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Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 12:52 - pre 165 meseci
Nisu nestali slucajno.

Posto je u toj gomili smeca to vazio kao najvazniji "slucaj", neko od sluzbenika, koga su po kazni zguzili da se sa tim bakce, je u napadu dosade uzeo bas to da iscita.
I dosavsi do druge strane uzviknuo "Kakvo je ovo djubre, nije cak ni smijesno!" i bacio u kantu, ne nalazeci za shodno cak ni sluzbenu zapisku o bacanju tog smeca da napravi, jer je smatrao da nikog normalnog nece zanimati bacanje djubreta, kao sto ne bi ni trebalo.

A onda kad su htjeli da bace i ostalo, firma za odvoz smeca im je ispostavila fakturu sa koje su procitali da odvoz 8000 smecova nije bas jeftino, pa se neko dosjetio da to "pokloni" onim drugima koji ne spadaju u normalne - da se zanimaju.

U medjuvremenu, doticni sluzbenik je otisao na kraci godisnji odmor, a u telefonskom razgovoru sa njime odbio je da se o navedenom problemu ozbiljno izjasni, posto smatra da se radi o nekoj zajebanciji kolega iz kancelarije.
Cim se vrati sa godisnjeg odmora i ubijede ga da se ne radi o zajebanciji sve ce se ovo razjasniti.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 13:06 - pre 165 meseci
Trebalo bi da pises trash, jeftine, vikend romane.

Interview With Stanton Friedman - Debunking the Debunkers

Our next interview from the 2011 UFO Conference in Arizona features a fascinating conversation with Stanton Friedman, on the subject of "UFO Debunkers." Mr. Friedman is a nuclear physicist and one of the original civilian investigators of the Roswell incident. He is often credited for brining the events in Roswell to popular awareness due to his research and and diligent fact-finding. There are few people in UFOology with longer resume than Stanton's nearly five decades of involvement. During that time, he's become frustrated with what he feels are errant arguments of habitual debunkers. He shares some of his thoughts on that subject and more.
Odgovor na temu

Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 13:19 - pre 165 meseci
Ankalagon the Black: Trebalo bi da pises trash, jeftine, vikend romane.

Mislio sam ja, ali konkurencija je prejaka.
Pogotovo ovi penzionisani vojnici i sluzbenici. Nacitali se i naslusali tokom zivota kojekakvog trash-a i sad samo siplju ko' iz rukava.
Ja moram da izmisljam, a njima budale slale godinama trash-materijal dzabe i sad samo to isto prepisuju i prodaju.

Nema tu ljeba za nas obicne.

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 13:56 - pre 165 meseci
Ljubi te majka kako si pametan.
Odgovor na temu

Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 14:00 - pre 165 meseci
Uzvratio bih kompliment, ali majka me ucila da nije dobro lagati.
Odgovor na temu

Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 14:41 - pre 165 meseci
Nego, nesto se pitam, imas li ti ijednog strucnjaka mladjeg od 80 godina?
Ova UFO nauka je izgleda neka gerijatrijska disciplina.
Jesi li citao mozda epizodu Alana Forda "Gero-skauti"? Vrlo je poucna, mislim da bi tu nasao dosta materijala za daljnja razmisljanja...

U medjuvremenu, evo snimak suprostavljanja misljenja izmedju Dana Burisha i Stantona Friedmana, na UFO konferenciji u San Tropeu, Juli 2010:
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 15:09 - pre 165 meseci
Classified Docs Reveal UK Tried to Stop Worldwide UFO Investigation

When Britain released 8,500 pages of previously classified UFO files last week, one set of key documents quickly caught my attention and had a profound effect on me as it took me back in time 33 years.

The file includes many pages detailing the British government's attempt in 1978 to derail the country of Grenada's plan to convince the United Nations to form a special UFO study committee. The reason these documents resonated so strongly with me is because I'm the one who produced Grenada's UFO presentation at the U.N. all those years ago.

At the time, Grenada's prime minister, Sir Eric Gairy, was trying to generate U.N. interest in his UFO committee idea, but many member nations weren't paying a lot of attention to him. Meantime, after producing a documentary record album for CBS Inc. called "UFOs: The Credibility Factor," I wanted to take the early notion of UFO disclosure to the U.N.

So I met and made a deal with Gairy, under which his country would sponsor a credible presentation at the U.N. that I would produce, to include astronomer (and former UFO consultant to the Air Force) J. Allen Hynek, French astrophysicist Jacques Vallee, nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman and Army Lt. Col. Larry Coyne, who related his story of the night he and his helicopter crew had a terrifying close encounter with a UFO.

Little did I know, until just last week, that while I spent 1978 preparing for that U.N. event, the British government was essentially trying to stop the creation of the commission I was hoping to bring to life.

One 1978 document just released in the British National Archives addresses the United Kingdom's desire to oppose a UFO committee out of fear that it would ultimately cause the U.N. to fall into some sort of disrepute:

The British delegation does not think that the establishment of an agency for research into unidentified flying objects is appropriate to the functions of the United Nations. ...

Hopefully, a confrontation with the representatives of Grenada can be avoided, but the U.K. should not hesitate to make its views known as and when appropriate. ...

Foreign and Commonwealth Office ministers expressed the view that to set up any such body would reduce the credibility of the U.N.; accordingly, the U.K. delegation was instructed to oppose.

I wondered why Britain suggested that an international commission to study UFOs "would reduce the credibility of the U.N." With that question in mind, I called Nick Pope in London. For three of the 21 years he worked in the Ministry of Defense, he was chief of the British government's UFO Project.

"I think that was a very clever piece of PR, because what they were really doing was trying to scare the U.N. itself and say to the U.N.: 'You know, this might rebound on you,' " Pope told AOL News.

"Well, actually, there was no evidence that that was the case, and in fact, the people -- who, after all, the U.N. is supposed to represent, aren't they? -- are incredibly interested and always have been in this.

"So it was a complete fabrication and a very clever piece of brinkmanship to sort of scare the U.N. into thinking that setting up a commission would damage their reputation. But actually, the opposite would've been the case: The people would've said, 'This is great, this is what we want, we're interested in this.' "

Pope hadn't yet started his career at the Ministry of Defense, or MoD, when I was involved with Grenada and the UFO event at the U.N., but he's quite familiar with the documents. He speculates that MoD and Foreign and Commonwealth officials conspired to lobby, both publicly and privately, to kill the UFO proposal.

"This is completely in line with MoD's longstanding policy to downplay both the phenomenon itself and the department's involvement in it. So what you've got is behind-the-scenes machinations where defense officials and diplomats are basically plotting, casting aspersions, probably starting a whispering campaign against Sir Eric Gairy."

Despite the serious and credible speakers I brought to the United Nations, shortly after our presentation, Gairy was ousted in an early 1979 coup.

"While you had some big hitters, I think you were fighting against the dead hand of inertia -- the powers that be," said Pope. "Clearly, behind closed doors, conversations had taken place and it had been made clear that this must not happen.

"And it's interesting, though this is speculation only, to wonder whether some of the actions that the British took led either directly or indirectly to his ousting."

Ever since that series of events that led me to the United Nations in 1978, I've never doubted that what we did there was important. Astrophysicist Vallee, who served as the model for the French scientist portrayed by Francois Truffaut in the classic 1977 film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," agrees that it wasn't a waste of our time.

"In a way, it was a high-water mark on the thinking about the phenomenon," Vallee said. "It is sort of a milestone, and I'm proud of the fact we did that. It didn't go anywhere, but at least we proposed the idea of the sharing of data."

With Pope's unique perspective of years handling and analyzing official British documents, he's not completely surprised at how the whole '78 U.N. incident was handled.

"After more than 30 years, people are still talking about it. It may have taken this latest release of UFO files to bring it back into the spotlight, but nobody can rewrite the past," Pope said.

"This actually happened, and today's discovery that the dead hand of bureaucracy was conspiring against you perhaps enables you to say, 'We hold and have always held the moral high ground here.' Because you went in well-intentioned, believing that there was an issue that needed to be addressed (and I agree with you), and it's only now, over 30 years later, that you find that the deck was rigged."

Well, even though Pope was still a teenager back then, we both laughed as he now offered me an unofficial apology.

"I had no direct involvement in this, but on a personal level, I'm sorry that my government did that."

Thanks, Nick. I'm not one to hold a grudge, and I'm just happy to have been a part of it all.
Odgovor na temu

Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 15:19 - pre 165 meseci
Ankalagon the Black: Video or it did not happen.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 15:26 - pre 165 meseci
Da, jos uvek niste obezbedili nikakav dokaz da zvezde mogu da izgledaju kao da menjaju boje. Pravo cudo za tako jednu cestu pojavu. Kad lupetate gluposti tako to onda izgleda.
Odgovor na temu

Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 15:49 - pre 165 meseci
Nisam primjetio da se iko na ovoj temi bavi dokazivanjem.
To bi bio off-topic.

Ovdje se - kao sto si i sam primjetio - lupetaju gluposti, i molim te da ne trolujes nekakvim dokazima. A ako hoces da se bavis dokazima - izvoli otvori drugu temu pa tamo dokazivaj kol'ko oces.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 241428
Poruke: 1425

+2403 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima07.03.2011. u 20:05 - pre 165 meseci
Ankalagon the Black: Da, jos uvek niste obezbedili nikakav dokaz da zvezde mogu da izgledaju kao da menjaju boje. Pravo cudo za tako jednu cestu pojavu. Kad lupetate gluposti tako to onda izgleda.

Hahaha :):)
Evo ga opet ::):):)

Pa da...prvo - sto bi neko nesto uopste dokazivao.
Drugo, to je nesto za sta si dobio i video, znaci desilo se i desava se, ima naucno ime i sve tako.
Trece, ako bi izasao napolje, pa malo stvarno gledao u nebo umesto da slusas matore sizofrenicare, svasta novo bi saznao....
Sedam sutlijasa,
za sedam samuraja,
za sedam tramvaja.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.03.2011. u 12:29 - pre 165 meseci
Vidim svi su mnogo gledali u nebo al eto nikako da neko snimi tu promenu boja. Jbg, kad neces da priznas da si pogresio onda ce neko drugi stalno da te podseca na to.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Ankalagon the Black dana 08.03.2011. u 20:07 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Odin D.
Mlađi referent za automatizaciju

Član broj: 37292
Poruke: 2549

+8370 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.03.2011. u 12:47 - pre 165 meseci
"da te" se pise odvojeno.
"podseca" se pise sa "d", a ne sa "t".
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 241428
Poruke: 1425

+2403 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.03.2011. u 12:53 - pre 165 meseci
Negiranje realnosti i verovanje izlapelim 'prorocima' je poremecaj koji u pocetku moze da se kontrolise lekovima. Kako vreme odmice, vremena za reakciju je sve manje.
Dakle, dobio si snimak (znaci desilo se), dobio si tumacenje (naucno, pa sve tako) i analize koje si trazio, dobio si sve sto normalnoj osobi treba radi objasnjenja pojave i to ti nije dovoljno...a to onda znaci da nesto debelo nije kako treba.
Sedam sutlijasa,
za sedam samuraja,
za sedam tramvaja.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.03.2011. u 19:09 - pre 165 meseci
Dobio sam jedno uopsteno objasnjenje za koje ne moze da se nadje specifican primer koji odgovara situaciji. Ukratko, nista.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 241428
Poruke: 1425

+2403 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.03.2011. u 19:34 - pre 165 meseci
Kao sto ne moze da se nadje primer ni za ono sto u narodu nazivaju "zalazak Sunca". Ja to jos nisam video, a ne postoji ni video snimak.
Sedam sutlijasa,
za sedam samuraja,
za sedam tramvaja.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 241428
Poruke: 1425

+2403 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.03.2011. u 19:37 - pre 165 meseci
Sa druge strane, jedan penzionisani pukovnik mi je pricao da Sunce cesto u avgustu postane kockasto i zeleno, pa nema razloga da mu ne verujem.
Sedam sutlijasa,
za sedam samuraja,
za sedam tramvaja.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima09.03.2011. u 11:58 - pre 165 meseci
Sa druge strane, jedan penzionisani pukovnik mi je pricao da Sunce cesto u avgustu postane kockasto i zeleno, pa nema razloga da mu ne verujem.

Jel mozes da pronadjes bar 50 pukovnika i drugih cinova da to isto kazu. Ne mozes naravno. Prvo, zato sto si izmislio takvog pukovnika a drugo zato sto Sunce nikada nije kockasto ni zeleno. Razlog, zasto bih ja mogao da pronadjem 150 pukovnika koji ce ti iz svog istog iskustva reci da vanzemaljci postoje jeste taj zato sto govore istinu.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 29216
Poruke: 1472

+1498 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima09.03.2011. u 18:37 - pre 165 meseci
anakalgon koliko imaš godina možda je u tome problem?
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima10.03.2011. u 00:13 - pre 165 meseci
jfk imam dovoljno godina i prateceg iskustva, nije u tome problem
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