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Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima29.06.2010. u 19:50 - pre 174 meseci
Nikad nisam imao ni nameru nikoga da ubedjujem niti ista da dokazujem. Osim toga, broj onih koji su dosli do zakljucka da vanzemaljci postoje je mnogo veci nego sto mislis. Takodje i oni koji se ubuduce zainteresuju za problematiku verovatno ce pronaci ovu temu i u njoj ce naci linkove i diskusiju za sav materijal koji smo ovde zajednicki sakupili sto ce im ubrzati sopstvenu potragu. To bi otprilike bila prava funkcija ove teme sada.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima30.06.2010. u 17:22 - pre 174 meseci

Nation-wide Italian exam includes essay questions on ETs and UFOs

On June 22nd, 2010, for the first time in the history of the Italian educational system, UFOs and extraterrestrials became the topic of an essay requirement for hundreds of thousands students of Italy, asked to express their thoughts on this controversial subject.

The “Maturity Exam” (also known as “Esame di Stato”, State Exam) is the final goal of every student, who wants to continue to study and enter the university world. The Maturity diploma is equivalent to the ACTs or SATs in the U.S., where the students have to pass written and oral tests. The first written exam (“Italian test”) pertains to humanistic culture and the second pertains to scientific culture. The Italian written test is identical nation-wide, regardless of the type of school the student had attended.

Usually, among the humanistic topics proposed by the Italian Educators, the test requires the students to choose from literary, sociological, historical and current life subjects. Last Tuesday 500,694 young candidates were utterly surprised to see the humanistic test dedicated to the subject of extraterrestrial life and UFOs. The test allowed students to choose which topic they wanted to write about among five choices. Each topic begins with introductory references for the students to use to help guide them on their topic.

Four of them considered the possibility of life in the Cosmos, the philosophical implications of such existence and the consequences of a possible Alien/Human contact. These four introductory references were writings of American science historian and astrobiologist Steven J. Dick, great German philosopher Immanuel Kant, and contemporary famous scientists, Stephen Hawking and Paul Davies. British astrophysicist, Hawking, focused on the importance of intelligence and of tolerance. He argues that an intelligent human being has to accept the idea of the existence of many different intelligences. Arizona based astrophysicist, Davies, sees the search for extraterrestrial intelligence as a fundamental challenge for our minds and our consciousness.

Remarkably, the fifth choice referred to UFOs, its introduction was written by two experts, scientific journalist Pippo Battaglia, well known author and documentary writer and Walter Ferreri, of the Turin Astronomic Observatory also a science writer. Here is the Battaglia and Ferreri text chosen by the Ministry of Public Education to direct the Italian students:

Subject: Are We Alone?

“UFOs: uninvited guests? In the past years, as a result of public pressure, several studies were conducted primarily by the U.S Air Force to establish the nature of the UFO phenomenon… At the present state of our knowledge, the percentage of the alleged sightings found unexplainable is very low, around 1.5 to 2%. This small percentage could be attributed largely to suggestions and visions, which certainly exist… There are numerous hypotheses that may explain the nature of UFOs. For example, one hypothesis suggests that the origin of a number of sightings is in fact little known geophysical phenomena, another suggests secret experimental aircraft, yet the extraterrestrial origin is not completely excluded. The truth is that we cannot explain it with rationality and knowledge… Apparently, logic and scientific method do not seem effective in the study of UFOs for which any explanation is unsatisfactory and/or too risky”.

According to Televideo (RAI News on-line service) an unexpected 19%, almost one out of five of this young population, has chosen the UFO topic. What could be more refreshing when you are 20 and full of hope than to have a Maturity test about UFOs and life in the Universe. This is unprecedented for the Italian educational system and probably is still unseen worldwide.

Even though the Italian and European educational systems are still lacking when it comes to the UFO/ET life question as part of normal curriculum, something is changing and this initiative will certainly help to open and grow thousands of young minds.

What a difference from forty years ago when it was my turn to deal with the infamous and scary Italian Maturity test. I remember the topic I had to cover, It was the fascinating life of Ugo Foscolo, 18th century revolutionary, writer and poet, whose dark style I actually loved. My essay barely passed the scrutiny of the judging commission. I narrowly made it to university afterwards, although I soon quit. Rock Music and journalism were calling me.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima30.06.2010. u 17:41 - pre 174 meseci
Evo u prilog tvojoj temi, posto vidim koliko je ozbiljno shvatas, i koliko energije ulazes. Nisam citao celu temu, tako da ne znam da li je bilo reci o ovome.

"The Tunguska Event, or Tunguska explosion, was a powerful explosion that occurred not far from the Podkamennaya (Lower Stony) Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai in Russia, at 0 hours 13 minutes 35 seconds Greenwich Mean Time [1] (around 07:14 local time)[2][3] on June 30, 1908 (June 17 in the Julian calendar, in use locally at the time).[3]"

"Although the meteoroid or comet burst in the air rather than hitting the surface, this event is still referred to as an impact. Estimates of the energy of the blast range from 5 to as high as 30 megatons of TNT (21–130 PJ).[6][7], with 10–15 megatons of TNT (42–63 PJ) the most likely[7]—roughly equal to the United States' Castle Bravo thermonuclear bomb tested on March 1, 1954, about 1,000 times as powerful as the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan and about one-third the power of the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated.[8] The explosion knocked over an estimated 80 million trees over 2,150 square kilometres (830 sq mi). It is estimated that the shock wave from the blast would have measured 5.0 on the Richter scale. An explosion of this magnitude is capable of destroying a large metropolitan area.[9] This possibility has helped to spark discussion of asteroid deflection strategies."

"The Tunguska event is the largest impact event over land in Earth's recent history.[10]"

"Later studies of the spheres found unusual ratios of numerous other metals relative to the surrounding environment, which was taken as further evidence of their extraterrestrial origin.[27]"

"Alien spaceship crash

A number of theories based on UFOs have claimed that the Tunguska event was the result of the activities of extraterrestrial beings, including an exploding alien spaceship or even an alien weapon going off to "save the Earth from an imminent threat".[56] "

"In 2009, Dr Yuri Labvin, the president of the Tunguska Spatial Phenomenon Foundation repeated these claims, based upon findings of quartz slabs with strange markings on them found at the site, which, he claims, represent the remnants of an alien spaceship's control panel."

Evo i videa, History channel.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 241428
Poruke: 1425

+2403 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima30.06.2010. u 20:26 - pre 174 meseci
Kakve veze Tunguska event ima sa ovim?
Prvo, to se stvarno desilo, to nije izmislio neki dokoni Svajcarac. Postoje svedoci, a postoje i materijalni dokazi koji potkrepljuju njihove tvrdnje (da ne postoje, bio bi to zadatak za Moli i Skaldera)
Drugo, na osnovu tih istrazivanja je nedvosmisleno utvrdjeno sta je u pitanju.
Sedam sutlijasa,
za sedam samuraja,
za sedam tramvaja.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima30.06.2010. u 21:57 - pre 174 meseci
Evo u prilog tvojoj temi, posto vidim koliko je ozbiljno shvatas, i koliko energije ulazes. Nisam citao celu temu, tako da ne znam da li je bilo reci o ovome.

Hvala. Konstruktivni doprinosi su bili prilicno mali do sada na temi. Uvek je korisno videti sta su drugi ljudi pronasli i sta misle o temi. Nema veze ako se nesto ponovi ponekad. Bolje nego da promakne :)

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima30.06.2010. u 22:48 - pre 174 meseci

Alex Collier Conference January 2010 Part 1of3

Sta god neko mislio o njemu Alex Collier je jedan od najboljih govornika koji se bavi problematikom kontakta sa vanzemaljcima.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 241428
Poruke: 1425

+2403 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima30.06.2010. u 23:46 - pre 174 meseci
Ankalagon the Black: Uvek je korisno videti sta su drugi ljudi pronasli i sta misle o temi.

A i ti verujes da se tu spustio svemirski brod?
Sedam sutlijasa,
za sedam samuraja,
za sedam tramvaja.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima01.07.2010. u 06:36 - pre 174 meseci
Pa dobro, niko ovde nije iskljuciv. I oni na wikipediji su rezervisani, zato sto ima puno toga nerazjasnjenog. Na primer, u nultoj tacki udara, drvece je netaknuto, a okolo je sravnjeno sa zemljom 80 miliona stabala, tj, 2150 kvadratnih kilometara. Nije pronadjen bas nijedan, ni najmanji ostatak asteroida, komete ili meteorita. Neobjasnjive su i genetske mutacije kod insekata, zivotinja i stanovnistva, i pojava radijacije. Tamo su komarci ko rode, ali bukvalno xD. To su sve zvanicni podaci, koje nauka prihvata, ali ipak nema objasnjenja.

A to se dogodilo 30. juna 1908. Dakle juce je bio 30. jun, tako da sam napisao ovo kao podsecanje na dogadjaj. Interesantno je i to, da se to dogodilo dva sata ranije, St. Petersburg bi bio zbrisan sa lica zemlje. Ili recimo da se to dogodilo na okeanu, stotine miliona ljudi bi izginulo. Da li smo imali srece? Ili je nesto drugo. Ustvari to je otprilike najzgodnije mesto na planeti Zemlji gde je mogao da se dogodi udar, i da nanese najmanje stete. Ali zbog mnogo spekulacija, cak i u naucnim krugovima, mislim da je tema interesantna za razgovor.

Recimo pogledajte ove interesantne teorije o dogadjaju, od strane formalne nauke.

Albert A. Jackson i Michael P. Ryan, fizicari univerziteta u Teksasu.

Black hole

"In 1973, Albert A. Jackson and Michael P. Ryan, physicists at the University of Texas, proposed that the Tunguska event was caused by a small (around 1017 kg to 1019 kg) black hole passing through the Earth.[50][51] This hypothesis is flawed, as there was no so-called exit event — a second explosion occurring as the black hole, having tunnelled through the Earth, shot out the other side on its way back into space. Based on the direction of impact, the exit event would have occurred in the North Atlantic, closer than the impact event to the seismic recording stations that collected much of the evidence of the event. The hypothesis also fails to account for evidence that cosmic material was deposited by the impacting body, including dust trails in the atmosphere and the distribution of high-nickel magnetic spherules around the impact area.[52]"


In 1941, Lincoln LaPaz, and later in 1965, Clyde Cowan, Chandra R. Atluri, and Willard F. Libby suggested that the Tunguska event was caused by the annihilation of a chunk of antimatter falling from space.[51][53] As with the other hypotheses described in this section, this does not account for the mineral debris left in the area of the explosion.

The Wardenclyffe Tower

Oliver Nichelson suggested that the Tunguska explosion may have been the result of an experiment by Nikola Tesla using the Wardenclyffe Tower, performed during one of Admiral Robert Peary's North Pole expeditions.[51][54][55]

This theory had failed to gain many adherents, due to the lack of positive evidence, the presence of meteoroid fragments in soils and trees from the time, and the fact that the Wardenclyffe Tower was largely or entirely inactive at that time.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 241428
Poruke: 1425

+2403 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima01.07.2010. u 08:28 - pre 174 meseci
boxxter: Pa dobro, niko ovde nije iskljuciv. I oni na wikipediji su rezervisani, zato sto ima puno toga nerazjasnjenog.

Pusti ti Wikipediju, ona je dobra samo kada treba da dobijes neke opste informacije...

Na primer, u nultoj tacki udara, drvece je netaknuto, a okolo je sravnjeno sa zemljom 80 miliona stabala, tj, 2150 kvadratnih kilometara.

Prvo, nije netaknuto, vec je i na tom drvecu prisutno onakvo ostecenje koje se slaze sa ekplozijom tela na visini od nekoliko kilometara. Ovo su potvrdile kompjuterske simulacije kao i analize visinskih nuklearnih ekplozija.

Nije pronadjen bas nijedan, ni najmanji ostatak asteroida, komete ili meteorita.

Ovo takodje nije tacno. Mozda gosn Kulik nije uspeo da nadje ostatke, ali su mikro ostaci pronadjeni 70 i neke godine opstom analizom terena precnika 80km.
Raspodela 'nezemaljskih' elemenata kao i elemenata koji nastaju pri ovakvim udarima tacno odgovara elipsi u okviru koje je nastalo unistenje sume. Iz raznoraznih razloga je teorija o kometi odbacena, pa je kao glavni akter ovog dogadjaja ostao asteroid.

Neobjasnjive su i genetske mutacije kod insekata, zivotinja i stanovnistva, i pojava radijacije.

S obzirom da nesto pojacana radijacija postoji, a da su se ovi prva merenja radijacije vrsila skoro 50 godina nakon dogadjaja, kada je nuklearna era odavno pocela prica o radijaciji je cista spekulacija. Vrlo pogodno za one koju razotkrivaju zavere.
Za insekte ne znam, ali pojacan rast vegetacije se objasnjava naglo oslobodjenim prostorom nakon dogadjaja...

Recimo pogledajte ove interesantne teorije o dogadjaju, od strane formalne nauke.
The hypothesis also fails to account for evidence that cosmic material was deposited by the impacting body, ......
....this does not account for the mineral debris left in the area of the explosion....
...the presence of meteoroid fragments in soils..."

Zar nisi malopre napisao da nema nikakvih ostataka :)

Sedam sutlijasa,
za sedam samuraja,
za sedam tramvaja.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima01.07.2010. u 08:35 - pre 174 meseci
A i ti verujes da se tu spustio svemirski brod?

Ja uopste ne trazim stvari u koje cu da verujem ili ne. Ne moram po svaku cenu da donesem zakljucak u vezi onoga sto procitam. Pogotovu ne odmah. Ali bilo bi nelogicno da ne procitam i o tom dogadjaju ako je vec tako kontroverzan i neke od teorija sugerisu fenomen koji nije prirodan. Tj. pod uslovom da me ta tema zaista zanima. A zanima me.

Znaci, nije poenta u verovanju. Nije poenta ni u dokazivanju. Poenta je u prikupljanju podataka, analiziranju i razmisljanju. Potrebno je dosta truda i vremena da bi se doslo do nekakvih zakljucaka. A kod komplikovanih pitanja ti zakljucci uglavnom budu samo nove polazne pretpostavke. I onda ide nova iteracija.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima01.07.2010. u 16:50 - pre 174 meseci
3way: Zar nisi malopre napisao da nema nikakvih ostataka :)

U svakom slucaju hvala na iscrpnom odgovoru. Nisam ja rekao da nema ostataka, nego oni. Ja sam samo citirao razlicite spekulacije i verzije, moras da priznas, stvarno neobicnog dogadjaja. Ne postoji krater, a svi naucnici se slazu da nema niti jednog kamencica na mestu dogadjaja, osim kontraverznih tvrdnji o fragmentima, koji su mikroskopske velicine, sto je neverovatno za eksploziju takvih razmera.

Citirao sam i wikipediju koja govori o teorijama i ostacima silikona sa oznakama ne-zemaljskog porekla. Dakle ne tvrdim nista, uglavnom citiram izvore. O genetskim mutacijama postoje dokazi naucnih ekspedicija koje su isle tamo, a neki su snimljeni i kamerom, i neke od tih zapisa sam video. Dakle snimci naucnih ekspedicija, a ne turistickih agencija. I kad bi video velicinu muve, komarca ili pecurke tamo, sve bi ti bilo jasno. Ali prihvatam da za tebe tu nema nista cudno, i naravno da imas pravo na takvo misljenje.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima02.07.2010. u 23:19 - pre 174 meseci
Evo snimka jos jednog sumnjivog objekta.

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima06.07.2010. u 23:15 - pre 173 meseci

ET, phone Brussels: EU calls for opening UFO data

By STEPHANIE FLEMING (AP) – 2 hours ago

BRUSSELS — E.T., phone Brussels.

A European Union lawmaker urged member governments Tuesday to open their secret files on UFOs, saying people need to know about close encounters of the third kind.

Mario Borghezio, an Italian member of the European Parliament, told The Associated Press in an e-mail Tuesday that the EU needs its own "X Files" archive where anyone can see information on UFOs — including data gathered by the military. Borghezio said all European governments should go public and stop what he called a "systematic cover-up."

Opening the files is not unprecedented: Last year, Britain published 4,000 pages online on 800 alleged encounters with aliens during the 1980s and 1990s. And over the past three years the British defense ministry has been gradually releasing previously secret UFO papers after facing Freedom of Information demands.

Borghezio also said it is essential to have a scientific center to research unidentified flying objects. Its investigations could have "major scientific and technological spinoffs," he said.

"I think that, under the principle of transparency, the EU member states have a duty to make public and available to all scientific data on UFOs which today are partially or wholly withheld," he wrote in the e-mail.

He is seeking the support of other lawmakers from the 736-member assembly for a statement calling on governments to act.

So far, though, he's collected only 18 signatures.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima16.07.2010. u 12:41 - pre 173 meseci

UFO in China's Skies Prompts Investigation
Eighteen Flights Delayed, Theories Abound
Odgovor na temu

Milan Kragujevic
Koordinator za razvoj u državnoj firmi

Milan Kragujevic
Član broj: 231903
Poruke: 2233

Sajt: https://milankragujevic.c..

+203 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima25.07.2010. u 20:45 - pre 173 meseci
Vanzemaljci nas kontaktiraju preko kosmičkog Tvitera

Vanzemaljci možda pokušavaju da nas kontaktiraju komunicirajući na način sličan slanju poruka na Tviteru. Verovatnije je da nam oni šalju kratke, direkte poruke, umesto stalnih signala, upravljenog u svim pravcima, prenosi "Telegraf" navode naučnika.

Kalifornijski fizičar dr Džejms Benford, predsednik kompanije "Majkrovejv sajensiz" i njegov brat Gregori, astrofizičar Univerziteta u Kaliforniji pokušali su da u potrazi za vanzemaljskim inteligentnim oblicima života sagledaju stvari sa gledišta "tuđinaca".

Oni su zaključili da su naučnici instituta "SETI" tokom proteklih 50 godina imali pogrešan pristup – astronomi su do sada tragali za neobičnim zvukovima i sličnim tragovima sa obližnjih zvezda.

Uprkos potrazi dugoj pola veka, još niko nije našao dokaz vanzemaljskog signala, ali su mnogi naučnici ipak ubeđeni da nismo sami u svemiru.

"Kakav god da je oblik života, evolucija bira zbog ekonomičnosti izvora", rekao je Gregori Benford. "Emitovanje je skupo, a slanje signala svetlosnim godinama udalj zahtevalo bi značajne izvore".

Braća naučnici tvrde da bi vanzemaljska civilizacija težila ka smanjenju troškova, ograničenju otpada i tehnološkoj efikasnosti emitovanja signala. Oni smatraju da bi vanzemaljski signali bili pulsirajući i upravljeni ka dometu od jedan do 10 gigaherca.

Umesto što upiru svoje antene ka obližnjim zvezdama, naučnici bi trebalo da ciljaju ka centru Mlečnog puta, naše galaksije, kažu Benfordovi.

"Tamošnje zvezde su milijardu godina starije od našeg Sunca, što ukazuje na veću mogućnost kontakta sa naprednom civilizacijom", kaže Gregori Benford.
Nemam ti ništa više reć
Ali ima ti nešto za reći moj tetejac
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima28.07.2010. u 10:03 - pre 173 meseci

Gov't should investigate all UFO sightings

Recently, the local media and the local and foreign internet community were abuzz with the news of an UFO (unidentified flying object) sighting at a serene beach resort near the city of Kota Kinabalu in Sabah.

According to the press reports, the sightings of the round blue silent flying object in the sky were witnessed by many locals and tourists. Apparently some of the people who witnessed this UFO even claimed that their handphone 'went dead' mysteriously when they tried to record the moments of the UFO with their device.

Ufologists (researchers studying on UFOs) describe UFO as sightings of an object or light seen in the sky or land whose appearance, trajectory, actions, motions, lights and colors do not have a logical, conventional or natural explanation.

Sightings of UFOs in Malaysia have been reported by the local media on and off over many years. The first recorded sighting of an UFO apparently took place in 1950s in Malaysia. Subsequently there have been many reports emerging in the press around the Asian region. However all these sightings remain just as another newspaper report and I have not heard of the authorities making any attempt to investigate these sightings to validate the claims.

In the recent UFO sighting at the Tuaran Beach Resort in Sabah, the police according to press reports, did not undertake any investigations over the incident which created somewhat of a stir in the community. It was also reported in the press that police did not conduct any investigations on the UFO sighting as there were no police reports on the matter. Is a police report a necessity for an investigation of this nature?

In my opinion, we should not brush aside or scoff at UFO sightings of this nature. The authorities, especially those involved in the national security sector, should conduct an investigation on such credible sightings immediately. We should not leave reports of UFO sightings of such nature for granted or unattended .

Whatever it is the authorities should undertake an investigation to ascertain the validity of the report. A proper investigation should be carried out and situation should be explained to the public. Otherwise this will only create opportunities for the naive public and the media to speculate on the incident further.

The authorities have an obligation to explain to the public what was that the people witnessed hovering in the Sabah sky that day. We need to determine wether it was actually a UFO or IFO (Identified Flying Object). If we don't have UFO expertise locally we can always seek the assistance of renown ufologist in USA and Europe

According to overseas reports, 90% to 95% UFO sighting investigations were proven to be IFOs and not UFOs. Many a time it has been attributed to a natural phenomenon (unusual environmental conditions) or man-made objects. In some instances during certain times of the year due to atmospheric turbulence and unusual weather conditions, the stars near the horizon tend to twinkle rapidly in red and blue colours darting back and forth which people take as an UFO

Nevertheless, all UFO sightings should be investigated by the relevant authorities to distinguish between UFOs and IFOs. It must be pointed out that of late there have been reports of UFO sighting incidents around the world that have somewhat got national security authorities worried.

Prior to our latest UFO sighting in Sabah another UFO was sighted at Hangzhou, China on July 7. The sighting of this UFO practically forced the Chinese aviation security authorities to cease all airport operations for an hour. If this is a natural phenomenon or man made object will the Chinese authorities cease all operations at the airport for an hour?

This latest UFO sighting in China created a stir among the Chinese media circles and apparently sparked a firestorm of speculations on the UFOs identity.

Several UFO sighting reports in the past in the USA closer to nuclear missile facilities apparently created a panic among USA security chiefs when the missile panel electronics malfunctioned for no apparent reasons. Although the USA authorities have denied this incident independent UFO expert (J.Allen Hynek) reports suggest otherwise.

It's time we review our perceptions of UFO sightings in the country. Evidence is emerging in bit and pieces that we are been watched by some terrestrial beings. We need to scrutinize all UFOs sightings in view of the security implications. Perhaps we should encourage our scientists, police and national aviation security personals to familiarise on the subject of UFOs.

We should train them to conduct a systematic critical analysis of all UFO sightings in the country instead of brushing it off. If need be, we should consider setting up a special investigation unit perhaps under the national security council to investigate all UFO sightings.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima30.07.2010. u 18:32 - pre 173 meseci
Commercial Airline Pilot Says UFOs Are Real

With nearly 30,000 flight hours under his belt, Jim Courant’s qualifications as a major passenger airline captain are solid. So is his conviction that the UFO phenomenon is real. ...

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima03.08.2010. u 17:12 - pre 173 meseci

Chinese astronomer predicts appearance of UFO in 2011
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Ankalagon the Black

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icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima12.08.2010. u 09:38 - pre 172 meseci

Brazil air force to record UFO sightings

Brazil's government has ordered its air force to officially record any sighting of unidentified flying objects.

A government decree said all military and civilian pilots as well as air traffic controllers should register any UFO sightings with the national aerospace defence command.

The information will be stored in the national archives in Rio de Janeiro.

It will be made available to researchers, including those seeking evidence of extraterrestrial life.

Anything unusual that is seen, photographed or video filmed in Brazil's air space will now have to be reported and catalogued.

But the air force said it would limit itself to collecting information, and would not be chasing UFOs.

"Air force command does not have a specialized structure to carry out scientific experiments on these phenomena and will limit itself to recording any events" the air force said in a statement.
Out there somewhere?

There have been several reports of UFOs in Brazil in recent decades.

In 1986, air force jets were scrambled to investigate unidentified objects in the skies above Sao Paulo, but the phenomenon was never fully explained.

And in 1977 the Amazon town of Vigia asked for military help after some residents said they had been attacked by extra-terrestrials.

One anonymous air traffic controller told the Brazilian newspaper O Dia that sightings had been reported at the highest level.

"I have heard of ministers and even a president who said they had seen a UFO", he said.

Brazilian UFO watchers have welcomed the decision to make such information public in future.

Bilo bi super kada bi i vojske drugih zemalja sledile primer Brazila. Ovako bi stvari trebalo da se rade. Ako vojska vec nema sredstava da se bavi istrazivanjem neidentifikovanih objekata na nebu, neka barem podeli informacije sa javnoscu pa ko ima vremena i volje neka istrazuje.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima19.08.2010. u 19:20 - pre 172 meseci
Newly released UFO files from the UK government

Files released in August 2010

The files contain a wide range of UFO-related documents, drawings, letters and parliamentary questions covering the years 1995-2003.

Discover which part of the country had the most reported UFO sightings and find out more about the terror attack foretold in a dream, mysterious objects tracked by radar and the 100-1 bet on alien life.

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