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Armed assault 3 problemi sa modovima :: Video igre :: Armed assault 3 problemi sa modovima

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icon Armed assault 3 problemi sa modovima20.12.2014. u 22:58 - pre 124 meseci
Pozdrav !
Skinuo sam sa neta pomenutu igricu, instalirao i sve funkcionise normalno. Problem se javlja kada pokusam da ubacim neki addOn u igricu.
Posedovao sam pre ARMA 1 i addOn-e sam ubaciovao tako sto sam ih otpakivao u addOns folder. Tako sam pokusao i sa trecim delom.
Skinuo sam ovaj mod i jednostavno ga otpakovao u addOns folder i "aktivirao mod" u igrici . Onda mi je prijavio gresku: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/APC_Tracked_03_base_D.scope ... Probao sam jos par modova tako ali nije islo.

Posle toga sam pratio druga uputstva i ubaciovao modove u : C:\Program Files (x86)\ARMA 3 @Peral_A-10C a ne u addOns. I opet sam u igrici "ukljucio mod" i restartovao igricu. Kada sam usao u editor i ubacio addOn na mapu dobio sam ovu gresku: Bad version 59 in p3d file 'peral_a10\a10c.p3d'

Probao sam da aktiviram igricu i preko programa ArmA3Sync medjutim opet nista.

Ovo je uputstvo koje sam nasao na netu:

Extract into the ArmA 3 Directory, by default this is located in:
32-Bit - C:\Program Files\Steam/Steamapps\Common\ArmA 3\
64-Bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam/Steamapps\Common\ArmA 3\
After extraction it should look like this:
Steam\Steamapps\Common\ArmA 3\@your_mod_folder_name\addons\

You can also use the "Arma 3 Alpha" folder in your "My Documents" folder. Your folder setup could than look like for example this:
mydocuments\Arma3 Alpha\@your_mod_folder_name1\addons\
mydocuments\Arma3 Alpha\@your_mod_folder_name2\addons\
mydocuments\Arma3 Alpha\@your_mod_folder_name2\addons\

When present place the "userconfig" folder into your game install folder, usually:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3".
You may already have "userconfig" folder from other addons and/or mods in which case it is safe to merge the contents from this archive.

You'll also need to add a Launch Parameter to Steam, in order to do so right-click on ArmA 3 Alpha and click Properties and then Set Launch Options. In the window that opens enter in -mod=@your_mod_folder_name
For using multiple mods you would then do so like this:

E sada stvara mi problem ovo : Steam\Steamapps\Common\ArmA 3 i You can also use the "Arma 3 Alpha" folder in your "My Documents" folder. Ljudi ja nemam ni jedan od ovih foldera. Uopste nemam Steam ??? Tako sam skinuo igru. imam samo C:\Program Files (x86)\ARMA 3 i C:\Users\Marko\Documents\Arma 3 i nista vise :/ Imate li neki savet ? sta da radim?
Odgovor na temu :: Video igre :: Armed assault 3 problemi sa modovima

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