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Riot Games granted US patent on spectator mode :: Video igre :: Riot Games granted US patent on spectator mode

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Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Riot Games granted US patent on spectator mode06.02.2014. u 01:03 - pre 127 meseci
Kakva pilićarska firma (pazi samo komentare):

Pa posle neka neko kaže kako Riot nema razloga da brine zbog Dote 2 ili kako Dota 2 vremenom neće da privlači još više ljudi iz LoL i HoN zajednice. :)

Pokenjali se mučenici.
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Riot Games granted US patent on spectator mode06.02.2014. u 16:03 - pre 127 meseci
"Riot has claimed in the past that they want Esports to grow as a whole."

Ovo samo advokat i može da kaže u ovakvoj situaciji. -.-
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Riot Games granted US patent on spectator mode06.02.2014. u 16:07 - pre 127 meseci
"Riot also has patent applications in the works for the Tribunal and Matchmaking"

E, Matchmaking bi da patentiraju... -.-
Odgovor na temu :: Video igre :: Riot Games granted US patent on spectator mode

[ Pregleda: 4289 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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