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Član broj: 50955
Poruke: 1447

+7 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!18.04.2009. u 23:33 - pre 188 meseci
Sve u svemu - shit.
Ja se kao teshim...

Josh nisam 100% zavistan od interneta.
Valjda netju biti ni do kraja 2012.

Btw, jel' pochela da vam ide na zivce ta godina?
Meni pomalo.
(nije strashno)

Jedna kometa tje da grune u zemlju ili da se spusti,
ili tje led da nas potopi kad se otopi,
ili tje antihrist da opepeli,
li no more free internet....

Jadan taj astroloshki dogadjaj.

Jel' nije mozda 21.12.2012. ?
Ne bi me chudilo da je to tachan datum za end of days of net neutrality.
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!06.05.2009. u 21:44 - pre 187 meseci

Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!07.05.2009. u 13:54 - pre 187 meseci
Continued growth of the 'Net right now is being hampered by the lack of clear enforceable standards on net neutrality. I don't think the country can afford that," Sen. Wyden warned a lunching band of telecom, computer, and software executives during his keynote address. "We've got to make sure that the 'Net is protected from the ever present impulse of companies that would like to take advantage of their position of the middleman to erect poles and barriers for their own benefits.

Senator to FCC: time for black-and-white net neutrality rules

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Marenović Slaviša

Član broj: 85917
Poruke: 1298

+265 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!07.05.2009. u 23:25 - pre 187 meseci
Nikad mi ovako nesto nije palo na pamet. Cenzura u klasicnom smislu, da, ali platiti za pristup sajtu....


Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!13.05.2009. u 13:36 - pre 187 meseci

It seems the vote by the French Assembly is in direct opposition to the European Parliament, which last week passed a measure prohibiting EU governments from terminating a user's Internet access without a court order. The European Parliament also adopted an amendment that said, "Internet access is a fundamental right such as the freedom of expression and the freedom to access information."

The bill passed in France's National Assembly, the lower house of the French Parliament, by a narrow margin of 296 to 233. The legislation essentially creates a new government agency known as HADOPI (the Haute Autorit? pour la Diffusion des Oeuvres et la Protection des droits sur Internet), which will be tasked with sending notices to illegal file sharers.

The way it would work is that suspected offenders would receive two warnings about their illegal activities and on the third suspected offense, their Internet access would be cut off for anywhere from two months to a year. Users will also be put on a "three-strikes" blacklist so that they can't sign up for service from another ISP.

The legislation has proven to be quite controversial in France and throughout the world. It is considered one of the most aggressive digital antipiracy regulations out there, which has helped it win the support of the music and movie industries.

But consumer and free speech advocates have opposed the passage of such legislation, arguing that it denies accused Internet pirates the right to challenge the government's charges in court. Opponents of the legislation also fear that it will pave the way for governments to violate its citizens' personal privacy rights.

France ignores EU and passes antipiracy law

Under the new ‘HADOPI’ legislation ISPs have to warn their customers twice that they are accused of infringing copyright. If both warnings are ignored, Internet access for that subscriber will be terminated for up to a year - and they’ll have to keep paying their ISP bill throughout this period too.

The law goes much further than disconnecting alleged file-sharers though. In addition it is now possible to take “any action” in order to put a halt to copyright infringement. For example, websites can be blocked without having to provide hard evidence that they are engaging in illegal activities. The Pirate Bay has already been mentioned as one of the sites that could be easily taken out under the new law.

France Passes “Three Strikes” Anti-Piracy Law
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!20.05.2009. u 16:22 - pre 186 meseci
The French government, fresh from passing its controversial "three strikes" law to boot repeat file-sharers off the Internet, is now prepping its next assault on online malfeasance. A new bill would legalize government keyloggers, institute ISP censorship of child porn sites, and set up a massive citizen database called Pericles.

Next up for France: police keyloggers and Web censorship

E EU je prihvacen jasan zakon, a ovi Francuzi ne **** zivu silu. :(

Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!04.06.2009. u 22:47 - pre 186 meseci
One UK ISP throttles P2P traffic, uses bandwidth caps, throttles streaming online video, and throttles "heavy users" of the network. The BBC is upset about the effect this has on its iPlayer streaming video service, but really, there are no surprises here. This is what a non-neutral network is allowed to look like.

What a non-neutral 'Net looks like, UK-style

Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon French court savages "three-strikes" law, tosses it out12.06.2009. u 01:49 - pre 186 meseci
France's groundbreaking "three strikes" law that would disconnect repeat Internet file-swappers has been overturned by the country's Constitutional Council. "Innocent until proven guilty" still means something in France.

French court savages "three-strikes" law, tosses it out

[Ovu poruku je menjao Stefan Markic dana 13.06.2009. u 00:16 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Major UK ISP: video streaming\'s "free ride" is over12.06.2009. u 23:07 - pre 186 meseci
One of the UK's largest ISPs says that the "free ride" is over for popular Web services like video streaming, which are building "very profitable business models" by using ISP pipes. In BT's view, it's time for streaming video to pay up for better service.

AT&T boss Ed Whitacre—the new head of General Motorsleveled the same charges at popular websites like Google back in 2005:

How do you think [websites] are going to get to customers? Through a broadband pipe. Cable companies have them. We have them. Now what they would like to do is use my pipes free, but I ain't going to let them do that because we have spent this capital and we have to have a return on it. So there's going to have to be some mechanism for these people who use these pipes to pay for the portion they're using. Why should they be allowed to use my pipes?

Strasno, jbt.

Major UK ISP: video streaming's "free ride" is over
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Top French court rips heart out of Sarkozy internet law13.06.2009. u 12:59 - pre 186 meseci
France's highest court has inflicted an embarrassing blow to President Sarkozy by cutting the heart out of a law that was supposed to put France in the forefront of the fight against piracy on the internet.

The Government insisted today that the HADOPI law would still be put into force, without its censured sections. Ms Albanel, whose job is now on the line, said that the agency would still send warnings to abusers although it was not clear how it would track them. It would then be up to prosecutors and the courts to take action, she said.

Top French court rips heart out of Sarkozy internet law
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Top French Court Declares Internet Access 'Basic Human Right'15.06.2009. u 23:11 - pre 186 meseci
The Constitutional Council declared access to the internet to be a basic human right, directly opposing the key points of Mr Sarkozy's law, passed in April, which created the first internet police agency in the democratic world.

The strongly-worded decision means that Mr Sarkozy's scheme has backfired and inadvertently boosted those who defend the free-for-all culture of the web.

Top French Court Declares Internet Access 'Basic Human Right'
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon France Changes “Three-Strikes” to Judge Ordering Disconnections18.06.2009. u 17:27 - pre 185 meseci
Govt reacts to the country’s Constitutional Council ruling that the “free communication of thoughts” for which the Internet is essential can only be curtailed by trial and not by order of govt agency.
Last week the the French govt’s “three-strikes” plan to disconnect accused file-sharers from the Internet suffered a shocking defeat at the hands of the country’s top court, the Constitutional Council, which ruled the law unconstitutional.

Last week the the French govt’s “three-strikes” plan to disconnect accused file-sharers from the Internet suffered a shocking defeat at the hands of the country’s top court, the Constitutional Council, which ruled the law unconstitutional.

France Changes “Three-Strikes” to Judge Ordering Disconnections
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Internet still the leading source for news18.06.2009. u 17:30 - pre 185 meseci
NEW YORK -- The Internet is by far the most popular source of information and the preferred choice for news ahead of television, newspapers and radio, according to a new poll in the U.S.

But just a small fraction of U.S. adults considered social Web sites such as Facebook and MySpace as a good source of news and even fewer would opt for Twitter.

More than half of the people questioned in the Zogby Interactive survey said they would select the Internet if they had to choose only one source of news, followed by 21% for television and 10% for both newspapers and radio.

Only 10% described social Web sites as an important for news, and despite the media buzz about Twitter, only 4% would go to it for information.

The Internet was also selected as the most reliable source of news by nearly 40% of adults, compared with 17% who opted for television and 16% who selected newspapers and 13% for listened to the radio.

Internet still the leading source for news
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Record biz tries suing Irish ISPs into submission24.06.2009. u 01:11 - pre 185 meseci
The major music labels are committed to the idea of graduated response, but they aren't wedded to any particular method of implementation. In France, disconnecting repeated online copyright infringers has been pushed by legislation. In the US, the RIAA wants ISPs to sign up to a voluntary scheme. But in Ireland, the "sue-them-into-doing-what-we-want" school of thought has triumphed.

Record biz tries suing Irish ISPs into submission

Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!29.06.2009. u 02:58 - pre 185 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!10.09.2009. u 02:09 - pre 183 meseci

Chinese Internet regulations
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!04.10.2009. u 16:24 - pre 182 meseci

Izvinjavam se sto kasnim sa update-om.
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!22.10.2009. u 15:41 - pre 181 meseci
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 50955
Poruke: 1447

+7 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!22.10.2009. u 16:06 - pre 181 meseci

Ok, sada pošto smo apsolvirali svi da će to da se desi,
a budi siguran da 90% korisnika ES-a posećuje YouTube,
gde ima mnogo video klipova na tu temu,
šta ti nama predlažeš da se radi po tom pitanju?

Imaš li neku SVOJU ideju?
Kako to sprečiti?

Postavljanjem linkova na ovaj način,
nećeš postići ništa.

Uzmi i otvori jedan new text document i prenesi svoju ideju na taj dokument.
Sastavi ga lepo, izdvoji vremena koliko god treba.
Kada završiš, prenesi na ES sa tog dokumenta tvoje zapisane ideje i ako ima logike,
ja ću prvi da te podržim.

Budi lider, što da ne.


Ima samo da dočekamo da se to što niko normalan ne želi,
zapravo i dogodi.
Odgovor na temu

Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
Poruke: 759

+73 Profil

icon Re: Kraj Interneta 2012: Komercijalizacija pristupa sajtovima!!!02.07.2010. u 13:53 - pre 173 meseci
Čuveni britanski dnevnik “The Times” počeo je da naplaćuje svoj sadržaj na Internetu za jednu funtu dnevno, ili dve funte nedeljno, ukoliko se čitaoci odluče za pretplatu. Međutim, od uvođenja sistema naplate, poseta Tajmsovom sajtu pala je za 60 odsto, navodi BBC.

"Tajms" naplaćuje sadržaj na Internetu, poseta pala 60 odsto
The Times website no longer free
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