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Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7193 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?23.10.2024. u 09:32 - pre 2 meseca

Ako hoces da se igras sa CPU-om za LLM inference, llama.cpp ima podrsku za AVX-512 koji je sad u svim modernim AMD procesorima (i Intel serverskim procesorima).

U principu, najveca zavisnost LLM performansi je memorijski bandwidth. Sa high-end serverskim/WS procesorima i 8-12 DDR5 kanala mozes imati nekoliko tokena/s na srednjim (72B) modelima. To je i dalje dosta sporije od GPU-a, ali ako nista drugo u teoriji cak mozes trcati i Llama 3.1 405B ako imas 512 GB RAM-a... ali sa 0.5 tokena/s :-) - Intelovi serverski procesori imaju i AMX instrukcije koje ih cine uporedivim sa EPYC procesorima ali nisam siguran da je to vredno cimanja u ovom trenutku.

Za kucnu upotrebu je trenutno najbolja opcija Apple Silicon hardver - moj laptop je MacBook Pro sa 128 GB RAM-a i M3 Max procesorom, i sa njim mogu da trcim Mistral Large 2 (123B) sa ~4 tokena/s.

Alternativna opcija, ako bas hoces kucnu varijantu je da nabavis 8 RTX 3090 grafickih i neku serversku plocu (mozda neki EPYC) - ako nabavis ES/QS CPU sa Ebay-a i nadjes 3090-tke za OK pare, imas gerila AI masinu sa 192 GB VRAM-a na kojoj mozes da teras i izvuces solidan paralelizam. Mislim da cak u Linuxu mozes da osposobis NVLink izmedju 4 para kartica.

Takva masina moze da tera Mistral Large 2 u Q8 ili DeepSeek Coder V2.5 Q4 sa velikim kontekstom u VRAM-u i par destina tokena/s - evo primera:

Prednost GPU varijante u odnosu na Apple hardver je sto sa 4x ili 8x 3090 mozes cak i da radis ogranicen fine tuning... ali za to mislim da je daleko isplativije da zakupis GPU kutije na ili i mnogo prę zavrsis tuning

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
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Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12878

+4792 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?23.10.2024. u 09:58 - pre 2 meseca
Hocu kucnu varijantu i necu nista da kupujem
Imam Ryzen 7 5800X i 64GB RAM-a. Ako bude moglo - super. Ako ne, jbg ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7193 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?23.10.2024. u 10:16 - pre 2 meseca
Moze sto ne bi moglo, sasvim sigurno mozes da trcis manje modele sa llama.cpp

Najlakse ti je da skines LM Studio, i onda direktno skines model sa HuggingFace-a i poteras iz GUI-ja, posto LM studio ima jednostavan UI, plus omogucava i da uploadujes dokumente za analizu (tipa PDF fajlove itd.).

Startuj ovde: - ogranicni velicinu modela na, npr, 8B (samo nemoj od 8B modela ocekivati performanse na nivou GPT-4)

Recimo ovaj: - to je neki fine-tune Llama 3.1 8B Instruct modela, sa nesto poboljsanim performansama (mada je tu uvek pitanje koliko je kontaminiran korpus za trening, dosta tih HF modela su optimizovani da pobede na testovima)

Onda, ides na "quantizations" - kako bi skinuo verziju modela sa redukovanom memorijom

Odaberi kvantizacije od Bartowskog - (Bartowski ima jako puno kvantizovanih modela) - odaberi npr. Q4_K_M ili Q4_K_L sto su 4-bitne kvantizacije i klikni na "Use this model" pa "LM Studio".

LM Studio ce ga svuci i obicno je OK trcati ga sa default parametrima. Alternativa je da sam skines i kompajliras llama.cpp i dovuces kvantizovani model (npr. GGUF) i poteras iz komandne linije. U principu sve isto, samo sto ces sam da skines GGUF fajlove.

Imas isto i ollama ( koji je "wrapper" za llama.cpp, mada ne vidim poentu (LM Studio bar ima GUI).

Sa 64 GB mozes da probas i vece modele, vidi na leaderboard-u sta mozes da spakujes u 30-40 GB RAM-a.


Sto se kvantizacije tice, modeli se treniraju sa 16-bitnom floating point preciznoscu, sto znaci 2 bajta po parametru. Za inference je u ogromnoj vecini slucajeva to potpuno nepotrebno, Q8 je skoro-pa-lossless a cak i 4-bitna kvantizacija daje dobre rezultate. Ispod 4 bita stvari postaju vidno losije. Neki 'sweet spot' ako nemas dovoljno memorije za Q8 je 5-6 bita po parametru, ali i 4 bita obicno radi posao.

LLM zahteva, naravno, da parametri budu ucitani u memoriju (mada u teoriji mozes da mmap-ujes i sa diska, ako si spreman da cekas jako puno vremena) + memorija za konteks (sto duzi kontekst = vise potrebne memorije).

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 187539
Poruke: 2905

+734 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?23.10.2024. u 17:27 - pre 2 meseca
Mislim da je gubljenje vremena praviti neke "transformer" LLM i šta već na skromnoj opremi, bolje je baviti se neki specifičnim stvarima koje ne zahtevaju monstruozan hardver, ali raditi na optimizacijama, obradi/propremi podataka tako da budu pogodni za treniranje NN, itd.
Recimo, ovakve stvari su i dalje aktuelne:

Hardver postaje eksponencijalno skuplji za linearno povećanje performansi, pa će bilo kakva unapređenja u algoritmima biti značajnija od ovih "inovacija" gde je suština pustiti neke podatke da se "istrenira" NN koja će raditi bilo nešto usko specifično ili opšteg tipa kao kod nekih LLM.

Meni je daleko razumnije ono što radi DeepMind, koji svoju "general purpose NN" posebno trenira za neke specijalne probleme, od računarskih igara preko logičkih igara na tabli do problema iz molekularne biologije (npr. savijanje proteina:
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7193 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?05.12.2024. u 17:45 - pre 20 dana i 16h
Kinezi uzvracaju udarac :-)

QwQ: Reflect Deeply on the Boundaries of the Unknown

Ovo je kineski odgovor na GPT o1-preview, i to open-weight! Model ima samo 32B parametara ali vec vrlo solidno udara... na mom MacBook Pro laptopu trci sa ~11 tokena u sekundi sa Q8 kvantizacijom. Na zalost, izlaz mu je ogranicen na ~4000 tokena, valjda ce to da povecaju u finalnoj verziji.

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7193 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?05.12.2024. u 18:27 - pre 20 dana i 15h
O1 System Card:

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 337011
Poruke: 4


icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?05.12.2024. u 19:00 - pre 20 dana i 15h
Upravo probao qwq, impresivno! Imam par pitanja sa kojim testiram modele (eval set), qwq je nakon 78s "razmisljanja" odgovorio tacno na pitanje na koje Claude-3-Opus i GPT-4 nisu mogli da ogovore u martu
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Pantić

Član broj: 214959
Poruke: 793

+164 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 06:45 - pre 20 dana i 3h
GSM-Symbolic: Understanding the Limitations of Mathematical Reasoning in Large Language Models
we further question the reasoning abilities of LLMs and introduce the GSM-NoOp dataset.
By adding seemingly relevant but ultimately irrelevant information to problems, we demonstrate
substantial performance drops (up to 65%) across all state-of-the-art models (Sec. 4.4). This
reveals a critical flaw in the models’ ability to discern relevant information for problem-solving,
likely because their reasoning is not formal in the common sense term and is mostly based
on pattern matching
. We show that even when provided with multiple examples of the same
question or examples containing similar irrelevant information, LLMs struggle to overcome the
challenges posed by GSM-NoOp. This suggests deeper issues in their reasoning processes that
cannot be alleviated by in-context shots and needs further investigation.

Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7193 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 09:44 - pre 20 dana

o1-preview je bolji - na citiranom problemu:


To find out how many kiwis Oliver has, we'll add up the number of kiwis he picked on each day.

- **Friday**: Oliver picked **44** kiwis.
- **Saturday**: He picked **58** kiwis.
- **Sunday**: He picked double the number he did on Friday. So, he picked \(2 \times 44 = 88\) kiwis. The detail about five of them being smaller doesn't affect the count of kiwis; it's extra information that doesn't change the total number.

Adding them up:

\[44 + 58 + 88 = 190\]

So, Oliver has **190** kiwis in total.

**Answer: 190**

U pitanju je model iz septembra, koji je izbacen isto kad i o1-mini.

Testiranje LLM-ova je poseban izazov - svi javni testovi pate od istog problema zato sto ce pre ili kasnije modeli biti kontaminirani sa pitanjima.

Sto se samog "rezonovanja" tice, na primeru QwQ-a se vidi da ima jos solidno prostora za napredak - pre samo pola godine niko ne bi ni mogao da pretpostavi da ce 32B model moci da postize takve rezultate. Kvalitet trening materijala i inovacije tipa CoT su sledeci stepenik.

I super je sto je tako - u momentu kad je izasao originalni GPT-4 je izgledalo da je trajektorija usmerena ka enormnim modelima, ali kako stvari stoje moguce je postici mnogo veca unapredjenja boljim treningom i materijalom nego sa grubim uvecanjem broja parametara.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7193 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 10:12 - pre 19 dana i 23h

Evo i QwQ 32B preview... doduse, nije moguce znati da li je kontaminiran:


So Oliver is picking kiwis on different days, and I need to figure out how many he has in total. Let's break it down day by day.

First, on Friday, he picks 44 kiwis. Got it.

Then on Saturday, he picks 58 kiwis. So far, total kiwis are 44 plus 58. Let's add those up: 44 plus 50 is 94, and then plus 8 is 102. So, 102 kiwis after Friday and Saturday.

Now, on Sunday, he picks double the number he did on Friday. He picked 44 on Friday, so double that would be 88 kiwis. But there's a twist: five of them were a bit smaller than average. But the question is about how many kiwis he has in total, not about their size, so I think we still count all of them. So, he picks 88 kiwis on Sunday.

Now, to find the total, I need to add the Sunday kiwis to the previous total. So, 102 plus 88. Let's see, 102 plus 80 is 182, and then plus 8 is 190.

So, Oliver has 190 kiwis in total.

Wait a minute, I should double-check that. On Friday, 44; Saturday, 58; Sunday, double of Friday, which is 88. So, 44 plus 58 is 102, plus 88 is indeed 190.

Yes, that seems correct.

Final Answer


:-) 32B parametara... kad izadje RTX 5090 za koju nedelju, bice moguce terati ovo u VRAM-u sa pristojnom kvantizacijom... a garant ce finalna verzija biti jos bolja. Zivimo u vrlo zanimljivim vremenima.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Pantić

Član broj: 214959
Poruke: 793

+164 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 13:30 - pre 19 dana i 20h
Ivan Dimkovic: Evo i QwQ 32B preview... doduse, nije moguce znati da li je kontaminiran

Mislio sam da ga zbunim sa % mm, ali je izgleda i kapacitet lonca bio dovoljan:
User: There are 6 liters of milk with 2.8% fat in a 10-liter pot.
How many liters of milk will you have if you add another 5 liters of milk with 1% fat?

QwQ-32B-preview: So I have this problem here. It says there are 6 liters of milk with 2.8% fat in a 10-liter pot. And then I need to add another 5 liters of milk with 1% fat. The question is, how many liters of milk will I have in total after adding these?

Okay, let's break this down. First, there's already 6 liters of milk in the pot. Then I'm adding 5 more liters. So, total liters should just be the sum of these two amounts, right?

So, 6 liters plus 5 liters equals 11 liters. Wait, but the pot is only 10 liters. Hmm, that seems like a problem. Can I really add 5 liters to 6 liters in a 10-liter pot? That would exceed the pot's capacity.

Maybe I need to consider whether the pot can hold the additional milk. If the pot is only 10 liters and there's already 6 liters in it, I can only add up to 4 more liters without exceeding the pot's capacity.

So, if I try to add 5 liters to 6 liters in a 10-liter pot, only 4 liters can be added, and 1 liter would overflow or not fit.

Wait, but the problem says "add another 5 liters." It doesn't specify what happens if the pot can't hold it. Maybe the pot is large enough to hold more, or maybe I need to consider it can hold up to 10 liters.

Alternatively, perhaps the pot is just a container mentioned for context, and I should consider the total milk regardless of the pot's capacity.

Let me read the problem again: "There are 6 liters of milk with 2.8% fat in a 10-liter pot. How many liters of milk will you have if you add another 5 liters of milk with 1% fat?"

It seems like the pot's capacity might not be directly relevant to the question. The question is asking for the total amount of milk after adding the additional 5 liters.

So, if I have 6 liters and add 5 liters, the total should be 11 liters, unless the pot can't hold it, but maybe the pot is just a vessel and I can transfer the milk to another container.

Alternatively, perhaps the pot is part of the context but not a limiting factor.

Wait, maybe I'm overcomplicating this. The question is simply asking for the total volume of milk after adding the two amounts, regardless of the pot's capacity.

So, 6 liters plus 5 liters equals 11 liters.

But, let's see, maybe there's more to it. Perhaps the question is about the fat content of the final mixture, but it seems like it's only asking for the total volume.

Still, to be thorough, I should consider if the fat content affects the total volume, but in reality, fat content doesn't change the volume of the milk; it just changes the composition.

So, the total volume remains the sum of the individual volumes.

Therefore, the total amount of milk will be 11 liters.

But again, considering the pot is only 10 liters, maybe I need to account for overflow or spillage.

Perhaps in that case, only 4 liters can be added to the existing 6 liters without exceeding the pot's capacity.

So, 6 liters plus 4 liters equals 10 liters.

But the problem says "add another 5 liters," which implies attempting to add 5 liters, but only 4 liters can be added without exceeding the pot's capacity.

Alternatively, maybe the pot can hold more than 10 liters, or perhaps it's a large pot that can accommodate more.

I think I need to stick to the information given.

The problem states there are 6 liters in a 10-liter pot, and then you add 5 liters more.

So, 6 liters plus 5 liters equals 11 liters.

Therefore, the total amount of milk will be 11 liters.

Perhaps the pot is not relevant to the calculation of the total milk volume.

Alternatively, maybe the pot's capacity is a trick to mislead, and the question is simply about adding volumes.

In any case, the total volume of milk is 11 liters.

So, the answer should be 11 liters.

**Final Answer**

Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7193 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 14:15 - pre 19 dana i 19h
Da budemo fer prema QwQ-u, proces “razmisljanja” mu je OK :)

Sta bi se desilo da si pitanje kompletno precizirao (“how many liters will I have in the pot?”)?
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Pantić

Član broj: 214959
Poruke: 793

+164 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 14:32 - pre 19 dana i 19h
Sta bi se desilo da si pitanje kompletno precizirao (“how many liters will I have in the pot?”)?

Da ne kopiram ceo odgovor, i dalje ga zbunjuje kapacitet posude, ali je na kraju dao ispravan odgovor:
It says "in the pot," so it's asking for the amount in the pot after adding the 5 liters.

If the pot can only hold 10 liters, and I'm adding 5 liters to the existing 6 liters, which totals 11 liters, then perhaps the pot can only hold 10 liters, and the excess is wasted.

In that case, the amount of milk in the pot would be 10 liters.

But the problem doesn't specify what happens when the pot is full. Maybe it can hold more than 10 liters.

Alternatively, maybe the pot's capacity is exactly 10 liters, and adding more than that isn't possible.

I think I need to make an assumption here. Since the problem mentions a 10-liter pot and then asks about adding 5 liters to the existing 6 liters, which exceeds the pot's capacity, I should consider whether the pot can hold more or if there's overflow.

Perhaps the pot has a capacity of 10 liters, and adding more than that isn't possible, so only 4 liters can be added without exceeding the capacity.

In that case, the total milk in the pot would be 10 liters.

But the problem says "add another 5 liters," which is more than the pot can handle if it's already containing 6 liters.

Maybe I need to consider that the pot can only hold 10 liters, and any addition beyond that causes overflow.

So, if I have 6 liters in the pot and add 5 liters, the pot will overflow by 1 liter, and only 4 liters can be added to reach the full capacity of 10 liters.

Therefore, the total milk in the pot would be 10 liters.

Alternatively, perhaps the pot can hold more than 10 liters, and the 10-liter mention is just the initial capacity, but it can be exceeded.

But that seems unlikely, as pots usually have a specific capacity.

I think the safest assumption is that the pot has a fixed capacity of 10 liters, and adding more than that causes overflow.

Therefore, adding 5 liters to the existing 6 liters would result in the pot being full with 10 liters, and 1 liter of milk is wasted.

So, the answer should be 10 liters.

But wait, the problem doesn't specify what happens when the pot overflows. Maybe it's acceptable for the pot to hold more than 10 liters.

Alternatively, perhaps the pot's capacity is not a strict limit in this context.

Given that, maybe I should just add the volumes: 6 liters plus 5 liters equals 11 liters.

But the problem mentions a "10-liter pot," which suggests that its capacity is 10 liters.

In cooking or culinary contexts, pots usually have a specific capacity, and adding more liquid than that can lead to overflow.

Therefore, considering the pot's capacity, the total milk in the pot after adding 5 liters to the existing 6 liters would be 10 liters.

Hence, the answer is 10 liters.

Final Answer

Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7193 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 14:38 - pre 19 dana i 19h
Mislim da se i o1 slicno “vrti” samo su u OpenAI odlucili da sakriju taj deo izlaza u nadi da ce tako otezati posao drugim timovima da implementiraju CoT.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Pantić

Član broj: 214959
Poruke: 793

+164 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 14:50 - pre 19 dana i 19h
Izgleda da su u Googleu u potpunosti izbacili proces razmišljanja:

Gemini Flash:
If you add 5 liters of milk to the 6 liters already in the pot, you will have a total of
11 liters of milk.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 151475
Poruke: 8297

+1797 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 16:30 - pre 19 dana i 17h
Na nejasno pitanje, nejasni odgovor !

AI ne moze da pogadja necije misli !

Ako si napisao pitanje imas 6 L bla, bla i dodas 5 dobijes nejasan odgovor !

Gde dodas ? Pitanje nije precizno ! Dodati mozes u drugu posudu.

U svakom slucaju i ako dodas u lonac imas 11 Litara !

10 Litara u loncu , 1L pored lonca sto se prelilo ! Ili 1 L plus koji je ostao u posudi, flasi, kanti, pakovanju iz koga si dodao ?

Odgovor 10 Litara se ne podrazumeva jer pitanje nije precizno ! To je samo jedan od odgovora ako ... si mislio a nisi pitao koliko imas u Loncu !
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16750

+7193 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 16:40 - pre 19 dana i 17h
Izgleda da su u Googleu u potpunosti izbacili proces razmišljanja:

Gemini Flash:
If you add 5 liters of milk to the 6 liters already in the pot, you will have a total of
11 liters of milk.

Ovo je i bio podrazumeveni nacin na koji su LLM-ovi pisali odgovore. Chain-of-Thought (CoT) je novina gde se LLM instruira da 'razmislja' o odgovoru pre nego sto izbaci finalni rezultat.
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 151475
Poruke: 8297

+1797 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 16:45 - pre 19 dana i 17h
Jedino ispravno je da AI postavi potpitanje !

Gde da dodas ? Koliko imas, jel mislis u loncu ?

Sve ostalo je pogadjanje misli i subjektivna ocena da li je pogodio misao ili Nije !
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 337011
Poruke: 4


icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 17:29 - pre 19 dana i 16h
Trend se (ocekivano) nastavlja:

Introducing Llama 3.3 – a new 70B model that delivers the performance of our 405B model but is easier & more cost-efficient to run. By leveraging the latest advancements in post-training techniques including online preference optimization, this model improves core performance at a significantly lower cost, making it even more accessible to the entire open source community
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Pantić

Član broj: 214959
Poruke: 793

+164 Profil

icon Re: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?06.12.2024. u 17:57 - pre 19 dana i 16h
ademare: Na nejasno pitanje, nejasni odgovor !

AI ne moze da pogadja necije misli !

Ako si napisao pitanje imas 6 L bla, bla i dodas 5 dobijes nejasan odgovor !

To nije pitanje već odgovor što sam citirao u poruci, ako na to uopšte misliš. Pročitaj prvo današnje poruke pa onda piši, a ne napamet.
Odgovor na temu :: MadZone :: AI: pomoć - ili opasnost?

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