stalno voze auto do 2-3 godine starosti koji je u garanciji. Isplati se je ne misle o autu pošto se radi samo redovan servis, a za starije primerke zbog bilo kakvog kvara auto mora da stoji u servisu, što stvara "male" logističke probleme u navikama.
Ovde ljudi daju po 1000€ za telefon, iako im realno nije potreban (niti se igraju niti su neki napredni biznis korisnici), tamo negde na svake 2 godine kupuju nov auto :)

Za ove linkove oglasa... kod nas je neka navala auta iz CH starih 10 i više godina, koje možda treba zaobići. Znam više primeraka VW grupe koje su kupili ljudi iz mog okruženja ovde, i posle nekoliko godina majstor im na servisu sugerisao da na vreme razmisle da urade lukove i joše neke sitnice na limariji, jer se iznutra pojavila korozija - ono, nije još da je kritično, ali bolje uraditi dok ne istruli.
Takođe, kod ove Fabije na felnama se vidi onaj crveni talog, znam da se tako pojavi prašina od pločica nakon veoma intenzivne upotrebe ili ako čeljusti ne puštaju dobro pa se kočnica pregreva.

Mi sve gledamo kroz finansije i kroz krajnju cenu auta (i ja da se razumemo). Na zapadu (mada znam sve više slučajeva i ovde) ljudi povezuju auto sa kreditom. I onda će radije kupiti novi i plaćati 20 - 30e više mesečnu ratu ili će plaćati kredit 2godine duže. Kad isplati kredit, vozi auto u salon gde ga je kupio - menja staro za novo i nastavlja sa istom ratom koju je plaćao do sada. Kada dođe do kvara ide u ovlašćeni servis, dobije zamenski auto ukoliko auto ostaje kod majstora, jednom godišnje mali servis, tehnički, registracija i to je to.. Jedina briga je šta reći radniku na pumpi, koje gorivo sipati :)

Švajcarci muče muku sa solju, jer su njihove ulice dosta osoljene zimi, tu treba biti posebno oprezan, a činjenica je da su im tehnički pregledi rigorozni, majstori skupi i da kod nas uglavnom dolaze automobili koji isti nisu prošli, a ne isplati se popravljati ih. Svakako možda tu može da se probere neki primerak, koji može da se sredi i eksploatiše narednih 5-10godina

Edit - Nisam prešao 500000km, nego 50000km :)

[Ovu poruku je menjao Turmen dana 13.08.2021. u 18:37 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Nebojsa Milanovic

Nebojsa Milanovic
Član broj: 16
Poruke: 8527

+1364 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina26.08.2021. u 17:06 - pre 37 meseci
Škoda Fabia 4

Skoda Fabia

The fourth-generation Fabia continues Škoda's extraordinary success story of offering all you need and a little more. Twenty-two years after its debut, the popular small car is more emotive and dynamic than ever before. This is the first Fabia to be based on Volkswagen Group's modular MQB-A0 platform. It is the most spacious car within its segment and boasts further enhanced comfort features as well as a plethora of new safety and assistance systems. Classic brand qualities, such as excellent value for money, high functionality and a host of Simply Clever features, make this car the perfect entry-level model to the Škoda range.

Škoda has sold more than 4.5 million cars in the Fabia's previous three generations. The most common reasons for buying a Fabia included its value for money, low running costs and impressive amount of space. The latest-generation Škoda Fabia also features a particularly emotive design, improved dynamics and numerous new assistance systems. Now based on the modular MQB-A0 platform, the Fabia is longer and, at 4,108 mm, exceeds the four-metre mark for the first time. The boot - which was already the largest in the segment - has gained an additional 50 l to a capacious 380 l.

The Fabia boasts well-balanced proportions, sharply drawn headlights and rear lights featuring the latest LED technology. Inside, the instrument panel with a free-standing central display and optional digital instrument cluster catch the eye. Infotainment and connectivity are state of the art. The Active, Ambition and Style trim levels will be available from market launch, as well as a special First Edition; a sporty MONTE CARLO variant will follow later. Five petrol engines from Volkswagen Group's current EVO generation deliver power outputs ranging from 48 kW (65 PS) to 110 kW (150 PS). Segment-leading aerodynamics with a drag coefficient (cd) of 0.28 and the optional 50-litre fuel tank enable a range of more than 900 km in the WLTP cycle. Five Simply Clever features make their Škoda debut in the Fabia.
Skoda Fabia (2022)
2022 Skoda Fabia

Exterior: largest boot and best aerodynamics

Showcasing an emotive design, new proportions and even more space, the Škoda Fabia has taken the next step in its evolution. The fourth generation exceeds the four-metre mark for the first time, offering an even more spacious interior. At the same time, the new Fabia continues the current Škoda design language and looks particularly dynamic with its athletic proportions, sculptural lines, and sharply drawn headlights and tail lights featuring LED technology. Sophisticated details, such as aerodynamically optimised wheels and actively adjustable cooling shutters in the front bumper's lower air inlet, allow for a drag coefficient (cd) of 0.28, setting a new record in the small car segment.

The latest Fabia's significantly more emotive appearance is the result of new dynamic proportions, Škoda-typical crystalline features, such as the razor-sharp headlights and tail lights, as well as sculptural lines on the bonnet. Small details really add to the overall look. These include body lines on the front doors stylising the characteristic triangle of the Czech flag.

Bigger in every aspect: a more spacious interior

This is the first Škoda Fabia to be based on Volkswagen Group's modular MQB-A0 platform and it outperforms its predecessors in every aspect but with virtually no change in weight. It is 111 mm longer, now measuring 4,108 mm, also making it the first Škoda Fabia to exceed the four-metre mark. At 2,564 mm, its wheelbase has gained 94 mm, while the width of the fourth generation has increased by 48 mm to 1,780 mm. The greater exterior dimensions result in even more passenger space. Škoda has also increased the Fabia's boot capacity by 50 l (to 380 l) - the predecessor's was already the largest in the segment. With the rear seats folded down, the capacity rises to 1,190 l. There is a choice of nine body colours, including the new Phoenix Orange and Graphite Grey metallic paint finishes. As part of the Colour Concept, metallic Graphite Grey and pearl-effect Magic Black can also be chosen as contrasting paintwork for the roof, wing mirror caps and alloy wheels. The Škoda grille surround can also be ordered in Graphite Grey. A panoramic glass roof is another optional feature.

Headlights and tail lights using LED technology

The front of the new Fabia is characterised by razor-sharp, narrow headlights which extend to a striking, hexagonal grille. Low beam, high beam, the indicators and daytime running lights feature LED technology as standard, while the optional full-LED headlights provide more light-intensive low.

Best-in-class aerodynamics with drag coefficient (cd) of 0.28

The Fabia's aerodynamics have predominantly been developed using what is known as CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations. During the development phase of approximately three and a half years, the Škoda engineers computed more than 3,000 of these simulations. Škoda has set a new record in the small car segment by reducing the drag coefficient (cd) to 0.28 - the previous generation was 0.32.

Cooling shutters save up to 0.2 l of fuel per 100 km at 120 km/h

Škoda has installed cooling shutters in the front bumper's lower air inlet - the first time this technology has been used in this vehicle segment. To improve aerodynamics, actively adjustable slats automatically close when there is little need for cooling. This results in fuel savings of up to 0.2 l per 100 km when travelling at a constant speed of 120 km/h, which means that the new Škoda Fabia emits up to five grams less CO2 for every kilometre driven with the shutters closed. To allow for a high level of cooling or to accommodate short stops, the system opens the shutters so the maximum amount of air can flow in. To further reduce drag, a larger roof spoiler and side finlets optimise the airflow at the rear. At the front, the air is guided through vents in the bumper, known as Air Curtains, in a particularly aerodynamic manner close to the side of the body and the wheels. Twelve panels now cover a larger part of the underbody instead of three, especially in the areas that are crucial for aerodynamics, such as the engine bay and the axles.

Aerodynamically optimised wing mirrors and wheels

The housings of the electrically adjustable and heated wing mirrors, which for the first time in the Fabia dim automatically on the driver's side and fold electrically as an option, are smaller than in the predecessor. This improves the car's aerodynamics, as do the Proxima and Procyon alloy wheels, which also make their Fabia debut and feature special, aerodynamically optimised plastic trims. The wheel options include 14-inch and 15-inch steel wheels, as well as nine different alloys ranging from 15 to 18 inches. The optional, burnished 18-inch Libra alloy wheels in black are the range-topping variant.

Torsion-resistant body due to the use of advanced high-strength steels

The new Škoda Fabia boasts an extremely high level of torsional stiffness, which increases safety, improves handling and ensures exceptional durability. To achieve these results while keeping the weight virtually the same as its predecessor's, Škoda has designed the MQB-A0-based body to the latest standards, using significantly more hot-formed and high-strength steel components than in the previous model. They are mainly used on the A and B pillars, the bulkhead and the transmission tunnel. The proportion of the three hardest steel types - advanced high-strength steels, ultra-high-strength steels and press-hardened steels - rose from 15% to 40%. Overall, nearly 80% of the new Škoda Fabia's body is made up of high-strength steel components.

Interior: intuitive control and a fresh look

The new Škoda Fabia's interior is more spacious and comes with additional comfort features, striking a perfect balance between emotiveness and ergonomics. In keeping with Škoda's current interior design concept, its look is characterised by fresh colours and the free-standing infotainment display measuring up to 9.2 inches. Large circular air vents and the new Fabia lettering on the sides of the instrument-cluster housing add further visual design touches. Other options making their Fabia debut include a heated windscreen and steering wheel (features previously found in higher-tier vehicles). Škoda will offer three trim levels and a special First Edition from market launch.

For the fourth-generation Fabia, which will be launched in the Active, Ambition and Style trim levels as well as in a special First Edition, the Škoda interior designers have added new visual touches to the brand's current interior design concept. Besides the symmetrical instrument panel and the line below the large, free-standing central display which reflects the contours of the Škoda grille, the large circular air vents on the right and left also stand out. From the Ambition level upwards, these feature a chrome trim, as do the restyled door handles, and the front section of the dashboard is upholstered in fabric with contrasting stitching. A brand-new feature is the large Fabia lettering on both sides of the instrument-cluster housing.

Comfort features as seen in higher-tier vehicles make their Fabia debut

The Škoda Fabia can now be ordered with some comfort features that were previously reserved for higher-tier vehicles. These include a heated windscreen for an unobstructed view and increased safety in winter, and a heated leather steering wheel designed in the latest Škoda styling with two spokes. A three-spoke sports steering wheel is another extra, with optional shift paddles for the DSG. This is the first Fabia that can be ordered with dual-zone Climatronic including additional air vents on the rear of the Jumbo Box to keep passengers cool. When equipped with this optional air conditioning system, the centre console features two rotary knobs to allow the temperature to be regulated separately for both sides of the vehicle. All of the system's functions are easy to operate via just eight buttons.

New colours and LED ambient lighting

Copper-coloured and grey contrasting stitching, as well as decorative features, bring new colour accents to the Fabia's interior. The new LED ambient lighting (standard in Style) allows the driver to illuminate the decorative trim on the dashboard in white or red. The centre console and front door handles can also be lit up; furthermore, the ambient lighting includes LED reading lights in the front and rear. The seats, which for the first time feature adjustable lumbar support, have grey fabric upholstery in the Active trim level and sport additional grey contrasting stitching in the Fabia Ambition. In the Style variant, the seat covers are two-tone in grey and black.

Plenty of space for passengers and storage compartments totalling over 100 l

With a wheelbase that is 94 mm longer than its predecessor's, the new Fabia offers even more space for its passengers, especially in the rear. At 2,564 mm, it even surpasses the wheelbase of the first-generation Škoda OCTAVIA launched in 1996. There are 16 storage options in the new Škoda Fabia, with an overall capacity which adds up to 108 l, including a pull-down centre armrest with two cup holders in the rear seats.

Engines: wide range of power outputs and lower fuel consumption

There is a choice of five advanced and efficient EVO-generation petrol engines for this latest, mark IV Fabia. Škoda has not only increased the number of different engines available, but also the range of power outputs - from 48 kW (65 PS) to 110 kW (150 PS). For the first time, the Škoda Fabia can be equipped with a larger, 50-litre fuel tank, allowing four of the five engines to cover more than 900 km in the WLTP cycle. A 15-mm-lower sports chassis with stiffer suspension is another option as is the Rough-Road package that offers 15 mm more ground clearance.

All engines offered for the new Fabia come from the EVO generation. They are even more economical than the predecessor units and fulfil the Euro 6d emissions standard. The new range-topping engine is the 1.5 TSI with an output of 110 kW (150 PS) and a 7-speed DSG as standard. Up to a power output of 70 kW (95 PS), the Fabia comes with a 5-speed manual gearbox; for the 1.0 TSI producing 81 kW (110 PS), there is a choice between a 6-speed manual gearbox and a 7-speed DSG. When fitted with the 50-litre tank - a new option for the range - instead of the standard 40-litre fuel tank, four of the five engines can achieve a maximum mileage of more than 900 km.

MPI engines developed by Škoda AUTO are more powerful while requiring less fuel

Škoda AUTO is responsible for the development of all MPI engines used by the Volkswagen Group brands. The Fabia's three-cylinder MPI engines with a displacement of one litre come from the EVO generation and are 4 kW more powerful than the predecessor units while achieving reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions. These improvements were made possible by an optimised crankshaft assembly - pistons and piston rings included - which reduces friction losses. The water circuit around the cylinder head and engine block has been redesigned to achieve greater cooling efficiency for the cylinders, combustion chambers and integrated exhaust manifold. The MPI engines fitted in the new Fabia operate according to the Atkinson combustion cycle, in which the intake valves close only during the compression stroke of the piston. This drives some of the fuel mixture back into the intake manifold, which reduces the effective compression ratio while maintaining a high expansion ratio of 12:1. As a result, the engine consumes less fuel and is therefore more efficient.

Innovative plasma coating on 1.0 TSI engines

The two direct-injection 1.0 TSI engines available for the new Fabia feature plasma-coated cylinder liners. The innovative, thin, powder-coated layer measures just 150 μm (0.15 mm) and replaces cast-iron cylinder liners, reducing internal friction in the three cylinders. This lowers fuel consumption and emissions. Through better distribution and dissipation of heat in the combustion chamber, it also lowers the thermal load on the engine. The engines operate in the fuel-efficient Miller cycle and with a high injection pressure of 350 bar. In the Miller cycle, the intake valves remain open for longer during the compression stroke, which reduces pumping loss and improves thermal efficiency. The turbocharger features variable turbine geometry, which produces more torque at a wider range of engine speeds and lower emissions.

Active cylinder technology for the new top-of-the-range 1.5 TSI engine

The Škoda Fabia's new top-end engine is the four-cylinder 1.5 TSI with a power output of 110 kW (150 PS). In addition to the plasma-coated cylinders and high injection pressure of 350 bar, it also features active cylinder technology (ACT). When engine load is low, this system automatically - and virtually without the driver noticing - shuts down two cylinders, thereby reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Engines and transmissions developed and produced by Škoda AUTO in the Czech Republic

Most of the engines and all of the gearboxes for the new Škoda Fabia are produced in the Czech Republic. The MPI engines and the 1.0 TSI are built at Škoda's main plant in Mladá Boleslav, as are the manual transmissions. The 7-speed DSG comes from the Škoda plant in Vrchlabí. The TSI engines have a petrol particulate filter.

Sports chassis and Rough-Road package optional

In addition to the standard chassis, there are another two variants to choose from for the new Fabia. The sports chassis comes with firmer springs and has been lowered by 15 mm for more dynamic driving characteristics. The Rough-Road package also features its own specific springs and a different suspension, as well as additional underbody guards. Overall, this variant's ground clearance has been raised by 15 mm.

Safety: up to nine airbags and new assistance systems

With up to nine airbags, the new Škoda Fabia is one of the safest vehicles in its segment. As a result of the Fabia now being built on the modular MQB-A0 platform, its active and passive safety features have been further improved, and it now includes assistance systems that were previously reserved exclusively for higher-tier vehicles. Travel Assist, Park Assist, Lane Assist, Traffic Sign Recognition, Side Assist, Front Assist with Predictive Pedestrian and Cyclist Protection, and Manoeuvre Assist are all available for the first time in the Fabia. In addition, the latest generation can now be equipped with up to nine airbags.

The new model is based on Volkswagen Group's modular MQB-A0 and Škoda AUTO has fully exploited the possibilities this platform has to offer. It enabled advanced assistance systems from higher-tier vehicles to be used in the Fabia. Overall, seven systems which increase safety and comfort make their debut in the range.

Travel Assist includes several assistance systems

The optional Travel Assist is a new addition to the range and incorporates several systems to provide automatic support with longitudinal and lateral steering; this feature can be activated at the touch of a button. Using Hands-on Detect, Travel Assist checks at regular intervals whether the driver is touching the steering wheel consistently. In addition to Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Travel Assist also includes Lane Assist and Traffic Sign Recognition - both of which make their Škoda Fabia debut. Side Assist, Front Assist with Predictive Pedestrian and Cyclist Protection, Park Assist and Manoeuvre Assist are also new to the range.

Now with up to nine airbags

Driver and front passenger airbags, curtain airbags and front side airbags are fitted as standard in the new Fabia. A knee airbag for the driver and side airbags for the rear are optional. This increases the number of airbags protecting the car's occupants in the event of an accident to nine. To safely secure child seats, ISOFIX anchors and top tether anchor points on the outer rear seats come as standard and are optional on the front passenger seat. This means that the Fabia can safely and conveniently accommodate seating for three children.

Connectivity: latest-generation infotainment systems are always online

An optional digital instrument cluster makes its debut in the range and infotainment systems feature permanent internet connection: in terms of connectivity, the new Škoda Fabia is state of the art. With a built-in eSIM, the Fabia is always online and enables access to web radio, extensive mobile online services from Škoda Connect and the latest infotainment apps. The largest touchscreen measures 9.2 inches, and the 10.25-inch digital instrument cluster offers five different display options. Amundsen, the range-topping system, can be operated by gesture control and via the Laura digital voice assistant.

The latest-generation Fabia can now be ordered with a digital instrument cluster - this is a first. The driver can configure the 10.25-inch digital display to suit their needs, choosing from up to five basic layouts. These include the Classic layout, which is based on the style of analogue round instruments, as well as the Modern, Reduced and Extended layouts, and - as part of the optional Dynamics pack - the Sport layout, in which the rev counter takes centre stage. The digital instrument cluster - or 'Virtual Cockpit' - can display the map including a close-up of junctions, radio station logos, music album covers and caller profile photos, among other things. As standard, the Škoda Fabia comes with an analogue instrument panel and a 3.5-inch information screen.

A choice of three infotainment systems

The launch of the new Škoda Fabia also sees the introduction of the third-generation infotainment systems to the range. There are three systems to choose from: the Swing radio with a 6.5-inch colour display, the Bolero radio with an 8-inch display and Bluetooth hands-free capability, and the top-end system Amundsen. The latter features a customisable 9.2-inch display, and a navigation function that is backed by online data and can be updated remotely. The gesture control feature comes as standard, while online-backed voice control via the Laura digital voice assistant - who understands 15 languages - is optional.

Wireless smartphone integration and mobile online services from Škoda Connect

A smartphone can be connected without the need of a cable via Wireless SmartLink and Android Auto or Apple CarPlay, while the optional Phone Box enables inductive charging. For the first time, there are up to five USB-C sockets for charging further mobile devices - one of which can be found on the rear-view mirror to charge a dashcam, for example. Amundsen, the range-topping infotainment system, provides access to a host of Škoda Connect mobile online services. In addition to eCall, which automatically calls for emergency assistance in the event of an accident, these also include Proactive Service (breakdown call), and remote vehicle access via the MyŠkoda app and the Škoda Connect web portal. The customer can create a Škoda Connect account or transfer an existing account to the Fabia directly on the car's display. It is just as easy to download infotainment apps that offer weather reports and news, provide access to a personal Google calendar, or warn of danger.

Simply Clever: five new features in the Fabia

For many years, Škoda has made it easy for customers to use their vehicles on a daily basis by offering new and sophisticated Simply Clever solutions. The Czech carmaker is continuing this tradition by adding five all-new features to the range, and another eight make their Fabia debut in the fourth generation of this popular small car. Depending on the specification, the new Škoda Fabia offers up to 43 practical features that make everyday life that little bit easier - that's more than ever before. In addition to Škoda classics - such as the ice scraper in the fuel filler flap with a tyre tread depth gauge and an umbrella in the driver's door - the range now includes all-new clever details that make the interior and boot much tidier with very little effort.

Five Simply Clever solutions make their Škoda debut in the new Fabia. For example, a new clip for a credit card or car park ticket and an elastic band as a pen holder keep things tidy in the storage compartment in the centre console. A removable cup holder between the front seats offers the driver and front passenger more flexibility as an option. The box in the transmission tunnel is another option, providing rear passengers with a clever storage solution for small items. The box just needs to be placed between the centre console and the rear seats and then locks itself into place. A flexible storage compartment for the boot is another feature to choose from. This saves space by being located on the side wall, and can be pulled out to secure items if required. The fifth feature to premiere is the sun visor, available as an accessory for the optional panoramic roof. When not in use, this folds to a third of its size and can be stored under the boot cover.

USB-C socket on the rear-view mirror and a multifunction storage pocket for coats

Some Simply Clever solutions as seen in other Škoda models are now also available for the Fabia. These include a USB-C socket on the rear-view mirror, which is available as an option for the Style trim level. This can be used to power a dashcam, for example, without a dangling cable obstructing the driver's view. Also new to the popular small car range, in addition to the folding backrest of the front passenger seat, is a multifunction storage pocket that attaches below the boot cover. This converts an otherwise mostly unused space into a perfect storage area for coats or jackets, and can accommodate items weighing up to 3.5 kg. The easy-to-reach smartphone storage pockets on the front seatbacks (as found in the OCTAVIA and ENYAQ iV) are also making their Fabia debut.

The new Simply Clever features available for the Fabia at a glance

Folding backrest of the front passenger seat
Two smartphone storage pockets on the front seatbacks
Multifunction storage pocket
USB-C socket on the rear-view mirror
Folding flexible storage compartment in the boot
Reading light in the rear that can be operated from the front
Removable Easy Open cup holder
Phone Box with inductive charging
Card and pen holder in the storage compartment in front of the gearstick
Card and coin holder in the lid of the glove compartment
Storage compartment on the tunnel in front of the rear seats with a cup holder
Removable sun visor for the panoramic roof
Loading sill protection

First Edition: two-tone paintwork and 17-inch wheels

To mark the launch of the new Fabia, Škoda is offering an exclusive First Edition model boasting a more extensive range of standard equipment. The special series is based on the Style trim level and sports a two-tone design. The two paint finishes available, metallic Phoenix Orange and pearlescent Moon White, are each combined with a contrasting pearl-effect Magic Black roof, wing mirror caps and Škoda grille surround. There are also two engines to choose from: the 1.0 TSI producing 70 kW (95 PS) and the 1.0 TSI with an output of 81 kW (110 PS). Highlights in the interior include the digital instrument cluster and copper-coloured contrasting stitching and decorative trim.

The fourth-generation Škoda Fabia lines up for its market launch with a special First Edition. The new model will be available for just a few months after it has been launched, and comes with enhanced specification options and boasts a striking two-tone paint finish as standard. The roof, wing mirror caps and Škoda grille surround in pearl-effect Magic Black provide an attractive contrast to the metallic Phoenix Orange or pearlescent Moon White paintwork. The bottom of the window frames are chrome-plated as standard, and the rear side windows and rear window are tinted (SunSet). Furthermore, the Fabia First Edition, which is based on the Style trim level, features a special badge.

1.0 TSIs with 17-inch alloys as standard

The Škoda Fabia First Edition is powered by a 1.0 TSI engine, and the customer can choose between two power variants with 70 kW (95 PS) or 81 kW (110 PS). The burnished 17-inch Procyon alloy wheels in black with aerodynamically optimised plastic trims come as standard. The special edition is also equipped with headlights and tail lights featuring full-LED technology, as well as front and rear parking sensors.

Interior with digital instrument cluster and copper-coloured visual touches

The interior of the Škoda Fabia First Edition is adorned with copper-coloured contrasting stitching and decorative trim. The digital instrument cluster is also part of the standard equipment. The layout on the 10.25-inch digital display can be customised by the driver; there are five basic options to choose from. Entertainment and information are provided by the Bolero radio with an 8-inch touchscreen or, as an option, the top-end Amundsen system with a 9.2-inch display and online-backed navigation function.

Success story: Škoda Fabia deliveries exceed 4.5 million

Twenty-two years after the Fabia's market launch, Škoda continues to build on the success of this popular small car with its fourth generation. After the OCTAVIA, the Fabia is the second most produced Škoda model and an important cornerstone for the Czech car manufacturer. More than 4.5 million units of the hatchback variant and the Fabia Combi have been delivered to date.

Since its launch in 1999, the Škoda Fabia has been one of the bestselling vehicles in its class. It was a very appealing model from the outset, boasting generous amounts of space despite compact exterior dimensions, offering the highest levels of safety, functionality and efficiency, and representing excellent value for money. This successful formula made the Škoda entry-level model an attractive choice for a wide range of customers for more than two decades.

In approximately eight years, as many as 1.79 million first-generation Škoda Fabias, which were also available as an estate from 2000, were delivered. The second generation was unveiled at the 2007 Geneva Motor Show and had a total of 1,704,000 buyers. The third generation, presented in 2014, continued this momentum and, in 2019, was the second most delivered Škoda model after the OCTAVIA.

Overall deliveries of the Fabia exceed 4.5 million vehicles to date - a figure that is only surpassed in the Škoda range by the OCTAVIA. The largest single market for the Fabia is Germany, with 18,070 deliveries in 2020, ahead of the Czech Republic (17,750), Poland (12,556) and the UK (9,771).

Bio i ostao jedan najjačih igrača u klasi.
Odgovor na temu

Java Beograd
Novi Beograd

Član broj: 11890
Poruke: 9651

+10298 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina28.08.2021. u 12:46 - pre 37 meseci
Nisi valjda mislio da će neko ovo da čita?!? Ladno si mogao samo link da postaviš, svejedno bi bilo.

Copy-write. Iliti "Ciganin hvalii svoga konja."

Jendek, jendek, kakav jendek? Taj se nije još rodio, koj on nije preskočio,
Preskoči ga tako lako kao da je pile neko, I to uzduž, ne popreko.

OTPOR blokadi ulica, OTPOR blokiranom Beogradu, OTPOR blokiranoj Srbiji
Odgovor na temu

Nebojsa Milanovic

Nebojsa Milanovic
Član broj: 16
Poruke: 8527

+1364 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina28.08.2021. u 13:10 - pre 37 meseci
Ja ću čitati sigurno ali nisam stigao sve u onom trenutku, a i generalno bolje je da materijal stoji na ES-u nego samo da se linkuje, jer strani linkovi/sajtovi danas jesu - sutra nisu.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 40157
Poruke: 16440

+2926 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina28.08.2021. u 14:12 - pre 37 meseci
Fabia najjaci igrac u klasi?

Evo ja kcerci gledam auto bas u toj klasi i fabia mi je nekako najlosiji izbor u toj klasi.

Sve je to super sto fabia nudi u pamfletu ali u praksi se prodaju samo klot modeli koji su inferiorni u odnosu na konkureciju i po motorizaciji i po opremi.
Nažalost i kazna stvara naviku!
Nažalost i kazna izgrađuje stav!
Odgovor na temu

Nebojsa Milanovic

Nebojsa Milanovic
Član broj: 16
Poruke: 8527

+1364 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina28.08.2021. u 14:53 - pre 37 meseci
Po odnosu kvalitet-cena jedan je od najjačih ako ne i najjači igrač sigurno, a to što mi živimo u jadnoj državi u kojoj se prodaju samo pasuljari, druga je stvar.

Rekoh ranije, već samo zbog toga ne bih razmatrao nov auto, jer je prosto nemoguće dobiti normalnu verziju.

Što se tiče odabira auta za mladu žensku osobu, Fabia je suviše racionalan izbor da bi uopšte dolazio u obzir.

Clio i to onaj skuplji povišeni je majka mara za devojke, a realno si dobar ako uspeš da je odgovoriš od onih budalaština tipa Juke, CH-R i slično...A ako ne, spremi kesu :)

Lično, ako budem bio u situaciji da mojoj deci kupujem auto siguran sam da bi sa Fabiom pevali.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 73891
Poruke: 905

+288 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina29.08.2021. u 18:01 - pre 37 meseci
Da li je bolja kupovina Sandero ili Fabia ako se porede osnovni modeli kod nas?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 187539
Poruke: 2838

+722 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina29.08.2021. u 18:45 - pre 37 meseci
Koji motor? Nisam siguran da želiš onaj od 60ks, a Fabia sa 1.0 95ks motorom je 15.528€ (ne verujem da hoćeš DSG, ne znam ni koliko ima smisla u Fabiji, ali u toj varijanti je 16.848€).
Mislim da za te pare može da se dobije Polo, jedino što je izgleda trenutno dostupan jedino u Porsche Mobility, ali tu mi nije najjasnije šta se sve plaća. Naime, na kraju reprezentativnog primera vidi se da se na početku plati 20% (garancija) i obrada ugovora 270€, zakup je oko 197€ mesečno na 48 meseci, a vrednost predmeta zakupa je bruto 15.290€. Koliko se plati na kraju? Postoji stavka "ostatak vrednosti 48.65", koja iznosi bruto 7.440€, da li je to ono što se plati kao "otkup" vozila nakon isteka 48 meseci? U tom slučaju i nisam baš siguran da je nešto jeftinije uzeti ovako, jer je Polo za keš svakako koštao od 16.700 do 18.300€ ili tako nešto.

Ali, koliko god da je poskupljao Golf ili Audi, najviše su poskupljali ovi automobili B segmenta, Polo je sa nekih 12.000€ standardne cene (za opremu sa manuelnom klimom) stigao do 16-70k evra, a Fabia je sa nekih 8.300€ koliko je koštala na akcijama, evo stigla do preko 14k evra, dakle sad je skuplja nego što je nekada Polo bio sa jačim motorom i automatskom klimom (izlazio oko 14.500€, a npr. zada je za 14.990€ mogao da se na akciji kupi Audi A3 sa troja vrata i 1.6 atmosfercom, a čak je i Golf VI sa 1.6tdi pred sam izlazak sedmice koštao 15.990€).

Jeste da nije ovaj segment, ali kad pričamo o cenama, sećam se pre nekolio godina kad su Kuga, ix35 (posle i Tucson) i Sportage koštali u osnovnoj ponudi 16.990€ (1.6 atmosferac, napred podizači, manuelna klima...), doplata je bila 2000€ za turbo benzinca 170ks, isto 2000 za 4x4 pogon... a sad Ford Kuga počinje od 26.650€ - to je maltene 50% skuplje, i ovo je "akcijska" cena, inače je redovna maloprodajna 33.050€!!!!

Mislim da su svi poludeli sa ovim cenama, proizvođači i prodavci se ponašaju kao da kupci imaju duplo veće plate nego pre 10 godina, proizvođači se stalno nešto udružuju ili bar sarađuju na izradi zajedničkih platformi, dele motore, sve kao da POJEFTINE proizvodnju, a automobili sve skuplji!

Imam neki osećaj da se namerno duvaju cene tako da će za koju godinu praktično neki osrednji auto sa SUS motorom koštati isto kao električni iste klase!
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.
Odgovor na temu

Java Beograd
Novi Beograd

Član broj: 11890
Poruke: 9651

+10298 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina29.08.2021. u 19:03 - pre 37 meseci
Ipak sam pročitao nešto od ovoga šta je Nebojša postavio.

Iako pitanje forumaša Astral malo zvuči nelogično "Sandero ili Fabia" (C segment u poređenju sa B segmentom), u onim tekstovima negde piše da je nova Fabia u dimenzijama Golfa 4!
I sad, pitanje je: gde su granice B segmenta?

Ima tu još mnogo, po meni, nelogičnosti. Samo jedna, ne primer:

17" alu felne - standard? Mislim, OK, lepo je da su dostupne, ali nije li to bespotrebno podizanje cene? Šta fali čeličnim 15" ako sam 'teo da kupim 10 auta za potrebe firme u okviru gradske vožnje? Ili, šta fali čeličnim 15" kad kupujem za svakodnevni poso-kuća? Verujem da min 50% kupaca teško razlikuje dobru ratkapnu od alufelne, a sledećih 40% kupaca nikako ne kapira čemu veća felna. Samo kapira da će gume biti 110% skuplje.

Da li to Škoda uporno pokušava da se izvuče iz domena "jeftinih automobila"? Ako je tako (a mislim da jeste) ne čudi što je Sandero najprodavaniji evropski auto.

A i da se nadovežem na prethodni post iz Čikaga (postovan dok sam ja pisao)

Tolika popularnost Dacije govori da ljudima baš i nije stalo da imaju (na primer) ultra-ekstra fensi LED farove, gde jedan košta 5.000€, a polomi se već kod manjeg "kontakta", na parkingu na primer. I 19" felne, gde za zamenu guma opet treba nerazumno mnogo para.

A ako Škoda ovako nastavi, Dačiju tek ga čeka svetla budućnost. Samo još da izbaci mali, slatki, zgodni autić u B segmentu - nešto kao Opel Corsa Mk I - oduvaće konkurenciju u brojevima prodatih.

Dalje, nešto razmišljam:
Pozicija brenda VW u Nemačkoj je jasna: druga odozdo, iznad Opela, a ispod Mercedesa, BMW, Audija. (računam samo ove, najmasovnije u prodaji)
Pozicija brenda Škoda je takođe bila jasna: ispod VW.

Samo kao primer: eto 2015 sam bio u Holandiji, mislim nije bitno, nego eto da zaobiđem balkanski milje. Neupredivo više Oktavije u saobraćaju od svih VW zajedno! Tolika razlika da "bode oči".
Oktavija je došla kao rešenje mnogih problema: prostran, udoban ( relativno), pouzdan auto, dopadljivog izgleda, za razumnu cenu. A gde je sad Oktavija? Ja bih rekao - nigde.

Kao što je prodor VW prema skupljim autima ograničen samim brendom, mislim da tako i Škoda ima gornji limit brenda. Ovakvom politikom razvoja Fabia juriša u - propast.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Java Beograd dana 29.08.2021. u 20:20 GMT+1]
OTPOR blokadi ulica, OTPOR blokiranom Beogradu, OTPOR blokiranoj Srbiji
Prikačeni fajlovi
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Član broj: 151475
Poruke: 8214

+1776 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina29.08.2021. u 20:36 - pre 37 meseci
Ove mesecne tabele ne znace bas mnogo !

Evo gledam Junsku , mnogo se razlikuje od ove Julske !

Tesla model 3 u Junu 2021. na Drugom mestu ! Sa 25.697 . A gde je u Julu ? Nema ga nigde . Ocigledno je bila neka Mega fabricka akcija u Junu , jer je nemoguce da u normalnim uslovima jedan isti auto bude jednog meseca 2. a sledeceg ga nema nigde ?

Tako da treba sacekati kraj godine , posebno sto je ova godina po prodaji mnogo bolja nego prosla .

Ali na osnovu ovoga izvuci Zakljucak , da je Dacia najbolji brend , je najblaze receno smesno!

Mozda ako pitas Rumune mada ni oni to ne bi rekli , mozda u sali .
Odgovor na temu

Java Beograd
Novi Beograd

Član broj: 11890
Poruke: 9651

+10298 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina29.08.2021. u 20:54 - pre 37 meseci
Niko ovde ne izvlači zaključak da je "Dacia najbolji brend", nego je činjenica da je naprodavaniji auto, za taj period. To je to. Ništa više, ništa manje.

Daleko od toga da je najbolji, ali po svemu sudeći konstruktori su našli odličan odnos cena / kvalitet. Bez ludila. Model namenjen srednjem / nižem platežnom sloju, koji je izgleda najbrojniji.

Ono šta je za dublju analizu to je - kako je to Daciji uspelo?
Brend koji je "do juče" bio predmet sprdnje, brend koji je praktično počeo od nule pre petnaesak godina izuzetno skromnim modelom Logan.

OK, neka je to samo Juli, ali, malo li je?

Dva Dacija modela na listi. Pežo - tek deseti, Ford deveti. Gde je Reno, gde su Citroen, Opel, Kia, Seat? Gde su oni, tradicionalni "veliki"?

OTPOR blokadi ulica, OTPOR blokiranom Beogradu, OTPOR blokiranoj Srbiji
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 151475
Poruke: 8214

+1776 Profil

icon Re: B segment - najbolja kupovina29.08.2021. u 21:21 - pre 37 meseci
@ Java Beograd

Dacia Nije najprodavaniji Brend !

Nije ni u prvih 10 !!

Znas sta te zavarava ? To sto Dacia ima par modela , a VW 15 pa ti se cini da je Dacia uspesna !

Inace Dacia je Reno ! I to ovaj Sandero je platforma Clio ! Koliko je Clio opao u poslednje 2 godine , toliko Dacia raste i to je to !

Francuzi donose odluke oko Dacie, Rumuni jeftina radna snaga !
Odgovor na temu :: AutoZone :: B segment - najbolja kupovina
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