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Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima21.03.2010. u 23:59 - pre 177 meseci
Ne slazem se da sebi kopam rupu. To bi znacilo da imam neki drugi interes osim istine. Stavise, trebalo bi ti sam da postavljas takva pitanja. Kao i svi ostali. Da je takav slucaj ja prakticno ne bih ni morao da ucestvujem u temi. Ajde da vidimo sledece pitanje:

Da li mislis da je izvestaj koji sam linkovao originalan ? Da li je to TAJ izvestaj koji je sacinilo Meksicko ministarstvo odbrane ? I zasto, naravno.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima22.03.2010. u 11:15 - pre 177 meseci

Michael Schratt is an aviation historian. As a cutting-edge researcher into classified projects and unidentified craft he has met with and interviewed numerous scientists and aerospace engineers, pilots and executives from NASA and the defense industry. He investigates clues to planes that have been documented as having been flown by military from within both secret and top secret programs... He firmly believes that American tax-payers have every right to know where our money is being spent. Many of the craft he has documented are being funded within black projects... And he states that billions are being spent today on these craft. Some will only be flown once.

In this fascinating interview shot on the fly, during an impromptu meeting, Michael talks about many of the more prominent cases of classified and unclassified but often mysterious planes and aircraft that have graced our skies but remain elusive from history and the public record.

Kerry Cassidy
21st March 2010

Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 116972
Poruke: 17

+24 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima24.03.2010. u 09:17 - pre 177 meseci

On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 241428
Poruke: 1425

+2403 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima24.03.2010. u 09:58 - pre 177 meseci
Ne slazem se da sebi kopam rupu. To bi znacilo da imam neki drugi interes osim istine

Ne, to bi znacilo da se ti uopste ne pitas takve stvari :)

Da li mislis da je izvestaj koji sam linkovao originalan ? Da li je to TAJ izvestaj koji je sacinilo Meksicko ministarstvo odbrane ? I zasto, naravno.

E, to vec ne bih mogao da znam.
Ti si se pitao i dosao do nekog zakljucka?
Sedam sutlijasa,
za sedam samuraja,
za sedam tramvaja.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.04.2010. u 13:30 - pre 176 meseci

April Fool prank leads to alien hunt in Jordan town
2010-04-06 11:20:00

A newspaper's April Fool article claiming a UFO landing by 10 feet tall aliens caused panic in a Jordan town and troops were sent to look for them, a media report said.

The Al Ghad newspaper published the article that spoke of a UFO landing near the desert town of Jafr, The Telegraph reported.

The front-page newspaper article stated that the aliens lit up the town, interrupted communications and sent scared residents into the streets.

Mohammed Mleihan, the mayor of Jafr, was taken in by the prank and promptly despatched security personnel to hunt for aliens.

'Students didn't go to school, their parents were frightened and I almost evacuated the town's 13,000 residents. People were scared that aliens would attack them,' Mleihan was quoted as saying.

A Jordanian security official said an emergency plan was almost enacted in Jafr.

Moussa Barhoumeh, Al Ghad's managing editor, said the report has been 'blown out of proportion.'

'We meant to entertain, not scare people.'

Prvoaprilska sala :) Zamislite samo na globalnom nivou sta bi se desilo kada bi bez adekvatne pripreme doslo do slicne objave.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.04.2010. u 13:44 - pre 176 meseci
Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.04.2010. u 14:49 - pre 176 meseci
E jel bilo reci o ovom filmu na ovoj temi. Nisam pratio, a ogromna je da bih procitao sve...
U cemu je fazon sa ovim filmom? Jel su stvarno istiniti snimci? Nek da neko link od teme ako ima, da citam malo.

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.04.2010. u 19:54 - pre 176 meseci
Nije bilo reci o tom filmu do sada. Nisam jos pogledao film mada hocu u neko skorije vreme. Procitao sam samo komentare onih koji se bave UFO tematikom. Pre gledanja filma su ocekivali nesto vise bas u smislu istinitog prikazivanja na bazi realnih iskustava onih koji tvrde/misle/jesu oteti. Medjutim kada su videli film bili su razocarani. Sto ne znaci da je film los sam po sebi. Ne mogu tacno da se setim komentara ali cini mi se da je zakljucak bio da takav slucaj nikada nije postojao. Znaci film je u domenu umetnicke slobode autora. Da su kojim slucajem obradjeni neki ili bar jedan stvaran slucaj, hype oko filma bi bio sigurno mnogo veci.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima09.04.2010. u 13:23 - pre 176 meseci
Ja sam gledao film, i ne mogu da verujem sta sam gledao. Znaci ono, istiniti snimci, zena u invalidskim kolicima, doktori, policajci, nestala deca-nikad nadjena, Mila Jovovich...
Nemojte da ga gledate film sami u mraku, moj savet xD.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima10.04.2010. u 11:07 - pre 176 meseci
They walk among us: 1 in 5 believe in aliens?
Thu Apr 8, 2010 1:01pm EDT

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Aliens exist and they live in our midst disguised as humans -- at least, that's what 20 percent of people polled in a global survey believe.

Oddly Enough

The Reuters Ipsos poll of 23,000 adults in 22 countries showed that more than 40 percent of people from India and China believe that aliens walk among us disguised as humans, while those least likely to believe in this are from Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands (8 percent each).

However, the majority of people polled, or 80 percent, don't believe aliens in our midst.

"It would appear that that there's a modest correlation between the most populated countries and those more likely to indicate there may be aliens disguised amongst them compared with those countries with the smaller populations," said John Wright, Senior Vice President of market research firm Ipsos.

"Maybe the it's a simple case that in a less populated country you are more likely to know your next door neighbor better," he said.

More men than women -- 22 percent vs 17 percent -- believe that alien beings are on earth.

Most of those believers are under the age of 35, and across all income classes, the survey showed. Of those who do not believe, most are women.

Jedino cudnije od toga da ovakvu vest prenosi Rojters jeste da je cak 20% ljudi dobro obavesteno :)

A 20% je prakticno isto kao i 21% koliki procenat populacije je Islamske vere. Ovo je shokantan rezultat. Voleo bih da vidim detaljnije o tom istrazivanju da se uverim da nije neka sala u pitanju.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima11.04.2010. u 12:01 - pre 176 meseci
Klaus Dona:
The Hidden History
of the Human Race
March 2010

I first met Klaus Dona, an Austrian artifacts researcher, in July 2009. His Project Camelot interview (available here) was extremely well received, and many people wrote asking for a follow-up. So I'm delighted to bring you more.

This video is a 45 minute slideshow, with a personal commentary from Klaus. It's data-rich, detailed, intensive, absorbing, and may contain more startling information about the history of the human race in one place than any other video you've ever seen.

The journey we embark on covers Atlantis, reptilian humanoids, the Anunnaki, ancient symbolism, ancient science, an ancient global language, and much more. This is astonishing material, which has my highest recommendation. Enjoy.

Neverovatno interesantna prezentacija!! Obratite paznju samo na mape sveta sa prikazanim kontinentom Antlantidom i kako se savrseno uklapaju obale Afrike i Juzne Amerike kada se uporede sa modernim mapama. Takodje nista manje impresini nisu ni medicinski instrumenti nadjeni u juznoj amreci a izradjeni od veoma tvrdog kamena. Kolicina medicinskog znanja i tehnika izrade su u najmanju ruku impresivni. I jos mnogo toga. Uzivajte.
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 116972
Poruke: 17

+24 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima11.04.2010. u 13:06 - pre 176 meseci
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima11.04.2010. u 14:17 - pre 176 meseci
Pa dobro, stvarno sviraju ko vanzemljaci, ako si na to mislio :P.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima11.04.2010. u 18:34 - pre 176 meseci
Nije na to mislio :)
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima12.04.2010. u 12:37 - pre 176 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima12.04.2010. u 16:57 - pre 176 meseci
UFOs worthy of serious study, prof says

BUFFALO, N.Y., April 11 (UPI) -- The subject of UFOs should be brought out into the open as a worthwhile "area of study," a New York anthropology professor says.

"(A sighting) happens to millions of people (around the world)," Philip Haseley said. "It's about time we looked into this as a worthy area of study. It's important that the whole subject be brought out in the open and investigated," The Buffalo (New York) News reported Sunday.

Haseley teaches at Niagara County Community College and is head of the Western New York Mutual UFO Network, an organization focused on UFO research.

About 30 to 50 alleged UFO sightings are reported monthly across New York, and Haseley says his group investigates them in a scientific manner using field investigation, radar, astronomy and meteorology.

"To say we are UFO believers basically implies we are taking this on faith, and that's not the case," he said. "There's plenty of evidence."

The members of the UFO network say they are well aware of their skeptics.

"We have to deal with skeptics like any other UFO organization, and we are perfectly willing to be critiqued," Haseley said. "We know people who think this is a nonsense subject. And we'll refer you to voluminous literature and facts about UFOs."

Uvek je zadovoljstvo videti da ima naucnika koji su dovoljno otvorenog uma da pravilno razmisljaju o fenomenu.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima14.04.2010. u 13:33 - pre 176 meseci

Air Force medic says Eisenhower met ET

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima17.04.2010. u 13:07 - pre 176 meseci

What did UFO hacker really find?
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima23.04.2010. u 12:15 - pre 176 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima26.04.2010. u 08:48 - pre 176 meseci
Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking
Odgovor na temu :: MadZone :: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima

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