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Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa23.10.2010. u 21:16 - pre 172 meseci
Ja topovao malo. Ako se mod ne slozi neka skine.
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Chief Software Architect
Financial Intelligence Software Ltd.
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6044

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa23.10.2010. u 22:08 - pre 172 meseci
Taman na vreme ;) Pre neki sat je izasao patch Pretpostavljam da ce "narodna" verzija biti dostupna za dan dva

Boldovano pri dnu je ono sto vas muci

Fix for production prompt that sometimes appears with newly created puppet states that could stop the player from being able to end the turn.
Aircraft banner corrections - now when you rebase an aircraft, the number will move with it.
Resource icons now come up with Ctrl-R again, instead of sharing the same button with Build Roads.
Selecting a great general will no longer cause yield icons to appear.
dded option to disable auto-unit cycling.
Fix for full-screen game when running dual monitors. Previously, the curser could scroll off the "open" side, and not be able to scroll the map in that direction.
Misc additional fixes to mouse controls, and other interface issues.
Rounded out financial information in the Economic Overview screen.
Details now provided on the amount of gold provided by each city, the cost of buildings in each city, etc.
Auto-populate save menu with save file name
Allow selection of other cities by hex from within the city screen
Added detailed trade route info to Economic Overview screen
Added new tab to the Economic Overview Screen: "Resources & Happiness."
Added option to activate the mp score list in single player (for "always up" score similar to Civ IV.)
The Annex/Puppet/Raze popup now indicates how much extra Unhappiness will be assumed with each action.
If there are less than 5 buildings still needed to construct a National Wonder, the production popup tool-tip now lists which cities lack them.
Added Yield & Culture tool-tip info to the production popup.
Tweak information on the Global Politics tab in the Diplomacy Overview screen.

Category list now displays correctly
"Installed" panel now displays ALL versions of a mod but prevents the user from enabling multiple versions.

Workers - Added option to force workers to ignore manually made improvements (so they don't change what you decide was best for a plot).
Workers - Fixed bug where number of turns to complete were incorrect in build action button tool-tip.
Economy - Fixed bug where players could disband a single unit, and not see the economic return until disbanding 1 more.
Economy - Increased city wealth setting to 25%
Economy - Multiple fixes to the way trade-routes are tabulated and recognized.
Economy - Can now sell Buildings in a city (to help lower maintenance for obsolete buildings later in the game).
Trade - Found and corrected a Trade problem that could cause your Resource inventory to multiply.
City States - Fixed a bug where you could not gift aircraft to city states.
Military - Medic promotion now only provides healing bonus for adjacent units.
Military - Fix for Minuteman movement.
Military - Correct promotions for "archer-like" units (horse archers, chariots).
Military - Embarked units will no longer slow enemy land units
Military - Improved unit cycling logic. Camera will jump around much less.
Balance - Engineers +1 hammer
Balance - Disbanding units now provides only 10% of their production cost in gold.
Request - Enable "one more turn" button if you lose, but are still alive.

Military - Better handling of unit need (navy vs land, etc.).
Military - AI will tend to build ships to deal with blockaded cities more often
Military - Corrected an issue hampering movement of AI armies, especially when in close proximity to enemy forces
Diplomacy - AI will be more reluctant to offer or accept open border agreements with more powerful opponents.
Diplomacy - Fix for never ending deals (peace, research agreements, etc).
City - City specialization and city focus improvements.
City - Cities that are Avoiding Growth will not grow while that option is selected
Workers - Priority of trading posts reduced, and rebalanced priorities on other improvements
Workers - Improved the path-finding mechanic when building route-to roads improved, including a large performance increase when evaluating road-pathing.
City - Make sure Puppets don't construct buildings that require Resources.
City - Add a Puppet city strategy that turns off training buildings and emphasizes gold.
Military - Defensive tactical AI update. When you are at war and threatening an enemy city, the AI will better utilize the garrison, as well as the surrounding terrain in defense of the target city.

Exploit - Fix for gifting unit exploit
Chat - Color-coding, sound alerts, etc., added for in-game chat system, including a larger window.
Deals - Additional deal validation put in place to verify deals before they are committed

Research treaties that end because you declare war will no longer grant the free tech
Save/Load - Fix for corrupted saves being experienced by some players in late-game.
Map - Huge map crash-during-load fix that were reported on some specific systems.
Map - Terrain caching fix that could cause problems for certain video cards (the "glowing red orbs" seen on the map are an indicator of this).
Map - Fix for the low res terrain that appears the first time the game is run (terrain tiles would not load in anything but low-res the first time you play on some computer configurations)
Strategic View - Crash fix for units rendering in background.
Strategic View - Fix for selecting units either standing on a city plot, or garrisoned in the city plot.
Eyefinity - Better handling of leader scenes when using Eyefinity displays.
Tutorials - Many tutorial tweaks and adjustments.
Multiple crash fixes.
Taller than wide map crash fix.

Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog
naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji
je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan,
sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu

Srđan Pavlović
Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija MNRO
Vojvodina, Bačka Palanka

Srđan Pavlović
Član broj: 139340
Poruke: 5571


+382 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa23.10.2010. u 22:18 - pre 172 meseci
Eto, rekoh ja da ce brzo to da srede - ipak se radi o critical bagovima :)
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Chief Software Architect
Financial Intelligence Software Ltd.
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6044

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa23.10.2010. u 22:25 - pre 172 meseci
Saved games ne rade vise Ja cekao da poprave moje minuteman-e i sad sipak. Vidim da se ljudi bune opasno, bice verovatno build 61
Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog
naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji
je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan,
sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 266797
Poruke: 6

+2 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa24.10.2010. u 17:13 - pre 172 meseci
Pozdrav svima.Ja igram civilizaciju 4 jos od leta 2008,a od zime 2008 igram je i online.
Jedan sam od najboljih na serveru,moj nick je daHeezy
Igra li jos neko online?

Probao sam civ 5 . Krajnje lose ocenjujem tu igricu i mislim da necu preci na nju,kao i vecina sadasnjih "zavisnika"
od civ 4. Totalno je druga igra u odnosu na civ 4.Skroz kao Age of Empire,a mi smo ocekivali samo extra unapredjenu civ 4,a ne nesto totalno novo,drugacije.
Mozda da ovu sadasnju civ 5 preimenuju u "civilization world" a naprave nesto novo na isti sablon kao civ 4
i nazovu je civ 5 :-)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 266797
Poruke: 6

+2 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa24.10.2010. u 17:24 - pre 172 meseci
Inace,ja sam jednom u multiplayeru 4v4 inland sea imao negde oko machinery 120slonova i oko 100 katapultova
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Chief Software Architect
Financial Intelligence Software Ltd.
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6044

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa27.10.2010. u 08:21 - pre 172 meseci
Novi quick-fix patch, mislim da su "narodnjaci" cekali na ovaj (plus vavilonce i mongole DLC)

Released 10/26/2010
* Legacy saves for players who own Babylon will work correctly.
* Mods that broke (will not load, and saves would crash on load) as the result of the .62 patch (full Civ mods mainly) now work correctly.
* Scenario menu glitch corrected.
* Exploit – Raze/Annex happiness fix.

Ovde inace izlaze detalji patcheva
Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog
naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji
je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan,
sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Chief Software Architect
Financial Intelligence Software Ltd.
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6044

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa19.12.2010. u 22:23 - pre 170 meseci
Patch 1.0.135



- Proper evaluation of which enemy units can reach my units next turn.
- Sorting enemy targets (within a class) by damage.
- Combine bombardment fire from cities with other ranged fire where possible.
- Never target a city for a ranged attack when they are already at (or going to be at) 1 health.
- Have the tactical AI be more aggressive about fortifying units that aren't moving anyways.
- Make all forms of guarding improvements the lowest priority tactical AI moves.
- Don't mark tiles adjacent to enemy at sea as good for flank attacks -- there is no flanking at sea.
- Update to tactical AI pillaging code - now prioritize enemy land resources and trade routes (never regular mines or farms). Always uses the check to make sure AI is not trying to pillage in an enemy dominance zone. Barbarians will still target everything.
- Never use ranged units to provide flank bonuses.
- Reduce chance of AI civs making "suicide" attacks.
- Changes to better protect the capital or any city with an enemy within 5 tiles.

- AI will be more aggressive about pursuing Diplo victory (bribing City States) if they are wealthy.
- AI will be more aggressive about building Spaceship parts when going for Science victory.

- Tweak a few leader settings to be more likely to use their traits.
- Adjust Napoleon to make more likely to go for culture.

- AI will not use Horse as defenders on hills as much.
- AI will often build more defensive troops.
- AI will more aggressively hunt barbs in the early game.
- Slightly more naval units.
- AI will now build ranged and mobile units more in line with the flavor settings for the team - in general, this means more mobile units.
- AI now builds, deploys, and uses air units more effectively.
- Allow AI to build more units if above Prince.
- AI will be more likely to build and bring siege units in a city attack.
- Better nuke targeting by AI.
- Won't build AA if no air threat.
- Allow AI or automated human explorers to move to edge of sight range and then explore again.

- AI will emphasize getting an Ocean going explorer unit when the time comes.
- AI slightly more likely to settle off home continent.
- AI should colonize other continents regularly.
- AI second wave expansion more aggressive.
- Improve the AI's chances of setting up protected bombard attacks.
- Settlers: should handle watery maps better.
- AI will grab goody huts on other land masses.
- AI will grab empty barb camps more often.

- Large Cities should be more willing to build happiness and gold buildings.
- Workers prioritize repair builds higher than other builds.
- AI will be more likely to build a wall on any city that was an original capital.
- Builder tasking now calculates yields appropriately during golden ages and weighs tiles according to how much stuff they provide overall as well as their maximum yield of a certain type.
- More likely to build up economy early.
- Multiple worker AI improvements.

- Factor GS into flavors more.
- Disband obsolete units even if not losing money.
- Upgrade units a bit more.
- Tweak flavors of policies a bit.
- Have AI factor Grand Strategy into picking policies.
- AI will factor grand strategy into tech choices a bit more.
- AI don't send a barb expedition if defenses are critical.
- AI less likely to pick a city on an inland sea for serious naval production.
- Additional pathfinder optimization.


- Added "National Treasury" national wonder, which requires Markets in all cities. Provides +8 Gold per turn to the city in which it's built.
- Added "Circus Maximus" national wonder, which requires Colosseums in all cities.. Provides 5 Happiness.
- Library now has no specialist slots.
- Wat now has two specialist slots.
- Public school now has 1 Science per pop, +1 free Great Scientist point, +1 Culture for 3 gold maintenance.
- Observatory now has 1 specialist slot.
- Research Lab has two specialist slots.
- Public school now provides 1 beaker per pop for 3 gold maintenance.
- Watermill now provides +2 good and +1 production for 2 gold maintenance.
- Paper Maker now has no specialist slots.
- Circus now has +2 happiness and no maintenance.
- Theatre now has +5 happiness.
- Stadium now has +5 happiness.
- Reduced production cost and maintenance for the Courthouse.
- Courthouse can now be purchased in a city (although it is expensive).
- Removed maintenance from city defense buildings (Walls, Castle, Military Base).
- City defense buildings now help cities heal.
- Increased city strength ramp-up based on technology.
- Reduced effects of Forbidden Palace and Meritocracy (Happiness per city).
- Reduced amount of food needed for cities to grow at larger sizes.
- Buildings can now no longer provide more Happiness than there is population in a city (wonders are excluded from this).
- Ironworks now gives 10 hammers instead of a % bonus.
- National College now gives +5 science in addition to the % bonus.
- Hermitage gives 5 culture in addition to its previous bonus.
- Raze/Unraze exploit fixed.
- Cities being razed are unhappy about it (only during the razing process).
- Cities heal more quickly.

- Cavalry can now go obsolete with Combustion.
- Stealth bombers cannot use carriers.
- Only allow one upgrade per unit from a goody hut.
- Add second embarkation promotion ("Defensive Embarkation").
- Amount of damage done during naval combat increased.
- All melee horse units get penalty attacking cities.
- Increased city attack penalty for mounted and armor units to 50% (from 40%).
- Lancers (and Lancer UUs) upgrade to helicopter.
- Lowered combat value of Horseman and Companion Cavalry.
- Promotions must be picked the turn they're earned.
- Can no longer promote a unit that has fought during the turn (instead, the promotion comes up the beginning of the following turn).
- Catapults and Trebuchets now weaker against units but stronger VS cities.
- Reduced effectiveness of Archers & Crossbowmen (and their UUs) VS cities.
- Reduced some combat bonuses: flanking (15 to 10), Great Generals (25 to 20), Discipline (15 to 10), Military Tradition (2x to 1.5x).
- Remove requirement for aluminum on Mobile SAM.
- Lower open terrain penalty to 10% .
- Marsh is now 3 moves to enter (Chariots do not move quickly through it anymore).
- Cavalry now upgrade to tanks.

- Reduced bonuses from Maritime city-states - Friends: +2 food in capital, +0 food in other cities - Allies: +3 food in capital, +1 food in other cities
- Only the first 3 units gifted to a city-state will earn Influence now.
- Killing a barb inside a city-state's territory now gives a 5-turn buffer where there is no Influence intrusion penalty.

- If an empire reaches -20 Happiness, it goes into revolt, and rebels start appearing throughout the empire, based on the number of cities.
- Amount of Happiness needed to trigger a Golden Age reduced.
- Amount of Happiness needed to trigger a Golden Age now increases as the number of cities in the empire goes up.

- Landed Elite (Tradition Branch) now reduces culture cost of border growth by 2/3.
- Monarchy (Tradition Branch) now provides +1 Gold per 2 pop in the Capital..
- Liberty now provides a Settler training bonus to only the capital, and not every city.
- Tradition now provides +50% growth in the capital.
- Theocracy now reduces Unhappiness by 25% .
- Reformation now gives a 10-turn GA.
- Adopting Rationalism now gives a 4-turn GA.

- Add link between Military Science and Dynamite.
- Add link between Civil Service and Education.
- Add link between Economics and Scientific Theory.
- Add link between Chivalry and Acoustics.
- Research overflow now works correctly (extra beakers after completing a tech will rollover to the next tech).

- Fixed bug where clicking on a city plot wouldn't select the garrison.
- Natural wonders now award culture (if worked) and happiness (if in border) if that trait is assigned to a wonder in XML.
- Players must now always adopt Policies immediately, and cannot defer picking until later.
- Have culture cost for policies never go down (trading away cities to reduce culture cost exploit). Razing cities will not raise your policy cost ceiling.
- Reduced culture needed for first plot acquisition from 20 to 15.
- 3 new Natural Wonders and rarity code for both base game and New World scenario.
- Reduced points from Wonders (40 to 25) & Cities (10 to , increased points for pop by 1 (3 to 4).

- AI's attitude towards you is now visible in the diplo screen and diplo drop-down.
- Added info tooltip for an AI leader's mood. Lists things that are making an AI player happy/upset.
- New diplo system: Declaration of Friendship (public declaration with diplomatic repercussions).
- New diplo system: Denounce (public declaration with diplomatic repercussions).
- New custom leader responses (Serious Expansion Warning, Aggressive Military, Luxury Exchange, Borders Exchange, Gift Request, etc.).
- Not agreeing to a friend's request now results in a relations hit.
- Third party AIs can now respond when a player makes a DoF or denounces someone. What they say is based on the situation - e.g. if you make friends with someone they don't like, they'll scold you.
- AI leaders will now sometimes ask their friends to denounce one of their enemies as a show of support, and refusing to denounce someone when an AI asks can now make them very upset.
- AI is now capable of denouncing friends (aka, backstabbing) and added backstabbing info to diplo overview screen.

- Add XP bar for air units, do not allow XP for air units attacking a city that is already down to its last hit-point.
- Change ActivePlayer's name to "You" in single player in score list.
- Added game option to disable automated workers from removing features.
- Fixed bug where Happiness from garrisoned units wasn't being listed in Happiness info tooltip.
- Load Map function will now display correct size and type of saved map.
- New "Angry Genghis" loading screen (replaces the "fluffy-bunny Genghis" loading screen).
- Added setup options to allow players to defer choosing Policies and Promotions right away.
- Show the river penalty when attacking city across river (the penalty was there but was not being shown in the preview).
- Global politics screen updated to reflect new diplo system.
- Can no longer Force End Turn (shift-enter) through blocking notifications. CAN now use it to skip over units which need orders.
- Multiple tweaks and bug fixes.

- Fix small bugs with adding long roads around existing features.
- Fixed bombard arrow across world wrap.

- Parent category counts now include counts of child categories.
- Selecting/deselecting a category now automatically selects/deselects it's children and its parent.
- Tweaked category name truncation to better fit names.
- Hide categories w/ no children and a count of 0.
- Added support for fallback languages (if mod is not translated, fall-back to English so text keys are not showing).
- The pager for the installed mods tab of the mods browser is now displayed in the correct location.
- Long values for properties such as "Special Thanks" will no longer extend past the edge browser frame.
- Categories refresh much faster now in the mods browser.
- Multiple additional tweaks and fixes to the mod browser.
- Support for mods that perform major restructuring of the tech tree including adding, deleting, and updating techs, buildings, and units.
- Added GameEvents system for overriding Gameplay DLL specific functionality.
- Fixed "Reload Landmark System" mod flag to now refresh landmarks defined in "ArtDefine_Landmarks".
- Multiple SDK updates (new version to go live shortly).

- Fixed save format which causes saves to increase the memory footprint of the game drastically when loading frequently over the course of the game. This heightened the risk of late-game out of memory crashes significantly.

Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog
naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji
je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan,
sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 31423
Poruke: 1758

+181 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa11.01.2011. u 10:54 - pre 169 meseci
Može li neko da mi odgovori da li se plaća održavanje puteva i pruga koji nisu u okviru moje teritorije?
I još nešto, da li je neko probao da igra sa Inkama? Dokupio sam ih zajedno sa Španijom i pročitao njihove karakteristike ali nigde ne mogu da nađem da li je tačno da polja sa planinama daju neki bonus? Samo sam video jedan komentar na tu temu na Jutjubu.
Primećujem da je dosta stvari popravljeno u zadnjem peču, samo je AI i dalje dosta tvrd i sada lako odbacuje (denounce).
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 266797
Poruke: 6

+2 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa16.01.2011. u 21:26 - pre 169 meseci
Pretpostavljam da ste nakon ovog vremena svi jako razocarani koliko je civilizacija 5 losa.

P.S. 1 gold za jedan put ( jedno polje sa putom)
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Chief Software Architect
Financial Intelligence Software Ltd.
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6044

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa16.01.2011. u 23:22 - pre 169 meseci
Ja sam srecom otkazao uplatu sami su krivi sto su u evropi pustali nedelju dana kasnije, mogli su mi uzzeti pare na mufte

Odigrao sa m jednu partiju do kraja i vise nisam ni pokrenuo igricu, nadam se nekom cudu sa expansion packom mada mislim da nema sanse da se ova duboko pokvarena igra popravi. A i lead designer je otisao iz Firexaisa kojem je trenutna preokupacija izbacivanja jos zaglupljenije verzije za facebook. Cak mi je i 1UPT za koji sam mislio da ce biti dobar na kraju ispostavilo kao veoma otezavajuca okolnost

Mislim da ovaj clanak najbolje opisuje stvari

kralj je fenomenalno opisao sustinu problematike

I have heard many people claim that Civ5 has "potential". An interesting word, potential. In my experience, when an online community starts to bandy around the word "potential" in discussing a game, it's a sure sign that the game has proven to be disappointing or underwhelming. Sure, Civ5 has tons of "potential" to become something great. But so did Civ: Colonization, and so did Spore, and so did Empire: Total War, and so did Sim City Socities, and so did Master of Orion 3, and so did all of the other mediocre strategy games that came out and crushed everyone's hopes. The timeline of a bad game always seems to follow the same pattern. The buildup to the game's release is full of excitement and anticipation, building to a fever pitch on launch day. The game comes out, and the fanbase is euphoric! For a few days, anyway. Then the stories start creeping out. Too many bugs detracting from running the game. The second game isn't nearly as interesting as the first, and the third is just plain boring. Influential, long-time community members start posting that the game lacks depth and isn't as good as past games in the series/franchise. These claims are hotly debated, and forums turn into polarized camps of "haters" and "fanboys". After a month passes and the initial excitment begins to wear off, more and more of the fanbase begins to lose interest. Some of those who initially defended the game begin to join the critics. A mantra begins among the faithful, "wait for the patch!" Patching will surely solve these issues and salvage the game. The wait for the patch becomes interminable, and more fans drift away to other games. Then finally the patch arrives, hallelujah! Only... the patch makes marginal improvements, and nearly everything remains the same. More fans drift away, and the waiting for the next patch cycle begins.

If you think I'm describing Civ5's history there over the past three months, I wasn't. I was actually describing the process I watched with Spore's release in 2008. These things are cyclical though; the community always goes through the same relationship with bad games, never deviating much from this process. I've seen it at least a dozen times over the years, and Civ5 is firmly entrenched within this same cycle. As I write this, word has just come out that Jon Shafer, lead designer of Civ5, is leaving Firaxis. There are no details on his departure, and it's most likely a perfectly normal part of the business process. At the same time, Civ5 will now have to go forward without its head designer in charge of the patching process, which would seem to indicate that further changes and improvement will be minimal. Civ5 will remain a game of great "potential" - which by definition means that it was never actually very good.

Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog
naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji
je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan,
sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 248171
Poruke: 106

+66 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa17.01.2011. u 12:47 - pre 169 meseci
ja lepo rekao odmah cim je izasla da je fail ali neee ne veruje meni niko :)
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Chief Software Architect
Financial Intelligence Software Ltd.
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6044

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa23.01.2011. u 13:36 - pre 169 meseci
Released 1/20/2011

Dead interceptor crash fix (occurred frequently in late-game, usually on the AI turn)
Movement limit crash fix (occurred when any high-movement unit, a gunship in this case, made use of the railroad bonus and moved beyond the engine visualization limits)
Crash fix for diplo AI. When the player witnesses an AI leader buy a minor ally, and aggressively purchased them back, the game would eventually crash when the AI leader would correctly try to complain to you about it.
The following crashes were all discovered via the Steam Crash Reporting system that Civilization V utilizes:
Crash - pCitizens->GetCityPlotFromIndex(iPlotLoop); is returning NULL in the CvPlayer::DoRevolt loop.
Crash - Occasionally strange values are sent to the movement cursor code. Wrap and clamp the values before they get to the pathfinder.
Crash - Fix to divide by zero crash with AI buying plots.
Crash - In RouteValid, the CvTacticalAnalysisMap cell thinks a plot is claimed, but the plot itself has no owner.
Crash - Era out of bounds during a reload.
Crash - During a resync, a crash happens when GameplayUnitCreated calls CvPlot::GetActiveFogOfWarMode apparently because the game's ActiveTeam is NO_TEAM (-1).

Fix to Golden Age length (for Reformation policy with both the Persian trait and Chichen Itze)
Corrected duration of golden ages generated from Taj Mahal and when a Persian player has Chichen Itza (Before the multiple 50% additions were "compounded" rather than added together into a 100% bonus.)

Fix to blank science victory details screen

Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog
naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji
je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan,
sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu

Srđan Pavlović
Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija MNRO
Vojvodina, Bačka Palanka

Srđan Pavlović
Član broj: 139340
Poruke: 5571


+382 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa23.01.2011. u 16:21 - pre 169 meseci
Jbg, isto kao kod Heroja III.

Kao sto su HOMM4 i 5 decje gluposti, a trojka jedina prava igra,
tako je i sa ovim Civ-om - dvojka je bila najbolje izdanje, a onda
su krenule jake graficke karte i to je izgledalo sve bolje, ali je igra
prilicno pokvarena.
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Chief Software Architect
Financial Intelligence Software Ltd.
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6044

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa16.02.2012. u 14:21 - pre 156 meseci
Posle godinu dana, da malo osvezimo temu

Izlazi expansion pack vraca se religija i spijunaza


Today I am extremely excited to tell you all that yes, it will! Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods & Kings is currently slated for a late Spring 2012 release.

It will come as no surprise to those of you who are familar with expansion packs for previous Civilization games that Gods & Kings will add more techs, units, buildings, Wonders, and playable Civilizations. But what about the big brand new game elements that will change the way you conquer the world? Let me lay it out for you:

Tons of New Stuff. I know I just mentioned it, but I want to draw attention to just how many new things we've got here: 27 new units, 13 new buildings, 9 new wonders, and 9 new playable civilizations. Among the new civilizations are the Netherlands (William I, Prince of Orange), the Celts (Boudicca), and the Mayans (Pacal the Great).

Religion. That's right; quite possibly the most requested major addition to the game is coming in the Gods & Kings expansion. Using the new "Faith" resource, you'll be able to found your own religion and grow it from a simple Pantheon of the Gods to a world-spanning fully-customized religion.

Reworked Combat System. The expansion has a reworked combat system along with an AI that places more emphasis on balanced army composition. Among the changes to the combat system is the addition of melee naval units, which will force you to really rethink the way you execute your naval assaults.

Enhanced Diplomacy, with Espionage. In addition to being able to establish embassies with your rival civilizations, spies will now be an important part of how you conduct your foreign affairs. Surveilling foreign cities, stealing advanced techs, and garnering influence with city-states are some of the things you'll be able to do with this new powerful mechanic.

New City-States. With religion being added to the game, it only made sense to introduce Religious city-states which will interact with your religion in special ways. In addition, Mercantile city-states will be attractive for those of you who love to grow your civilization's treasury. All city-states will use the greatly expanded quest system, making city-states more dynamic and diplomatic victories more challenging, while decreasing the importance of gold when dealing with city-states.

New Scenarios. Three new scenarios will be coming in Civilization V: Gods & Kings. Experience the fall of Rome, explore the medieval era, and my personal favorite: a unique scenario in a Victorian science-fiction setting.

Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog
naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji
je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan,
sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Chief Software Architect
Financial Intelligence Software Ltd.
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6044

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa16.02.2012. u 14:21 - pre 156 meseci

Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog
naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji
je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan,
sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu

Miljan Mitrović
Chief Software Architect
Financial Intelligence Software Ltd.
Passau, Deutschland

Član broj: 17944
Poruke: 6044

+4631 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa05.10.2012. u 09:17 - pre 148 meseci
Jel igra neko novu verziju.

MOram da kazem da je sada prilicno dobro sredjena i izbalansirana, religija je takodje prilicno dobro balansirana i moze dobro da pomogne ako se mudro izaeru verovanja. Spijunaza mi je malo jso uvek bezveze, kao i nemogucnost kupovanja spijuna (sto postaje veoma proeblematicno ako se igra na huge mapi sa puno igraca).
Sloba je za 12 godina promenio antropološki kod srpskog naroda. On je od jednog
naroda koji je bio veseo, pomalo površan, od jednog naroda koji je bio znatiželjan, koji
je voleo da vidi, da putuje, da upozna,
od naroda koji je bio kosmopolitski napravio narod koji je namršten, mrzovoljan,
sumnjicav, zaplašen, narod koji se stalno nešto žali, kome je stalno neko kriv - Z.Đinđić
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 31423
Poruke: 1758

+181 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa05.10.2012. u 16:42 - pre 148 meseci
Igram ja ali izuzetno retko. Jos sam na drugoj igri otkako je izasla ekspanzija.Jednostavno, ne privlaci me toliko kao ranije. A izmene u ekspanziji po meni ne uvode nista revolucionarno. Hteo bih potpuno novo tehnolosko drvo kao i nove polise drustvenog razvoja. Na primer, menadzment kolonije na drugoj planeti ili u drugom, uskom vremenskom periodu.
Kupio sam sve dodatke za Civ5 koji su izasli ali sada stvarno retko igram jer se sve ponavlja.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 70939
Poruke: 2823

+6883 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa04.07.2014. u 08:20 - pre 127 meseci
Kako vam se danas cini Civ V?

Trazim opet neku strategiju koju bih igrao, i vidim po netu da su je svi proglasili najboljom strategijom ikada...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 31423
Poruke: 1758

+181 Profil

icon Re: Civilization V - povratak feniksa04.07.2014. u 10:19 - pre 127 meseci
Možda bi preterano bilo reći "ikada" ali je zanimljiva. Zakrpljena je i poboljšana ali AI nikada nije napravljen da bude preterano bistar. Zna da nervira svojim osudama šta god da uradiš. Recimo, ne postoji način da se sprijateljiš sa nekime i razviješ odnose na višem nivou. Jer kad tad, prijatelj će se okrenuti protiv tebe. Mislim da je u GalCiv 2 AI dosta bolji.
Međutim, igra jeste zanimljiva, pogotovo za one koji su novi u strategijama. Ima dosta pomoći u igri i svako može da krene da igra i usput uči dok kod nekih drugih strategija čovek se namuči samo da krene da igra.

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