Svi znamo koliko enormne pare USA daje za vojnu industriju, zatim održava i proširuje preko 800 vojnih baza za potencijalnu agresiju po celom svetu, vodi i finansira više raznih ratova po svetu, da ne pričam koliki desetina milijardi ih košta samo ovaj u Ukrajini, itd, itd.
Ali u njihovom rečniku SVE TO se zove
"izdvajanje za odbranu" 😆🤣
Za manje upućene: Ruski vojni budžet, koji je prvi iza američkog,
je 12 puta manji.
E sad, zamislite ovu činjenicu da Amerika plaća
SAMO ZA KAMATE na te falš naštampane pare kojima finansiraju vojsku, ratove i mnogo toga drugog,
VIŠE od svih tih "izdvajanja za odbranu" zajedno!!
US federal budget crosses grim milestone as interest payments overtake defense spending
Pokušajte da sagledate u kom paralenom svetu štampanja i pljačke, pardon
"emitovanja novčane mase i zaduživanja" , ratnog i drugog kriminala živi najjača sila na svetu.
Rat u Ukrajini je apsolutna prva stvar koja im je uzdrmala kavez, a paraleno sa tim, da li će BRICS uspeti u svojoj ideji dedolarizaje sveta, tačnije zaustavljanje pljačke cele planete od strane Amerike, videćemo.
Inače trupe NATO pakta dominatna sila koja se bori protov Rusije, a to ne ide na dobro:
Russian state television has officially announced that if NATO troops move into Ukraine, they will use nuclear weapons and bomb their headquarters. Then Sarmat, Avantgarda, Jars will fly - all nuclear missiles. This news is not just any media or lying matter. This was announced by Dimitry Kiselev, who was appointed directly by President Putin to lead the state media group and its branches. So it's news straight 'from the source'.
Why such a statement and at this time? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that part of the French army arrived in Odessa along with the US Army's 101st Division from Romania. The French also appeared in Slavyansk, and the Russians eliminated them within 48 hours. Polish, Romanian and other NATO units were neutralized by Russian missiles recently, in a hotel in Dnipropetrovsk.
There are supposedly a large number of French in Ukraine. The French government sends them there as mercenaries and promises them a lot of money for participating in the war. Such soldiers are given fake discharge papers from the army along with the promise that on their return they can rejoin their original posts and the position they held when they left.
Many NATO soldiers also died every time the Russians took out a Ukrainian anti-aircraft system. Due to their complexity, these defense systems could not be operated by Ukrainians, so the West delivered them along with the experts who operate them.
This was revealed by the magazine 'Foreign Affairs' (Foreign Affairs), which is published by the globalist organization, 'Council on Foreign Relations, or CFR). According to them, the loss of human life suffered by NATO in Ukraine is much, much higher than officially reported.
They also wrote that NATO troops have been in Ukraine for a long time, 'from instructors to front-line soldiers and they are units from America, Britain, France, Germany and Poland'.
The NATO military is also largely responsible for these acts of terrorism. For example, one of the attacks on the Russian city of Belgorod, which was repulsed by Russian troops, was filmed. The video proved that what were thought to be Ukrainians were actually American soldiers.
American helicopters were also used in Belgorod. Moscow has been publicly condemning the use of Western weapons for attacks on Russian civilization for a long time, but the West, especially the United States, does not even notice their protests.
There are many NATO members participating in these illegal attacks on the Russian civilian population, and their numbers are still growing. NATO itself is grossly violating its own regulations and directives. A Swede was recently killed in Belgorod, but the French and many other nationalities are also mixed in there.Source 24 news.
Ovaj je samo glavni klovn NATO pakta, ne i jedini:
"And believe me, Putin is afraid of us. I'm sure of that"